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Cell Phone Suggestions


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OK, my 15 y.o. daughter has distroyed 2 'el cheepo' LG AT&T freebe cell phones. The first was just barely replaced under warantee, but now the warantee has expired and the second is hanging on by a thread. She's a texting machine. I've looked at Ebay, but don't trust the sellers. She's also not eligible for some type of phone upgrade until next november thru AT&T. I don't know squat about all these new gizmo cells available on the market, and wonder if anyone could suggest a model that won't break the bank, and that's good to use with texting??? HELP.....!!!

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Guest human4m

Honestly, an old-school Nokia (aka Zack-Morris phone) would be the most rugged. The newer phones are P.O.S.


She won't like the way it looks, but at least she'll be in contact!



Check Craigslist too, there's normally someone selling phones on there.


Oh- Get insurance on the new phone, it's worth it!

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Wal Mart has those Trac phones pretty cheap and will tide her over till she learns to take better care of her phone. It's nothing fancy but its still a good Comm Link.


Boomer.....who thinks teens should be talking instead of texting....and cleaning their own rooms too.

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Guest Oldsalt

How do you get service WITHOUT a Service Contract?


I don't like dealing with them either but didn't know you could get phone service without the contract. As you can surmise, cell phones are a necessity but not my passion.



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AT&T would prefer you not know this......


You can purchase one of their brand new prepaid phones (Go Phone), stick in the SIM card from your daughter's phone and she's good to go.


Their low end prepaid phones are often on sale for under $30.

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AT&T would prefer you not know this......


You can purchase one of their brand new prepaid phones (Go Phone), stick in the SIM card from your daughter's phone and she's good to go.


Their low end prepaid phones are often on sale for under $30.



sounds like someone has done this before, and is most likely the best way and cheepest to do. and buy the way my moneys on the kid to wear out another phone. I don't get the texting thing, much easyer to use the phone, but what do we know just ask any kid and they say we are old and need to learn new things

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If Texting is her main thing, you might wanna check out T-Mobile's SideKick Slide. This is "The Thing" in the deaf world! That is all they do with them. This is what my deaf son has. The set itself is fairly expensive, around $300.00, but T-Mobile offers an unlimited text, internet and email for about $40.00/ month for the sidekick. That does not include any voice calls. Since he has no need for voice, we have that turned off.

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How do you get service WITHOUT a Service Contract?


I don't like dealing with them either but didn't know you could get phone service without the contract. As you can surmise, cell phones are a necessity but not my passion.




Over the years I have gone for a long time after a contract time expired, but the package was still in effect. The contract time just means you would have to pay to cancel the phone if there is time left. I have also bought phones off ebay several times and never had a problem, even though one did have a battery that was marginal, but I ordered a battery for $2.95 free shipping and that took care of that.

The trick with ebay phones is to make sure a phone is compatable with your service. As in get a Verizon phone if that is your carrier and just take it by the store and they will activate it and deactivate your old phone. Remember, they want to keep your business.

The only reason I am under contract now is my future ex 's phone tore up and she insisted on getting a new phone, so I did also. So, now I am stuck with the contract for about 2 more years, but I wont be stuck with her.


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Another thought is that the 'authorized repair' centers usually have a stock of used phones used for spare parts. Sometimes, if you talk to the right person, you can get one of those. It might not be the best phone in the world, but if it works and is free, it is better than nothing.


If all else fails she can text message this way:






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My son went through several Motorola Razrs, and he really wasn't that rough on them.. Every time he had to send it back for warranty repair he would put his sim card in his old Nokia 6110 to get by with which still worked fair after he had it in his pocket when he was thrown into a pool at a party. Now he has a Nokia 5310, he wants a fancier one but it works fine, and has an MP3 player in it. But he is old enough now if he wants a better phone he need to buy it himself.

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How do you get service WITHOUT a Service Contract?


I don't like dealing with them either but didn't know you could get phone service without the contract. As you can surmise, cell phones are a necessity but not my passion.




Once the original contract runs out the service just continues until you upgrade your phone, then it's another 2 years. Buy a better unlocked phone and stick in the simms, and you're good to go without a contract. My last Nokia got wet, and I must admit I bought another basic model off Ebay, and stuck in the card. Eventually they.. i guess... pinged the phone and picked up the new model and changed the account to reflect the new equipment. I really don't care about all the glitzy features. Just the basics. I did find a NIB Nokia the same as mine in... pink..natch... for $69.95 on Ebay that I'm going to toss a bid at. I feel much more comfortable buying NOS then some refurb or used phone.

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