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The fact that days of remembrance have never been included is bad enough. Too many people have forgot already and need to be reminded. But to then put a muslim holiday where one SHOULD have been just pushed my button. It's just more of the erosion of America.


No, I don't have a problem with the muslim religion, or any religion, but we are at war with radical muslims and I have no personal knowledge of any muslims denouncing the radicals actions. This I have a problem with.


I could go on but I can get pretty passionate about this stuff. Probably best that I just let it go.

It's gona be in the 50s Thursday and Friday and I'm nearly done with the house. I feel a ride coming on. :cool10:


Many Many Many Muslims, Islamc leaders and Muslim communities have denounced the actions by terrorists. The problem is that's not "big enough news" for FOX news and CNN to make it to the screen. They're too busy showing off their touch screen TV's for the weather forcast.


And if you want to be technical, The "Muslim New Year" is actually an ancient holliday that used to be celebrated by both the Jews and the Christians WAAAAY before Islam came into. It's when Abraham was told by God to show his faith to him. He was supposed to slaughter his son, Ismael. Instead, God sent a lamb to replace Ismael.


As we know, that was even before Christ. Most of the religions in the middle east still celebrate that holy day. It's just that here in the U.S. with our animal cruelty B.S. we stopped doing these "crazy" religious rituals. We are too busy hiding eggs and leaving milk out for Santy-Clause.


I honestly think Publix just put that day on the calendar because they knew they were going to get an influx of orders.

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