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I'm goin' BIG TIME!!!!

big mike

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Well I guess since I decided to keep my 99, I might as well go for broke! This year all I planned to do was put on a new ignition switch, and 4 new intake manifolds. BUT....as most of us Venture riders know, it never stops with just this or just that. So I have decided to buy a head set, a gps unit, the ignition switch, 4 intake manifolds and get this.....A TRAILER! But....not just any trailer....a custom built to my specs trailer. All aluminum framework, aluminum diamond plate lids, aluminum flatstock walls d/a'ed for a nice look. The trailer is 4' long by 3' wide by 3' deep for the storage portion. But in front of the storage portion will be a 1' by 3' cooler with a lid that opens seperate from the back. It will have double walls with insulation in between them and a built in drain on the bottom. I'm STOKED! the plans are being drawn up on a computer program today, and my uncle will be starting on the production before spring. He works for a company that customizes fire trucks, so he likes to do some little projects for fun, and we have been kicking around this idea for about a year. I'll be sure to put up some pics when we get it underway!



Will look very similar to the top two pics in this page http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://allstartrailers.com/images/mct_and_mctxl_motorcycle_trailers2.jpg&imgrefurl=http://allstartrailers.com/Motorcycle_Trailers.html&usg=__dIsVkBlOWrvx9VwmjYusculAzO4=&h=1944&w=2592&sz=1317&hl=en&start=20&um=1&tbnid=VmypOopCxBGwBM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dmotorcycle%2Btrailers%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1



YEE HA!!!:banana::big-grin-emoticon::mo money:

Big Mike

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