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Ode' To Venture Riders


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'Twas a bit before Christmas, when throughout Venture Land


All the posters were nervous, Freebirds delete button close at hand


The weather was cold and most were unable to bare


The thought of not riding again soon would be there

Most riders were nestled all snug in their beds


While some planned trips all crazy in their heads


With Squidley on his Harley and Lonna in her jammies


The DQ was closed with no hope of any yummies


When out on the road there arose such a clatter


BongoBob heading south, rain and snow a splatter


Away from the computer I moved like any guy


Only to the kitchen for SleeperhawksMechanics pie


The moon on my keyboard with a nice little glow


Anxious to see what Yamaha brings to the next big show


When what to my wondering eyes should appear


But a picture of the new VENTURE all gussied up with gear


With no extra cash and outa the click


My stocking was empty, piss on St. Nick


More rapid than eagles the spring events came


Where we hope to meet more riders and know them by name


Now, Ruffy! now, MamaMo! now, Muffin and Mini!


On, Skid! on, Dragonrider! on, Wrongway and Boo!


To the curvy back roads, through the end of the fall


Now ride away! ride away! ride away all!


As free as a bird the VENTURE can fly


One day we’ll ride again with fallen brothers in the sky


So out to the garage to check your tires and gear


With the bike loaded down and a “Good Bye” to my beer.


And then, in a twinkling, in my belly a loop


I have to take off my gear cause I have to poop


As I throw my leg over with power all around


With a twist of the wrist I am VR rally bound


Dressed up in Kevlar from his head to his foot


At wide open throttle burning out the soot


A bundle of junk he had flung on his back


He looked like Wild Hair with that great big sack


His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!


Eck and his Wing, a sweet little cherry!


A droll, little Midnight Rider naked with a bow,


Dancing around for Cinderella giving her a “tiny” show


Beer30 had a chew held tight in his gum


He filled up his spit cup with mischievous Ho-Hum


RandyA had a broad face and a bit of a belly


That shook when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly


Stardbog always happy, a right jolly old self


You can’t help but smile, in spite of yourself


In the wink of an eye the mods read a thread


Should I let this continue or should it be dead


He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work


Yammer Dan has retired, no more putting up with perps


And pulling his finger as everyone knows


Will make “The Pond Monster” smell but not like a rose


He sprang to his Venture, to his team gave a whistle


Riderduke said watch this guy he rides like a missile


But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight


"Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good-night".


names changed to reflect the "usual suspects"

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That was great Richard! :thumbsup2: It was fun to read!


Speaking of pies... humm, is that apple pie I smell coming from my kitchen?!!! Sleeperhawk is home from work and is making his famous chili so I will make some cornbread to go with it. And pie for dessert! Just what we need on a cold Saturday evening! But still no snow!

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