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I'm Back Again.....

Aussie Annie

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I'm so glad you're home and back here with the family. Now ya know it really hasn't been the same around here without you. There's certain members that need to be keep in line and we need all the help we can get to achieve that. I won't mention the guys but I'm sure you can figure out which ones I'm talking about. So you have lots to do on here to keep you busy while you heal.

We love ya and missed ya while you were gone.





WE KNOW WHICH ONES NEED TO BE KEPT IN LINE!!!:sign yeah that: Glad To see You back GIRL!!


You getting better TV reception now??:whistling:



Take it easy for a while and give it a chance to heal.

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Now that your home you can quit all that fooling around you been up to. LOL

So glad to hear you back and that it is just a matter of time before you dancing the jig again. :dancefool::dancefool::dancefool:

Good speed my friend and dang becarfull will ya!


aka Steve

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Yeah WE know who WE are............:innocent:


Boomer.....who's used to seeing his picture on the Post Office wall and don't give a hoot anyhow.:crackup: :crackup:



Well with you leaving for a couple of weeks it'll just end up the "B" show instead of the "B&B" show. :crackup::crackup::crackup::crackup:Ya know we wouldn't have you fella's any other way. :whistling: We'd be afraid of what we'd get otherwise. :rotf::rotf:



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Glad to have you back Annie. Sorry about your leg though, but hope things improve quickly for you. P/S my aunt had one leg that would no longer bend because they put a steel pin right in the knee. Never slowed her down much, she even still rides a bicycle al over the place. So best of luck Annie


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What, no pictures of your new rig? Sheesh... :stickpoke::stickpoke::rasberry:


Seriously, Glad you are home and sounds like things are going okay, under the circumstances anyways.


I hope that your recovery is as speedy and painless as possible.


Take it easy down there, :happy34:

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Here we are in the U S of A Safety Chroming our bikes and you Aussies are Safety Chroming body parts. Is this a FAD that you all will hope that catches on ? Body piercing is one thing, but rings with wires into the bone ?? Just kiddin Gal, Hope all goes well with the healing prossess and your back on your feet soon. Prayers still going up.

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So that you can understand a bit better what the fixator looks like, here are a couple of pics for you.

(hope they don't upset anyone)

The unusual shape on the leg is where they put a muscle out of my upper back into the leg to create the calf area again.

LilBeaver....pics as requested.

Hey Snaggletooth.....only got powdercoat :bawling: and a cover to go around it when I go out...... but at least that's "blue" like my quike!!

(white tape is on to cover the sharp edges of the wire!! so I don't get cut by them)

Edited by Aussie Annie
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Hey Annie Glad to see you back. I have been on here reading and trying to kept up with everyone. Thanks for Helping Mini and Cindy. Havn't been doing my part. Hope the leg gets to where you can ride soon. Don't give up. Look at Yammer and what he has been through with his leg and he's still riding. Sending hugs across the pond to ya.:bighug:

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