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Prayers & crossed fingers please


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Good Luck Bob.


I am hoping for the best for you. Life has it's ups and downs and I hope you are on your way skyward.


The economy is a fickle thing in the last year and I for one am very greatfull to be back at work.


I wish all the best for you.



God's speed.



aka Bubber

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I can't thank all of you enough for your prayers and well wishes. Once again life proves that prayers can make a difference. I went for the interview this afternoon with your prayers, well wishes, thoughts and advice at heart. Although I did not polish my forehead in fear of blinding someone with by shiney bald scalp. But, I did make sure it was scrubed, my finger nails clean and my ear, nose and mustach hair neatly trimed, tie tied right and groomed for success.


All of the foregoing must have worked because I was officially offered the job at $20,000 more a year then I was prepared to accept, with full benefits, 401 k and employement enducements suitable for grown people with a serious job. All of which subject to satisfactory results from the drug screening test and background check. Which I'm not concerned about. Unless caffine from my morning's coffee counts against me.


Tentatively, I will be starting next week and am looking forward to getting back to work in the real world and away from daytime TV. In fear of being too mushy and melodramtic I will refrain from describing my emotions at this time.


All I can say is thank you for your prayers and support. Proving once again that this is an awesome group of family and friends and My God is an awesome God.


Your Friend Bob

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That is Awesome Bob! My wife lost a $45,000 a year job a week and a half ago so we are scrambling to get things in order,not doing to good so far but we have made it with less before. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord.

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That is Awesome Bob! My wife lost a $45,000 a year job a week and a half ago so we are scrambling to get things in order,not doing to good so far but we have made it with less before. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away, blessed be the name of the Lord.

My prayers are with you and your family. Hope things work out for you as well.

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Bob I read your post about getting the job. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!


ALL I CAN SAY IS I know how you feel. I was pretty chocked up reading your post remembering when I heard they offered me my present job. It feels like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders and you can't possible say thanks enough to everyone who was rooting for you and above all that God was watching out for you.


Bless you BOB and many happy years in your new job.



God's speed my friend. God's speed!



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Bob I read your post about getting the job. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!


ALL I CAN SAY IS I know how you feel. I was pretty chocked up reading your post remembering when I heard they offered me my present job. It feels like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders and you can't possible say thanks enough to everyone who was rooting for you and above all that God was watching out for you.


Bless you BOB and many happy years in your new job.



God's speed my friend. God's speed!



Thanks Steve,

That means a lot.


It's hard to describe how I feel right now but the feeling of relief you described is certainly a part of it. I just woke up from a dream and could not go back to sleep. Of course I was dreaming about the job, not the money so much or how much landing the job would mean for my economic health. I was dreaming about how the people I would come in contact with in this job would impact me and how I had the opportunity to impact them. I don't think the warm fuzzy feeling I woke up with was due to the bed covers or comforter.

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:sign yeah that::sign yeah that::sign yeah that::wow::wow::wow::wow::ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_awesome-vi46644


From :Walter and Wes

Thank you Walter and tell Wes thanks from me as well. I hope that ya'll are doing well. My Aunt was over the other day and during our visit I showed her the Vogel video. She really enjoyed it and was quite moved and entertained.
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Bob, hopefully they'll see that the desire you have for the job will match how good you'll be for them as an employee. Make sure you polish the forehead and scrape the fingernails! Go in relaxed, and they'll see you're the best man. Good luck.

Thanks Swifty I went in looking good, smelling good and feeling good and it worked.:banana:

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As a man who could lay his heart and soul out to this group of wonderful people, I KNOW you are a soul man, one who touches the lives of others. And when you speak, your voice has a song in it, meaning your pitches change reflecting the meaning of what you are saying deep down within yourself.


I am a retired nursing home adm, adm of retirement full care communities and CEO of the same in several corporations. I hold a masters in health care adm, and none of this is to brag; retired, don't need to do that.


I've hired for your positition many times, and the ones who had 'heart' and cared for the folks around them won, and served the agency (s) very well.


For folks retired, in critical and in between care, in specialized units ... NOTHING crumbles the professional programs staff surround them with like an enviromental service set up and program that crumbles. You are the foundation in your new job to allow all professional and staff services and programs to succeed. Your words tell me you know this, and your knowledge of this makes me wish you could be working with me at a corporate level. That's over now for me, but it was a joy beyond words. The Lord was good to me, and he is now good to you, as you will be towards all others.


Congratulations. Yup, prayers helped. But your quality heart and soul tied the knot of your being hired. Now sleep well, ... when you can in the midst of your joy!




:bagpipes-emoticon::2133::smile5::mo money::banana::draming::bighug::cool10::detective::whistling::dancefool::thumbsup2::Venture::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::clap2::happy65::ice_congrats-vi6886:ice_awesome-vi46644:sign outstanding::You_Rock_Emoticon::sign woo hoo::sign green with env:1hotsht::wow::7_6_3[1]::bagpipes-emoticon:

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As a man who could lay his heart and soul out to this group of wonderful people, I KNOW you are a soul man, one who touches the lives of others. And when you speak, your voice has a song in it, meaning your pitches change reflecting the meaning of what you are saying deep down within yourself.


I am a retired nursing home adm, adm of retirement full care communities and CEO of the same in several corporations. I hold a masters in health care adm, and none of this is to brag; retired, don't need to do that.


I've hired for your positition many times, and the ones who had 'heart' and cared for the folks around them won, and served the agency (s) very well.


For folks retired, in critical and in between care, in specialized units ... NOTHING crumbles the professional programs staff surround them with like an enviromental service set up and program that crumbles. You are the foundation in your new job to allow all professional and staff services and programs to succeed. Your words tell me you know this, and your knowledge of this makes me wish you could be working with me at a corporate level. That's over now for me, but it was a joy beyond words. The Lord was good to me, and he is now good to you, as you will be towards all others.


Congratulations. Yup, prayers helped. But your quality heart and soul tied the knot of your being hired. Now sleep well, ... when you can in the midst of your joy!




:bagpipes-emoticon::2133::smile5::mo money::banana::draming::bighug::cool10::detective::whistling:


:ice_awesome-vi46644:sign outstanding::You_Rock_Emoticon::sign woo hoo::sign green with env:1hotsht:



I don't think we have met before But I am looking forward to the opportunity when we will. With your experience your insight and advice means a lot.


I have been a professional facility/property/maintenance manager since the seventies and have been involved with all types of facilities and building usages from Multi-family, office, retail, college campuses, churches, schools, hospitals and airports. Early in my career I took pride in positive impact I made on the facility as result of my efforts. But, in time and I guess with some maturity, I realized that it was more about the impact on the people who lived, worked and passed through those structures. The impact on those people as a result of the environment that I helped create and maintain.


I'm looking forward to this job and consider it an honor and priveledge to be entrusted with the "Environment of Care" of this facility so that I may be able to touch the lives of the people that live, work and pass through it.


The answer to your earlier question is 54.


Thank you for you kind words and support.


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Now Squid,





Don't be modest. I know your older than 25 and have been honing your BS degree longer than that.




That is how long I have been professionally pursueing the degree

Very good to hear you got the job, I hope it's everything you want and need it to be :thumbsup2:

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