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Painful Christmas


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You know....sometimes in life you are the bug and other times you are the windshield. :) I honestly feel like the bug right now. We had a nice Christmas in spite of some aches and pains though.


First of all, Christmas Eve morning I started coming down with a rather nasty cold. Sore throat, head all stopped up so I felt like I was in a drum when I talked, etc. Nothing too terrible but certainly not feeling 100%. Then by later Christmas Eve, my body decided that it was due for a flareup of my Gout. Now those of you who truly have Gout know exactly what it does to you. I usually get it a couple of times a year in my left toes and ankle but this time, it hit full strength in both feet...toes, ankles, etc. It darn near crippled me to the point that I could barely get out of bed and get down the stairs on Christmas morning but I finally managed to make it. Took some pain pills and within a couple of hours, I was pretty much functional again but with the gout and the cold I just wasn't feeling my best.


The day progressed nicely enough. Watched my son open his gifts, had a nice fire going in the fireplace, coffee for Eileen and I and hot chocolate for Dylan. Just a very nice quite family time. Later in the day my brother in law came over and also Tony who is my wife's nephew accompanied by his finance and her two children. Had a very nice time and then later a fantastic Christmas dinner.


After dinner we all pitched in and cleaned up a bit. The refrigerator was so full that I decided to take the ham into the garage and put it on top of the freezer over night as it was plenty cold in the garage to store it there. Well, over the past few months I have progressively approached total blindness in my right eye. I'm slowly adjusting to it but am just not there yet. I guess it was a combination of being a bit crippled from the Gout and my depth perception still being off from the loss of site in my eye but when I stepped out of the kitchen into the garage, I completely missed the top step. There is a three stop drop from the kitchen to the concrete garage floor and there I was in a free fall of about 3 ft. while holding a nice large Pyrex platter with a ham in it in my hands. As I fell, I managed to twist around so that the Pyrex platter would not hit the concrete floor and was successful. I managed to hold onto the platter and keep it from hitting the floor and shattering and thus saved the dish and the ham.


The only problem is that in doing so, I successfully twisted both of my already hurting ankles and also found that using your left knee, left elbow and HEAD to cushion a 3 ft. fall off a set of steps is not necessarily the best course of action. :(


So....I am now laying here on the couch after managing to slowly ease down the stairs this morning. I am nursing two sprained ankles, a twisted left knee, a sprained left elbow, rash on my left knee and left elbow, a knot on my head and I STILL have this danged cold. Otherwise, life is good. :thumbsup2:


I hope that you all have a fun but SAFE New Years day. I think I'm going to just wrap myself in bubble wrap and hole up here until spring. :depressed:

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Nice going, Don!! At least you saved the goodies...


Becky has a sore throat and is starting to loose her voice (lucky me). My blood sugar is thru the roof lately.


My perscription for you is the industrial size bottle of Carrolyn's Irish Cream administered daily...


I actually DO have a bottle of that as well as a bottle of Bailey's Caramel sitting beside the coffee pot. I'm almost scared to try it though. Heck....I'm falling down WITHOUT any alcohol. :)

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My advice to you Don is to kick back and take it real easy for a spell. Pushing yourself to get anything done can do ya more harm than good. Watch the world go by for a bit and give yourself the luxury of relaxation.


Boomer.....who says keep the coffee and booze close to the Hot Tub....and thumb yer nose at everything else.:happy34:

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He's a stubborn MAN!


Amen Ladies!


Do take care and just be plain lazy...enjoy some afternoon sports games on TV!


:draming:Hurry up Spring want to go riding again!

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And here I thought I was having a round of BAD LUCK.......


Sorry the bad luck found your door step Freebird, but I sure hope you are OK and you get to feeling better real soon..


At our age, our bodies just don't seem to heal fast like they used to so take it easy and relax best you can.


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And here I thought I was having a round of BAD LUCK.......


Sorry the bad luck found your door step Freebird, but I sure hope you are OK and you get to feeling better real soon..


At our age, our bodies just don't seem to heal fast like they used to so take it easy and relax best you can.



I thought you had my cloud Eck.

Its a good thing you don't have to mow the grass.

As Craig said STAY AWAY from the pond!!

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Believe it or not, "This too shall pass".

Don, I have admired you for your ability to accept the situation with your eye as well as you have. And, with the loss of part of your vision, you will learn to adapt better as you go along. Unfortunately, those bumps in the road, or in this case, steps, can reach out and bite you. You will definitely be sore for a few days and I hope you injuries heal quickly.


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It's just the way of shaking all the bad stuff loose before the new year. :crying:

Getting rid of it and throwing it away.

No bad stuff in the new year. Baily's and a hot tub? Sounds like a plan.

Or did I hear PARTY. :yikes:

Toga or trunks? :banana::banana::banana:


Get well soon Don

Keep off the ankles if possible, soak up the hot tub heat and relax.


PS with your luck better stay home on amateur night next Thursday.

That's what I have dome for decades

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Don I used to have those gout attacks and the doctor put me on a medication called allopurinol and I haven't had an attack since. It slows the production of uric acid in the blood and stops the attacks. It has worked great for me. Gout can also damage the kidneys also. Get well soon buddy.


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