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about a year ago shortly after i bought my scoot i decided to take the windshield of and wear a brain bucket helmet - was only planning on running the country roads but the wife asked if i wanted some sonny's bar b que (which i never turn down) so we jumped on I85 and ran 70-80 mph there, probably 75 miles each way. when we got to the restaurant i immediately noticed a loud ringing in my right ear.....i stuffed wet napkin spit wads in my ears before heading home.it took a week to ten days to get better and i wised up and now use ear plugs and never a brain bucket again for me. i truly hope yours clears up on its own.

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Had this ringing and high pitched squeal in both ears for as long as I can remember. 60-70% hearing loss in both ears. Doctors said the bones in my ears are growing together . The sound comes from them scraping against each other. Can't afford the surgery to correct :mo money:$5000.00 per ear. So have learned to live with it, and lots of BC's for the headaches caused by the noise.:bang head:

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I've had the "ringing" in my ears for years, some days it's really loud and others I can hardly notice it. I do have major hearing loss and wear behind the ear aids but haven't tried to do anything about the ringing. It actually sounds like the blower on a D-6 cat - I'm way too old to worry about fixing something that is generally considered unfixable.


Looks like I'm another one in this same boat. I've suffered with this for years with varying degrees of it happening. Nothing I've ever done has helped so I've learned to live with it. I have also worn hearing aids since I was about 20.

I'm sure I won't be bothered by it once I go thru those pearly gates.:innocent:


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Brenda has it, she mostly just deals with it, I have noticed that the tv seems to have gotten louder over time. The loudness seems to vary from a light ringing to where she has a hard time hearing me speak (but then, I am soft spoken). Personally I had the TV static in one ear one time and long enough to give me an appreciation what she has to deal with. Can't say I envy any of you who have it.


A co-workers father cut out wheat products to stop/lessen the problem.


A orthodontist we know has the hearing aids, his problem got so bad he could not function anymore.

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Tinnitus (or "ringing in the ears") is sound or noise that no one but the person with the condition can hear. The noise can be constant or come in short bursts, lasting for long periods of time or just briefly. The sound can be loud or soft, can change in pitch and can be heard in either one or both ears. Each person who has tinnitus can probably describe it in a different way.

Doctors estimate that over 50 million people in the United States suffer from some type of tinnitus and about one-quarter of them are uncomfortable enough to look for relief.




Anyone here suffer from this? What have you done about it?

Hello, I am new to this site, joined yesterday. I read your note and I certainly can relate. I have the same problem. It's been 30 years or so when I was really stupid and fired several rounds of 357 mag. without hearing protectors while standing under a tin cover. Not a good thing to do. Anyway, I have had serious ringing ever since. Yes, it gets much louder at times, then it settles down a bit. It will never go away and there is nothing that will eliminate the ringing. I have tried it all. I have learned to live with it and accept it.

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WOW! ... I had no idea so many of y'all have this. I guess I've had it for 10 or 15 years but it would only be noticeable once in a while...until lately. For the past couple weeks it seems to be constant. I've been trying to just ignore it but there have been the odd times when I just can't ... kinda drives me crazy (as if I ain't already there) ... I have noticed tho that if I tend to dwell on it...it certainly seems to get louder...that's when I start looking for distractions.

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Anyone here suffer from this? What have you done about it?


I have it. Nothing. If I try to hear it I do, but my brain filters it out if I don't pay any attention to it. The older I get the less it affects me. :backinmyday: However 'Huh??' has become a permenent part of my vocabulary. I just wish folks would speak up and stop whispering... And.... I think all Canadians suffer from the ringing... Eh??

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And all this time I thought I had been abducted by (insert your favorite conspiracy) and had a tone generator implanted in my skull. Or it could be a HAARP transmission! They really turned up the volume on me today! Dang, I wish I hadn't thought about it. Now I'll be aware of it all night. :( Come to think of it, I have been having more headaches lately


I had been told by medical "professionals" and was under the general impression anyway, that they didn't know what caused it, nor did they have a fix for it. I have however, seen an ad on TV lately for something non-prescription that is supposed to help. Naturally, I don't remember what it's called!


Now, if they can fix memory failure.....I'd be interested in that for sure!! What were we talking about?:scratchchin:

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Tinnitus (or "ringing in the ears") is sound or noise that no one but the person with the condition can hear. The noise can be constant or come in short bursts, lasting for long periods of time or just briefly. The sound can be loud or soft, can change in pitch and can be heard in either one or both ears. Each person who has tinnitus can probably describe it in a different way.

Doctors estimate that over 50 million people in the United States suffer from some type of tinnitus and about one-quarter of them are uncomfortable enough to look for relief.




Anyone here suffer from this? What have you done about it?



It comes and goes for me.


I just live with it.



Now if someone could make the voices in my head stop for ten minutes!!!!!!!!!!

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The bad news is I have it 100% of the time; sometimes louder, sometimes quieter, but it's always there. I got it after undergoing Chemo.


The good news is I've had it for 14 years now, so although one of the Pain in the arse side-affects, they all pale in comparison to the only side affect that counts - I survived!

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I just started noticing it a few months ago. Mine sounds like on a summer night when you hear hundreds (thousands?) of crickets. It's pretty much been constant since I first noticed it, although it seems to be worse when I don't get much sleep. Other than the annoyance, my hearing is still pretty good. I think.


When I first found out what it was called I Googled it, and one guy said to gauge how bad it is, go into the bathroom and turn on the faucet. If you can't hear it over the sound of the running water then you don't have it too bad. I couldn't hear it, so I haven't done anything about it yet. I probably will go see a doctor sometime next year.

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Well, make sure there's not too much pressure in your head. I usually get it when around guns, or loud noises, but if its so serious that it hurts, talk to your doctor, maybe an antibiotic would help:2cents:



Gonna get a whole heap of it now you took the mufflers off'n your bike !!!!:rasberry::rasberry::crackup::crackup:

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