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I have a 97 royal star classic with 35000 miles on it. I have had it for 2 weeks and have put over 1000 miles on it. I upgraded from a v-star 650. I love the ride and have learned so much from the site. It appears to be missing or vibrating on a moderate throttle (I have been at 50mph in 3rd, 70 in 4th and still notice it). It is noticible when giving throttle from an idle while in neutral also) I have put two sets of plugs in, synced the carbs (to the best of my abilities), checked the resistance on the plug caps(all about 10k and have just ordered new ones based on info from this site as I am getting some ignition noise when listening to the radio on the head set). When I increase the throttle through mid range, it appears to be missing. I have ran a can of seafoam through it. I have adjusted the idle mixture screws.


I removed the air cleaner cover and moved the slides back and let them go. The slides for cyl 1&2 return slowly, the slides for 3&4 come back much quicker. I have not pulled the the diaphagms to check for holes. At cruising speeds (high rpms) it seems to run fine. At an Idle. all cycinders are fireing and all plugs appear to be burning clean. Would the shimming of the slides help this?


I was reading several posts that were discouraging. Comment about not doing anything to this model year and instead selling it to get a 2002 or newer. Is this the case for this bike? I am not looking for a dragster, just a comfortable dependable ride.


I know I am rambeling. any helpful hints would be appreciated.


Also, how does the timing advance work. I see posts of vacuum lines. Could this be something with the timing?


the '96-'01 standard royal stars are de-tuned way more than the venture and 05- present rstd, they have a tendentic to carbon-up which can cause them to run ruff. http://forums.delphiforums.com/royalstar/start is a forum started by several of us off the isra site that has these models. you need to go over there and look on the start page and read the tech notes on doing the techron flush out to get rid of the carbon that might be cause your problem. these bike will run very well without out any mods done to them, but there is several mods you can do to help pep it up and run great. i'm taz, a1ammoniaman over there. after reading up feel free to ask Qs if you want. there is several of us "royal riders on this forum too, there's a lot of good folks and info on all the web sites.hope this helps don.


My last bike was a 97 royalstar. I put 77.000 mi on her before I bought an 03 Mdnt V. The vibration was designed into this era royalstar in that they took the harmonic balancers out to give it a similar feel of a Harley. So a perfectly tuned 97 will shake no matter what you do. And as previously noted they detuned the motor to perform like a Harley also. The 97 has soul and is a great bike though. I rode it coast to coast w\ out any problems. It never left me stranded. I could imagine the engineers scratching their heads after going to great lengths to decrease engine vibration to be told to design it to start vibrating. I would have liked to be a mouse in their pocket but they were probably speaking Japanese and I wouldn't have understood them anyway.:rotf::rotf::rotf:Babye!


My friend owned a 86 when he rode a 96, he said it didn't have any guts. Could Yamaha have removed balancer in 97

for cheap h.p., balancers use up 5-8 h.p. Has anyone ridden a 96 and 97??


I have a 97 RS with 7000 miles (Almost new). Previous owner never used, very well maintenaince.


It vibrates like every one says here. Previous to this one, I have a 1984 RV, that of course far smooth that the RS.


However, one sunday morning ridding with friends an HD rider stop at my side on a street cross. We talk about were to go, and in the meantime I have really amazing when observed the enginee jumping on the bike, like trying to walking away from the frame. That was a Road King...


After that experience, now I only complain on vibration above 80 mph. It makes my glasses bounce on my face...



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