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This whole thing is embarrassing to tell, but it is the truth. Yesterday, at the school where I work, the staff was worried to death about the possible snow storm that was headed our way. The prediction was the by 4 AM the snow would start and probably by noon on Thursday there would be 2 inches of snow. Then by the afternoon we would have a possible 3 to 5 inches of snow! The teachers were constantly asking about the weather reports. The problem with this is the community where our schools are located, the people get frantic about SNOW. Which we jokingly call the WHITE DEATH!

I am off school today because of the snow. The issue is, if we had had school the parents would have been angry because we had put their children in danger. The timing of the storm was the problem too, it was supposed to get gradually worse as the day went on. So at the time of dismissal at 4PM the road conditions could have been very bad. So not knowing how this was going to turn out, the administrators canceled school. Of course, it was not just our school district, all across the surrounding Cincinnati communities schools were closed because of the weather. I also suppose the below freezing temps, had something to do with this decision.

I guess my questions are there other towns who get so crazy about the snow. I do of course, blame the weather people. They seem to promote this sort of behavior.

Yama Mama:snow2::snow2::snow::snow::feedback:


2 inches of snow in Atlanta is a disaster. In fact, just the mention of snow causes havok.

They have predicted UP TO 2 inches for this afternoon/tonight and schools have already let out early.

I'm looking out my office window at very very small snow flakes falling. By the time I get off at five, traffic will be grid locked. There wont be a loaf of bread or a gallon of milk on the store shelfs. It's nut's.


I will trade you approximately 20 inches we have here for what you got. I hate winter. We had quite a "fun" time over Christmas weekend, blizzard and very cold temps. I hate winter. We are forcasted to hit -25 F tonight with Wind Chill around -40F. I hate winter.




P.S., Have I mentioned that I HATE WINTER!


I live in Jonesboro which is on the south side of Atlanta ( a Atlanta suburb) and the snow is not even suppose to get bad until around 6 pm with little or no accumulation and the schools where scheduled to close today around noon and they scheduled it yesterday. Go figure.


I am sitting on the side of the road right now in sw minnesota. About a foot of snow fell last night and now we have up to 40 mph wind gusts. Whiteout conditions and 2 foot drifts on the highway. The school annoucements last night were '' 2 hours late''. Maybe we should switch school administrators.


It's kinda funny how folks react in different areas. Here in central Mn, a 2" to 5" is a nuisance snow. When I was stationed in Arkansas 1+ shut the roads down. Upper Mich. see's catastrophic blizzards and the folks just bail out...amazing! Here, parents get upset if school is called off for such a small amount. Of course, we have the equipment to deal with it. Other than the 25 below temps. here Tues and Wed. (we won't even mention wind chill) life is good! Let it snow,,,it's good for private plowing and the snowmobile business, (although I despise em") I guess you just become accustom to your environment.



i am sitting on the side of the road right now in sw minnesota. About a foot of snow fell last night and now we have up to 40 mph wind gusts. Whiteout conditions and 2 foot drifts on the highway. The school annoucements last night were '' 2 hours late''. Maybe we should switch school administrators.


you know the rules! Stay with the car! Hope you have your survival gear w/you!,,,i survived some nasty stuff west of grand forks when i was recruiting,,,thank god for that survival pac!




First off it is not the Weather-Guessers who promote school closings due to inclement weather. The folks who make those decisions are the same over-paid idiots which is actually the School's top Administrators. Also.....the Parents have to share the blame too....the one's who threaten and have sued School District's cuz little Johhny had to urinate in a unclean urinal, didn't get piping hot food for his lunch, got suspended unfairly for 3 days cuz he grabbed little Susie's buttocks, and who can no longer be touched or hugged by any Teacher after he slammed the outhouse door on his little wanker.


Boomer.....who could have a purty good 3 hour Stand Up Comedy Show just based on what he knows about our Public Schools and Colleges.:crackup::crackup:


Am sitting here snowed in AGAIN, drifting all the way across the road, starting about 6' hig down to 2'. Am hoping the snowplow comes thru so I can get wife to work in the morning. I already told my job I won't be in. Can't see across the road at times.


