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I Just completed the install on the addition of the two extra lights

on the rear of my Hannigan like 1-UP and B2DAD had done, show here.


It is a great addition to the trike and really lights up the rear even more.

even looks like they belong in that spot.


My FYI is that I noticed when taking the Adapters apart is how much dirt

came out of them. So when I added the new lights I made two "Y" Adapters

that I picked up at the computer store, as Hannigan uses the same connectors

for that connection. I blew the dirt out of the original connectors cleaned them up

and added die-electric grease on all the parts then connected the (y) adapters,

then added silicon sealer to the top and bottom of all the wires going into each connector. Not sure if I ever would have noticed this if not adding the additional lights

in the future. but seems it could be a problem of corrosion in the future. even if your not adding the extra lights I would check them and seal them a little better, Just my 2cents worth. (these connectors are the type that would be on your power supply in you computer) They had a strange look when I told them at the computer store I needed them for my motorcycle :D

Happy Triking,


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