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Yea, no kidding. I could have ice skated down my driveway this morning. My truck had ~3 inches on it.


On the way in to the office, I counted about 6 cars on the sides of the road within a 2 mile stretch... It was pretty sweet.


Glad I moved to Texas.

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When I retired from the Air Force I was a recruiter in Grand Forks ND......One of my friends was retiring at the same time from the Air Base,,,,,I ask him..."Where are ya heading Jeff"? He said, ...."See that snow plow on the front of my F-250"? I said "Ya,,,what about it"? He said, " I'm gonna drive straight south,,,,I'll stop when someone asks me what the h##L is that on the front of your truck"? "That's where I'm gonna retire". I wonder if he still has that plow on the truck?:confused07:


Renne,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,(still have my plow truck):cold:

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Well, I live in Michigan and we had 10 inches dumped on us. I worked in Arizona last winter and fell in love with the weather. If I could just get my wife to leave this state!!! But then again, why leave a state with 15% unemployement?



I have been in Texas now for 2 and a half years - I can handle these FEW days of snow/ice now and then. I moved here after 4 years in Marquette, MI (in the U.P.). The last april I was in marquette we had 60" of snow in 2.5 days. That was enough for me do be done with that junk. I also lived in Brighton, MI (actually my parents are still there now) and that was better than the UP in terms of snow, but there were many more icy days (since the temperatures were closer to the freezing point) - so either way, I am happy to be in Texas.

Enjoy that snow for us up there :thumbsup2:

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