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Not to stray to far off subject but be warned the ferrets from the pet stores can spray too . Our german sheperd went after my brothers ferret when I was a kid , he let go real fast. We were told the scent sac was removed before being sold in pet stores . Probaly wasn't the worst lie told to make a sell. I don't remember what besides tomatoe juice my brother had to soak in . I just remember him and that ferret soaking in the tub at the same time and being there for days.

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Thanks Eck.... I am feeling the love here LOL after sevaral more baths, he is not too bad at this time...the peroxide is working....maybe another bath today and he`ll be ok...




Hate to hear this Kbay, but like the others ......I wont laugh, I wont laugh, I wont laugh....but I just can't hold it in..


I was wondering after reading all the posts on this thread, if your dog is presently a house dog, or if you have moved him/her to the garage for a week or so.....



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That aint right....after all I done too ya!!!! just wait till ya find that dead skunk tywraped to the axel of your trailer.....:rotfl:


na I wouldn`t do that........................or would I :confused24::confused24::confused24:


ya`ll be carefull driving back tomorrow...


see ya!!





Hey Buddy,

I'm not laughing at you...I'm laughing with you. Been there done that with my X's Pug, got it point blank in the face and we didn't have any of the new fancy stuff back then to get the smell out. We were in the house with the windows closed and heard the skunk spray her....man did that suck!

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Ok, this is a little embarrassing but I spent several years as an animal control officer and have suffered my fair share of dealing with the south end of a north bound skunk. There is a product I guarantee to remove skunk smell from people, pets or anything else you can wash. That product is massingil douche powder.


Yeah, I guess if you think about it.....I better not go there!! :smile5:

I believe the hardest I have ever run in my life was in a auto salvage yard years ago when I turned down between a row of cars and encountered a big shunk about 15 feet away coming straight at me.


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No, I havn`t called any one, I put Moth Balls out every where, I thought about my live trap, but then I`d have to con some one into getting it out of my trap.... any takers???





poor buddy

and he's such a people loven dog. glad it was you old friend instead of me. :innocent-emoticon: o buy the way have you call pest solutions? they are across from the yahama shop on 1960 just west of 249 & willowbrook.

don c.

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Being a owner of many dogs I found on my door mat what I thought was a possum but turned out to be a smelly gift. All 7 of my dogs had been in the woods and came along a skunk and all of them got sprayed then they brought it home for me lol. Took 3 bottles of skunk be gone to clean them all up. But I did find out if you get the smell on yourself you dont smell it any more but the wife wouldnt come near me for a while lol



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LOL I`ll take your word on that John... I came close to nailing one with the scoot, and that is as close to getting the smell on me as care to get..





Being a owner of many dogs I found on my door mat what I thought was a possum but turned out to be a smelly gift. All 7 of my dogs had been in the woods and came along a skunk and all of them got sprayed then they brought it home for me lol. Took 3 bottles of skunk be gone to clean them all up. But I did find out if you get the smell on yourself you dont smell it any more but the wife wouldnt come near me for a while lol



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You can safely trap and remove a skunk with a live trap. Use canned cat food or peanut butter for bait, realizing that you might catch the neighbors cat or dog or raccoon with the cat food or catch a groundhog with the peanut butter. Skunks won't spray anything but an animal and won't spray in an enclosed space where they might get themselves. So, to move the trap and remove the skunk to a remote area without getting sprayed, approach the trap while holding a sheet or very large beach towel in front, between yourself and the skunk. The little bugger won't recognize you and won't spray. When you reach the trap just drop the sheet to cover the trap. You may then pick up the trap and move it to the release site. When opening the trap stand above and behind it and only uncover the door, then back away. The skunk will hightail it right out of there. I've never been sprayed using this method.

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Ok, this is a little embarrassing but I spent several years as an animal control officer and have suffered my fair share of dealing with the south end of a north bound skunk. There is a product I guarantee to remove skunk smell from people, pets or anything else you can wash. That product is massingil douche powder. Mix according to directions and wash the affected person, dog or add it to the wash with sprayed clothes. I always kept some handy cause you never knew. Other brands may work as well but I haven't tried them so your mileage may vary.


Yep Douche works great. This is great cause you can get this any time of the night when you can't get anything else quickly. Last time I had to do this the wife went and got it. It was on sale so she bought 10 of them just to have them on hand. She said that the clerks gave her a weird look. She said she looked them straight in the eye and said "hey it was a wild party what can I say". The clerk about gagged when she said this but didn't say a word in reply.

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