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Posted (edited)

It seems most states are considering medical pot and a few legalization.

I am not a future customer because I have enough trouble remembering where my keys are and I never want to listen to the Beatles White album again.


I have been in public safety for 30+ years and honestly, after going to 1000's of medical calls, I cannot remember a single call as a result of marijuana usage. Although I have gone to vehicle accidents with pot involved, trust me though... nothing causes as many accidents as cell phones and texting.

We go to calls every day for all other sorts of drugs including alcohol.

We have a very big prison here and I would estimate 20% of the inmates were incarcerated for a 2nd or more pot offense. It seems to me not all these people need to be in prison.

What do you think



Edited by qdude

Having "been there, done that",,,,,I find, unless the law dictates different, I'll try to keep my RSV within the speed limits,,,,,,that's my "HIGH",,,,!


Renne :whistling:


I have always been against illegal drug use but the older I get the more I think we should legalize all of it and tax it. The money that is flowing into countries like Mexico is causing a lot of trouble when it could be doing a lot of good here. Let the idiots fry their brains. A while back the Mexicans raided a high up cartel member and he got killed. One of the soldiers was also killed. Usually the soldiers aren't identified because of fear of retribution. The dead soldier was identified. The drug cartel went in and killed his whole family.


What a joke, war on drugs. They have been saying that for over 40 YEARS.

Anybody can buy drugs to get high legally or illegally if that is their directed intention.

Drugs fund criminal organizations and have created a enormous penal industry that employees more than 1 million workers in the US, one off our largest employers. If we decriminalized drugs and taxed it would solve some problems and create others.

Marijuana is addictive to some, regardless of claims, but the actual physical affects are really quite benign.

Other than the lost souls who get addicted to using this stuff constantly and the people who will drive while using, I don't see as much down side as keeping the status quo.

US drug citizens are funding a Mexican Mafia destroying that country and exporting all their criminal elements here, where the money is.

Legalizing meth, coke, and heroin .... that is just too much to stomach.


I've been clean/sober for over 19 yrs. It's ironic that when I wasn't, I desperately wanted what I now have! Funny how that works huh?


Renne,,,,,,,,:doh:,,,,,,,,,,it's a matter of choices!


You can get medicinal pot in Canada but it is grown under government licence so it is pretty pathetic stuff. Years ago I applied to join the police force. I got called in for an interview and decided to be honest. They asked what I thought of pot. I told them it should be legalized and subject to all the restrictions, regulations and taxes that apply to alcohol. This would undermine the drug trade, and once you demystify it the kids would not be so interested. They asked what I thought of hash. I told them it was better than pot and should be treated the same as pot. They asked what I thought of hard drugs ( coke, heroin, etc) I told them to put the users in rehab and take the dealers out into the woods and shoot them. I did mention that my drugs of choice were single malt scotch and Jamesons Irish. I figured I had no chance but I got called back for three more interviews. Seems the cops on the front lines are much more practical than the politicians.


I think right now pot is illegal, don't see that it makes much sense to have laws that are not enforced unless the only ones we don't enforce are the ones that I don't like. Thinking there are as many opinions on drugs as there are people, in my opinion they are either legal or not. I don't always have agree with the law, but I do have to respect it or pay the price.


May just be me, but I do not believe we should have ever made a naturally growing plant illegal. Coke, meth, heroin....that crap you actually have to "produce". Marijuana, you can literally pick a leaf off the plant, eat it and get a buzz...


the legalization of pot is a long time over due. Taking into consideration of how much congress is searching for money for this new fangled health care plan, they would have a surplus if they just legalize it & tax the crap out of it.:happy34:


When a law loses the support of the majority of the population a general disregard for the law occurs as in the '20's and '30's with prohibition of alcohol. It gave rise to the organized crime we are still dealing with today.

The so called war on drugs has given rise to the drug gangs that are ravaging our cities today. Look at Mexico. 64 murders in one day!

I can't believe in this day and age, with everything the baby boomers have done that we are still putting people in jail for a weed! I don't know of one documented case of death by pot overdose. Dozens die every day of acute alcohol poisoning, hundreds from chronic alcoholism. Where is the logic?

Some will call pot a gateway drug that leads to harder drugs. That's bs. Most people use alcohol before they ever smoke pot. Alcohol is the gateway drug.

We are releasing child molesters and violent criminals for lack of prison space and incarcerating drug offenders. Where is the logic?

One of the largest cash crops in the US goes untaxed and unregulated while we drown in debt and family farms go out of business. Where is the logic?

Cancer patients, those with terminal disease and chronic severe pain are denied a natural nearly side effect free medicine that could relieve their suffering. Where is the logic?


Rant off.:scorched:


I have to agree with royalstarjac. I may need friends to do a intervention on me. Ive been getting all jacked up on Spinach lately. Now before ya judge me-- I know that its dangerous and just plain weird, but it feels so good!! :yikes::smile5::yikes::smile5::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:


Told the doctor I was on a diet, he said what have ya ate today? I said nothin but a can of spinach. He looked at me a lil weird and said Is that the Popeye Diet??


Used to work in a restaurant once. Girl told me that it's not illegal if you aren't caught. I really couldn't say anything to that. Same girl would pass out in her parents lawn (underage drinking) and parents would just let her stay there all night.

Posted (edited)
... Alcohol is the gateway drug.


Actually it's the milk. Every criminal on the face of the planet used milk prior to becoming a criminal, so obviously...


Hey, it's the government's official argument. Who am I to argue just because it's a textbook example of "Post hoc ergo propter hoc" straight out of Logic 101. I guess they all slept through that class.

Edited by Bummer
Testing Wikipedia linking bug

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