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Describe Normal........


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Well,,,,"Owning a bike" is "Normal". Been trying to explain this to my wife and she is just about to understand that owning two bikes is "Very Normal". Now I am working out a plan to get her to understand and accept that having three bikes is "Super Normal". Not sure it is gonna work though. Wish me luck!

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Well,,,,"Owning a bike" is "Normal". Been trying to explain this to my wife and she is just about to understand that owning two bikes is "Very Normal". Now I am working out a plan to get her to understand and accept that having three bikes is "Super Normal". Not sure it is gonna work though. Wish me luck!


:080402gudl_prv: :080402gudl_prv: :080402gudl_prv: :080402gudl_prv:

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Well,,,,"Owning a bike" is "Normal". Been trying to explain this to my wife and she is just about to understand that owning two bikes is "Very Normal". Now I am working out a plan to get her to understand and accept that having three bikes is "Super Normal". Not sure it is gonna work though. Wish me luck!



What ?? Only three Bikes ?? ??



I got four Bikes and my Wife doesn't even think about it ... :fingers-crossed-emo:fingers-crossed-emo:thumbsup2::thumbsup2::whistling::whistling:

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Normal is what we all are compared to each other. See normal is relative, but not necessarily your actual relatives. Just the folks you're around. Which is relative in proximity instead of blood relatives. Just to clarify.

Hope that helps.

See me I'm totally normal. Oh Jonas having three bikes is almost normal Muffinman has 6. So this should give you something to shoot for. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:




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Normal is what we all are compared to each other. See normal is relative, but not necessarily your actual relatives. Just the folks you're around. Which is relative in proximity instead of blood relatives. Just to clarify.

Hope that helps.

See me I'm totally normal. Oh Jonas having three bikes is almost normal Muffinman has 6. So this should give you something to shoot for. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:





Well Margaret - You are the most normal woman I have ever met !

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Normal is what we all are compared to each other. See normal is relative, but not necessarily your actual relatives. Just the folks you're around. Which is relative in proximity instead of blood relatives. Just to clarify.

Hope that helps.

See me I'm totally normal. Oh Jonas having three bikes is almost normal Muffinman has 6. So this should give you something to shoot for. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:





Mini,,,,I "BELIEVE" you and my Cookie are right on "NORMAL",,,18 yrs ago she said,"Ok I'll marry you but the first thing we do is "I" pay off your motorcycle" I had been looking for a "NORMAL" woman for a long time! :178:

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There is no such thing as normal. For people anyway.

In order for a person to be "normal", they must first have some sort of abnormality. But if a person has an abnormality, then by definition of the word, can not be normal.


I see the word "normal", as more of an oxymoron or a paradox.


Description of "normal" - American Heritage Dictionary


Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type; typical

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