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Posted (edited)

Okay folks, I know Christmas is coming up on us real fast, but now is the time to start thinking about getting your tickets for the 2010 International Ralley Grand Prize.


We will be raffling off another trailer this year, and the committee has determined that we can keep the raffle ticket prices the same as they have been for the past three years. That is $10.00 each or 3 tickets for $25.00.


Squidley conned me into handling the treasury for the 2010 Ralley, so you can order your raffle tickets by check or cash. Just make the check payable to me (Russell Hicks) and send it to 185 Redwood Drive, Apple Valley, MN 55124. Please tag the check for the trailer raffle.


So, dig a little deeper and buy yourseld an early Christmas present....


Starting January 1, we will also be running a monthly progressive 50/50. Tickets for the 50/50 will be $1.00 each.


For those not familiar with a Progressive 50/50, the rules are really simple.

At the end of each month, the pot is split 50/50. 50% goes to the winner.

So, if the pot is $100.00, the winner will receive $50.00.


The remaining 50% will be split with 50% going to the ralley fund and the other 50% back into the pot for the following month. So, the February drawing would start off with $25.00.


This way the month pot continues to grow larger and larger.


As always, to eliminate any questions about fairness, I will not be participating in either the raffle or any of the 50/50 drawings.


Wishing any and all who participate the best of luck.


:15_8_211[1]: :mytruck:

Edited by Black Owl

Just to let anyone purchasing either trailer raffle tickets or tickets for the January 50/50.

I will be out of country starting tomorrow morning, returning Monday. Will respond to any purchasers by E-mail when I get back to let you know your ticket numbers.



  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to say Thanks much to the folks who have already purchased tickets for the trrailer raffle and the January 50/50.


You should have received your ticket numbers by E-mail. If not, let me know and I will send them out again.


I appreciate that times are tough right now as we are just coming off the big spending period, so I will say once again... Family First.






Posted (edited)

Just another thank you to all who have purchased tickets for the trailer raffle and the January 50/50 drawing.


Everyone should have their ticket numbers by now. But, if for some reason you did not receive them ley me know.


And, just to let those buyers know, your names have been entered onto the ticket, so if by chance you forget your numbers. http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/F/0/154p.gifhttp://ak.imgfarm.com/images/smileycentral/imbuddy/hear_me_talk.gif ... that will really suck.... http://smileys.smileycentral.com/cat/36/36_1_19.gif


Seriously though, no problem if you forget your numbers as we will still know who wins the drawings.









Edited by Black Owl
Okay Russell, paypal sent for my tickets.


WINNING ONE PLEASE :big-grin-emoticon:


Thanks Annie... Tried my best to get you a winner... but that was to be our secret...

Thats what you said to me!:scared:


And your point is? I took a look at Annie's pic and then your's.


Made an unbiased choice, and guess what....:rotfl: :duck:


Nobody ever said I wasn't cheap and superficial....




Got it. Thanks much.

We have a good start toward the purchase of the trailer for the Grand Prize at the 2010 International Rally. $255.00 so far. Only about $800 more to go.

The pool for the January 50/50 is currently at $64.00.

The 50/50 drawing will take place on Monday, Feb 1. So there is still time to jump into the pool for those who are interested.

Thanks again to everyone for their support and participation.


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