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why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

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why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

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why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

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why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?

why? why? why? why? why?


Oh ya I don't know why after all

:dancefool::dancefool::missingtooth: :missingtooth: :bluesbrother: :bluesbrother:

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Didn't anybodies mother tell them not to ask WHY? Also not to say WHAT, but use PARDON ME instead?????? and if you didn't know WHERE, they would show you?? ouch that would hurt,,,,couldn't sit for days and as far is Who is concerned,,, if you didn't know then it didn't concern you so shut up,,, I mean keep quiet.



Now as to WHY???????? it's in the road,, they put it there to confuse people with undersized thinking capacities. Guess it's working.

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I just spent probably 30 minutes reading this thread. I had not read it until today. I guess I have been doing something else and not this.

I guess I will join in with this "WHY" thread, but I think I already know "WHY", I think it is because I am a woman that I never had to answer why.

Women know why, because we are the ones who tell the men when.

If men did not know when, they would be asking where? And of course a woman would tell the man where. I think men do know how, but they usually ask a woman how much, just so that they do not ask "WHY"

I hope this helped, I know my life has changed for the better.

But I do not know WHY!

Yama Mama


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REF: See above.

Women should never have to answer "WHY", we "KNOW" it's too confusing.

We will always let women tell us "WHEN" because you need some assurance you're in control as well as "WHERE"

Actually we already know "WHERE", it's just a ploy to see if you can choose between "HERE" or "THERE", either place is just fine with us, "NOW" is "WHAT's" important.

Oh, we really do know "HOW" it's just that "Here" or "THERE" must be decided before how "MUCH" or "MORE".

That's "WHEN" we say "WHAT"?,,,,,,,,,"WHY"?


Her last restaurant choice proved this!


Renne :scorched:

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Oh Renne you went there didn't you? Why oh Why would you go there?





Because his elevator don't go to the top floor. Know what I am saying?

He ain't the sharpest knife in the drawer. :crying::crying:

His bulb is permanently on dim. :yikes:

His clock goes counter clockwise. :yikes:

He knows Bubber. :bluesbrother: Heh wait a minute there!

He is a scandihovian princess. :missingtooth: I mean prince. LOL

He is an all around good fella with a weird sense of humor like other people I know that live in Scandihovianland


Uncle Festus



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Oh Renne you went there didn't you? Why oh Why would you go there?




There was no where left to hide Margaret !


I guess it's true Annie I'm a French fry short of a happy meal!


One thing I have learned though,,,,the three words that make a marriage successful,,,


Ready? "Your right "dear"! (goes both ways too)! AAAAANNNNNDDDDD!


Bubber needs to go to that 12 step program for compulsive talkers,,,,,,,ON'N'ON ! Read his posts,,,,you'll know "WHY">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Renne :snow2:

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There was no where left to hide Margaret !


I guess it's true Annie I'm a French fry short of a happy meal!


One thing I have learned though,,,,the three words that make a marriage successful,,,


Ready? "Your right "dear"! (goes both ways too)! AAAAANNNNNDDDDD!


Bubber needs to go to that 12 step program for compulsive talkers,,,,,,,ON'N'ON ! Read his posts,,,,you'll know "WHY">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Renne :snow2:




or was it WHY?


PS I was singing

Edited by Bubber
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WHY does this almost make sense?? And WHY does that scare me???WHY???



Be patient Dan, fear not! this is just a moment of clarity, it will soon pass. Kinda like a sweeping spel rite bug virus ur somp'thin blow'in inn frm "WHO" know's "WHERE", "WHY" er "HOW COME"? or plural "HOW'S COME"?. HUMMMM jes maybe this is an indiketer of a trasational modifyr of "WHY" to "HOW" er "HOW's COME" insted of "WHY" "WHICH" I "DUNNO"! "YET" soon "MAYBE"? or "NOT"?



Renne :think:


(Bubber,,,that was sing'in?

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