Will gladly trade places with people in GA, SC, NC, TX, AL, maybe FL.






Well we don't have any snow at the moment. We may get some overnight. They actually don't close the schools here till we have something on the road. Mostly due to the fact that snow plows must be an endangered species here in NC, cause we never see them. I hear other parts of the state have them. Oh I should say they did plow here once. We figured the end of the world was coming. Only time schools close around here without weather being here yet is when it's for hurricanes.




Will gladly trade places with people in GA, SC, NC, TX, AL, maybe FL.







Sorry Daryl, I'm not interested in trading. :301:


The ice and snow falls into a liability issue with children. If your child slips on the ice at school and cracks open their head or breaks an arm then what? Most likely a leagal action will begin. If your school district is like the one I work for there is little to no money or staff to properly keep all school areas clear.

The city I live in does not own a snow plow.... some of the out lying areas do. Does 3 -5 inches of snow close schools here? YES. It also closes rec centers cancils almost everything that is non urgent.

We may get 2 to 3 days per year where snow is on the ground.... Let the kids enjoy it.... stay home.


OOOh and in 1996 when we had 2 feet of snow on the ground and a blizzard hit with an additioan 4 feet on boxing day night.... the military was called to help us.

Gotta love our troops ---- at home and over seas!


We just started getting snow here and what few schools were open today closed early. I remember back when I went to school, it didn't matter if there was a foot of snow, school was open. The difference now a days ------ lawyers...


I was raised in NW Montana, the schools hardly ever closed... as far as liability goes, things have changed. When I was in 3rd grade, I slipped on the ice, did a face plant on the side walk of the school and busted out both front teeth.... my mom and dad never had a thought of holding the school responsable for that... now adays, the Lawyers would be all over that. when in high school, we would take the snow mobils to town to get food or what ever..... God bless Texas!!




The ice and snow falls into a liability issue with children. If your child slips on the ice at school and cracks open their head or breaks an arm then what? Most likely a leagal action will begin. If your school district is like the one I work for there is little to no money or staff to properly keep all school areas clear.

The city I live in does not own a snow plow.... some of the out lying areas do. Does 3 -5 inches of snow close schools here? YES. It also closes rec centers cancils almost everything that is non urgent.

We may get 2 to 3 days per year where snow is on the ground.... Let the kids enjoy it.... stay home.


OOOh and in 1996 when we had 2 feet of snow on the ground and a blizzard hit with an additioan 4 feet on boxing day night.... the military was called to help us.

Gotta love our troops ---- at home and over seas!


After this last blast we had the last 2 days, (no school either day). I would totally expect to have school tomorrow. When we get up in the morning, low will be -30 below with a windchill down to a -45. And I think we will still have school. Cant let everything stop you.


I remember going to school in Cincinnati. Whenever the city got gridlocked by snow all of us from North East Ohio would go out in our cars and do donuts around the stuck locals. 1/4" just wasn't a big deal to us.


You've got 3 issues in Cincinnati:


[+] You don't get enough snow to learn how to drive in it.

[+] It is rather hilly.

[+] You only have one snow plow and you have to wait until it can be attached to the garbage truck.


The good news is it usually melts by noon.:stickpoke:


My 2 cents worth here.


Growing up in Minnesota, during the 50's and 60's. For 16 years of school, I seem to recall maby 3 or 4 times in all those years the schools were closed, due to snow.


This only happened if there was a Full Blizzard Warning. :fiddle:


You guys are wusses! When I went to school we had to walk 6 miles to school and back! Uphill! Both directions! Sometimes barefoot!! Even had to walk naked once or twice because there was no clean clothes because the river was frozen...

Lawyers getting rich and kids ain't getting no education!! 8 inches tonight!!:snow2::snow2::snow2::snow2:



You guys are wusses! When I went to school we had to walk 6 miles to school and back! Uphill! Both directions! Sometimes barefoot!! Even had to walk naked once or twice because there was no clean clothes because the river was frozen...

Wow Bob you really had it rough. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:




Wow Bob you really had it rough. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:




That ain't nothin' Margaret,,sometimes here in MN it's so cold when we're outside try'in to talk, the words come out in ice cubes and we have'ta thaw em out to find out what we said!


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