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Got out hospital last night because health care nurse was supposed to come over this morning and change dressing and teach me how to give myself shots. Found out I'm a full blown diabetic while I was in there. Well she finally called me around 1:00 today and asked me if I had everything for her to come out. I told her I was told she would have it. She told me I needed to have "all that crap" before she got there tonight at 8:00pm. So I quit taking my pain pills so they would where off, so I could drive to the RX and get all the "crap" I needed. Not supposed to drive but need shots and dressing changed. All these Michigan Women getting paid by Obama to go to school and do this stuff has HUGE attitudes. In the Hospital they would bring meals and set the tray against the wall and leave. I was strapped in a bed so I couldn't move so I couldn't move to get tray and eat. WASN'T THEIR JOB. So they would come get the FULL tray and leave. Nights was Ok they were real nurses and would help without asking but during the day it's full of people that have to work to get their F.I.A. checks but do not want to be there. Do I sound pi$$ed, YES. Doctors and RN's coming in and telling you what they need to do and the helpers leave you laying in your own blood and drainage for two days. THEN the infectious disease doctor coming in and lecturing you on keeping clean. Yes by all means let the goverment FIX health care. Oh that $1290.00 brace that took 1 1/2 months to get? They took one look and said thats not the right type and will not work. Now Physical therpy tried for over an hour and the brace would not work. They called a different company, the guy came in, measured, was back in the morning with the perfect brace. Of course medicade only pays for one brace every 5 years. Calling medicade in morning telling them about other brace and if other company won't give me my $389.00 co-pay back then a court we are a going. On the bright side I'm still alive, my balls a swollen up so big (they don't know why) I can't set on the crapper without pissing everywhere in the process. Now I'm going to take a hand full of Vicodin 750's and check out for awhile. Sorry for any discrepancy with my language or political connotations but I think health care was better when people were there because they wanted to be there instead of having to be there to get a government check. Skydoc, can't wait to see you, gotta ride.

Rant done, time to go to la-la land.





Wow, my fingers went on quite a rant. Health Care nurse just left and it wasn't the same one I talked to earlier and all went well. Thanks for the words and prayers.



Take a deep breath.......Now things will get better. Your distressed because of that cold Michigan weather! Hey...at least you will be able to ride this summer! I remember when you had a hard time coming to our house last year, so you will be better, at some point!:banana: Just take it easy! If you have any questions pertaining to diabetes, give me a call, and I'll help you out any way I can! And remember....we still have you in our thoughts and prayers daily!:bighug:


Holy Cow Karl!

You could have come here and I would have treated you twice as bad...FOR HALF THE PRICE!!! By the way, no copays here at "the little shop by the creek"! When you are feeling a bit better, please feel free to come for a visit. both Jean and I look forward to having you come. Hang in there, I am sure you will be feeling better in no time at all.

(especially when you get to ride again!) When was the last time you saw a motorcycle parked in front of a Psychologist office!?!?

Earl and Jean


At least your home my friend, small concellation, but it's better than being in the hospital. Sending all the good vibes I can your way, were thinking of you daily buddy, be safe and we'll see you soon



don't blame Obama. Those problems were there long before he came on the scene. You are dealing with a for profit health care plan. We are getting some of the same problems here now that the health providers have been privatized. I am glad everything is finally working out for you. Hang in there, from now on it can only get better.


Got in touch of the company that made the back brace that couldn't be used. Said they would have to review the case tomorrow and would get back to me on what they decide. Say it will take 4-6 weeks to get my money back if they approve it. They act like it's my fault the hospital didn't call them to make one that worked. Figure if they refuse to pay me back I'll call medicare and tell them and then go to court to get my money back.

As far as back goes, lots of pain and hard to get around.

Just got called back already, they refused because it was a custom order back brace and they were not given a chance to make it right. Got to start making some phone calls.

Things going a little rough with the diabetic insulin, giving me the shakes and blured vision.

Thanks all......Karl





Take things slowly Karl. Seems you have lots of changes to cope with. It's not fun being laid up is it??



AND ON A LIGHTER NOTE.................................


If you have the shakes maybe you should put a plastic bag over your "water works" when going to the loo :crackup::crackup:

And mind how you go with your "canaka's" when you sit down :yikes:

Gotta look after the "boys" you know :rasberry::rotf::rotf:




Look on the bright side, now you can tell everyone that "your boys" HUGEEEEEEEEE :happy34:


I'm not real close, but if you need a hand with anything in the spring, i'm sure i could arrange to come out there, my parents still live in clio.

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