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Saga of the '99 continued...


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Hi Everyone,


I finally figured out how to handle the situation with my missing/stolen body parts... I gave the bike to Squidley. Now, he needs some parts to get this thing road ready, and since he's done so much the past few years to help so many on this site, I think it's only right that we try to help him get it going.


Many of you have already responded via private message with offers of parts and/or questions. I was going to try to do this on the sly, but reality has reared its head and my handling this thing would be a nightmare logistically. So, my newest brainchild is to just put out an open call for help as Squidley is at this moment in the frozen tundra of Michigan and he has a trailer with him.


Therefore, if anyone has any of these parts, please let him know so that he can make arrangements to receive them. He is a bit shy about receiving help so ignore his "We're okay" BS and let him know what you got. It will be easier for all as he can make arrangements with the donors for the best way to get the parts. He needs a fairing (front and back), both right and left cowlings, and covers for the saddlebags and trunk. Oh yeah, and the passenger backrest.


I'm sorry if I've embarrassed Squid with this notice, but like I said, he's helped so many of us and it's time for us to help him if we can.


Happy New Year to you all. Be safe and warm!


Chuck (Moose)

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thats verry nice of you to give squid that bike. but i just got some old 84 parts laying around. i do have a friend who has a motorcycle salvage yard up in minnesota i gave him a email shout. to see what he might have. best i can do for now

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Hi Chuck

Very generous of you giving that mc away.

And just by reading here a while, I see how helpful squid is to

lots of us.

Sorry can't help with parts (even harder to get here in aus)

but may be able to throw in a few $ to help with new ones?

Let us know if you need to go that way.




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I don't have any body parts except for the stock windshield and Brad is welcome to that.


Perhaps the best chance to get these is to put together a fund and buy a fairing etc off of E-Bay. I'd contribute!



Well, since this is out in the open now.......you might say that fund has already started...I've already received some donations via Paypal to help Brad get his bike together. Anyone can donate at wolf122429@aol.com on Paypal and I'll see he gets the funds to buy parts.

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Ya know....I just got a PM from BongoBob about a front fairing he has and I responded by asking "how did you know I needed a G2 fairing"....now I know



I didn't want to broadcast what was happening as I feel more than a bit guilty for accepting Chucks bike. What made it worse was that our neighbor gave me her husbands H/D which I didn't expect either. There are a few of you that know me, some quite well as I have made some lifelong friends here. I am a very proud man, to the point of it being a hinderance, and right now my ego and pride has been bruised in the fact that I am not in control of my life from loosing my job.


When I come on here and talk with all of you I am very sincere with what I say. If I tell you that I'm going to do something then thats what I am going to do. I live by my word and my handshake is as good as any signed document. I never offer help to anyone with the expectation that there is a favor owed, I'm a pay it forward type guy. I have helped folks in the past, I have been a part of many secret projects that have happened on this site. I have been paid back more than I can ever hope to be able to pass on. I love this place, and many of you folks are very dear to me. Even after all the folks that want to help, I'm still not deserving in my eyes. So you'll have to excuse my macho "I'll do myself" mentality, it proves a hard thing for me to break.


I'll be talking with some on the folks on the site about finding parts for this '99. I have inventoried what I have and I will need other things. I want to thank Chuck (Moose) for his generosity, he is one of the best people I know, and I'm very proud to call he and his wife Cindi my friends. I appreciate all the responces and we'll see what we can come up with....Thank you all again and especially Chuck for being who he is


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Y'all are killin' me




Well he!! man we are paying it forward too. If you won't let friend help out then how are we supposed to pay it forward.

Just look at it as friend helping friends, some ya met and some you just ain't met yet! Simple as that!


Now if were are killing ya, well ya better get used to it. Cause that train done left the station. :yikes:


Bubber :bluesbrother:

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I have learned one thing since becoming a Christian........Learn to receive the blessings that are given!!!! Its hard, our pride gets in our way........but it is not done out of necessity it is done out of love................We are all blessed by your presence and friendship. So..............




And I say that with LOVE!!!!!

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I have learned one thing since becoming a Christian........Learn to receive the blessings that are given!!!! Its hard, our pride gets in our way........but it is not done out of necessity it is done out of love................We are all blessed by your presence and friendship. So..............





And I say that with LOVE!!!!!





Ok....Ok....Fine! I'll recieve


Thank you all again, Freebird has always said you people are what makes VR.org the place it is. I could never argue that statement...especially now.

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I have learned one thing since becoming a Christian........Learn to receive the blessings that are given!!!! Its hard, our pride gets in our way........but it is not done out of necessity it is done out of love................We are all blessed by your presence and friendship. So..............




And I say that with LOVE!!!!!


I think ya nailed that ! LMAO :Avatars_Gee_George:

I also figure you know Squidley a whole lot better than most of us.

Glad to know that he listens to you, someone, anyone! LOL


Accept the donations because we wanted to and not because we had to.

Lets see how did DragonRider put that so elequently?


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I think ya nailed that ! LMAO :Avatars_Gee_George:

I also figure you know Squidley a whole lot better than most of us.

Glad to know that he listens to you, someone, anyone! LOL


Accept the donations because we wanted to and not because we had to.

Lets see how did DragonRider put that so elequently?




:sign yeah that:

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