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New Years Resalutions?


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Anyone that made new Years resalutions still sticking to em? I know some of us do this every year but Im determined to see it thru this time. My goal in to drop 35 or 40 pounds and get back into shape. I usta always stay in pretty good shape when I was younger and Im just surprised to feel how fast the body goes south when I dont. Been walking 5 miles a day on a treadmill and riding 5 on a stationary bike. Ive had this plan since thanksgiving so I used the time between then and christmas to build myself up to it. Didnt do it every day but Im glad I did it some cuz it's getting alot easier now. Also throwing in some weight lifting and eating better. (much better) And Im feeling alot better already, matter of fact I just finished my 5 on the treadmill and I even jogged a lil part of it- (very Little) but was wondering if anyone else has similer goals?

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My New Years resolution involves FINGER exercise. Specifically, I have resolved to exercise my fingers in areas other than typing posts in this here forum unless I have something constructive to contribute.


If I wuz a gambling man I'd bet money that......Ohhhhh never mind.:stickpoke::crackup:


Boomer.....who knows that New Year's Resolutions are worthless unless ya write em down on toilet paper....and can then be used when yer on the side of the road and in de bushes.:innocent:

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Before my first accident in 06 I was in the weight room every day. Had a 32 in waist and a 44 in chest. Weight was about 198. Hard to even remember what it ws like. Haven't touched a weight for a while. Maybe get started. Not going to say that I am thats a sure sign you're going to fail. I plan to be a little different by Spring and then hitting it hard.

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my goal is to be able to walk better to many operations on both knees from a work injury.

so being as im not up and walking that much i went from 190 to 235. its got to come off somehow? i cant use a tredmill due to impact on the left knee. i cant walk much even with a walker over a half a block and it swells up. im 51 and looking at both knees being replaced at age 60. have no clue why doc wants to wait that long? i lost one year of ridding. so my biggest goal get the bike running good. and just roll on the throtle. heading nowhere in paticular.

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Nine is to make it to 2011, have already gone from 272 to 197 is six monthes useing the weight watchers plan. only thing is you have to go to the meetings and women get upset with you, lol due to the fact men lose weight faster. Just a suggestion (Lots of Luck)

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Wow topV That is excellant, ya working out at all or just doing the weight watchers plan? My wife is doing it with me but I have a few more pounds to loose then she does so maybe it'll work out, as long as I remind her of that, Thanks for the advice hehe

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Anyone that made new Years resalutions still sticking to em? I know some of us do this every year but Im determined to see it thru this time. My goal in to drop 35 or 40 pounds and get back into shape. I usta always stay in pretty good shape when I was younger and Im just surprised to feel how fast the body goes south when I dont. Been walking 5 miles a day on a treadmill and riding 5 on a stationary bike. Ive had this plan since thanksgiving so I used the time between then and christmas to build myself up to it. Didnt do it every day but Im glad I did it some cuz it's getting alot easier now. Also throwing in some weight lifting and eating better. (much better) And Im feeling alot better already, matter of fact I just finished my 5 on the treadmill and I even jogged a lil part of it- (very Little) but was wondering if anyone else has similer goals?



Geez ya wore me out just thinkin about that workout:bowdown: I am lookin to drop some weight and get back into shape too, I ride recumbant bike and do the treadmill and alittle weight work, but I aint hittin it quite as hard as you.:080402gudl_prv: Craig

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I made my New Year resolution to never make another New Year resolution. So far I am doing great.





Me Too!!!!!!!!!!


Boomer.....who's carrying toilet paper with no writing on it and don't have to worry about ink stains on the old rear bumper.:innocent:

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Me Too!!!!!!!!!!


Boomer.....who's carrying toilet paper with no writing on it and don't have to worry about ink stains on the old rear bumper.:innocent:



Come on Boomer, I thought we were going to hear something "Inspiring" from you on this one. You can do better!!! I'll just wait for it.............

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