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PGR Documentary


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Check out this 10 minute trailer for an upcoming documentary about the PGR. I met these young film makers while at the memorial for the 4 murdered Lakewood Police Officers at the Tacoma Dome on 8 Dec 2009. This crew of young folks stayed with us as we stood a 10 hour Flag Line with tempertures never going above 25F. If this trailer is any indication of what the final product will be like, then it will be a documentary that will make the viewers proud and cause a tear or two. These film makers have earned my respect.




[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEeF77S9CbU]YouTube- The Patriot Guard Film[/ame]

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It is such an honor to be a member of the PGR. I would really like to confront someone from the Westboro church.....


Well, I'm not going to play Devils Advocate here, but probably these misguided Folks and their bad Attitude and Actions brought up something real big and good in the End.


PGR is uniting People all over the US and stand by Friends and Relatives who payed the ultimate Price. They get the feeling that they are not alone, and that's a good and important Thing. Long after the WBC is a only small black Spot in History, the PGR still will shine.

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It is such an honor to be a member of the PGR. I would really like to confront someone from the Westboro church.....


Dave thank you for riding with the Patriot Guard! as for the UG's I have met them 3x's in the last 4 years. Nothing special about them in the least.Really a pathetic bunch who live and feed on hate.


Ride on Brother and ride safe!


Boomer.....who just loves showing his backside to stupid..... and keeps the Respect and Honor pointed forward on the Flag Line.

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Well, I'm not going to play Devils Advocate here, but probably these misguided Folks and their bad Attitude and Actions brought up something real big and good in the End.


PGR is uniting People all over the US and stand by Friends and Relatives who payed the ultimate Price. They get the feeling that they are not alone, and that's a good and important Thing. Long after the WBC is a only small black Spot in History, the PGR still will shine.


Excellent:clap2: Thank You. Craig

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After rereading my above Comment, i want to make my Thoughts clear. (I feel I'm still not good enough forming Sentences in such sensitve Matters as the PGR/WBC Subject is)


Not that USA or the World needed such a bad Bunch of People like WBC or others as well, but they are there. As it looks we can't get rid of them and the are like a Pest (to me at least) and if they're gone, there will be someone else, that's Life, so to speak.


But when you look what they caused, an Organsiation as big, respected and as honorable as the PGR is now, they caused a real good Thing and all the Members and Participiants have all my Respect.

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After rereading my above Comment, i want to make my Thoughts clear. (I feel I'm still not good enough forming Sentences in such sensitve Matters as the PGR/WBC Subject is)


Not that USA or the World needed such a bad Bunch of People like WBC or others as well, but they are there. As it looks we can't get rid of them and the are like a Pest (to me at least) and if they're gone, there will be someone else, that's Life, so to speak.


But when you look what they caused, an Organsiation as big, respected and as honorable as the PGR is now, they caused a real good Thing and all the Members and Participiants have all my Respect.



We get your drift Squeeze. They are a an honorable bunch, representing an honorable bunch of soldiers. Very powerful video.

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