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Yep, Jeff has several backup bikes, so why shouldnt Mini have a backup.........:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:



Northing like having a back-up.....:sign20:
Mini you taking any wine with you? lol Duke you ready to meet momma. You know how mommas are.:witch_brew: Mini make sure you take pictures of Duke with momma and the rest of the family with Duke.

If she is anything like MINI I'm a little scared:scared::rotfl::rotfl::crackup:


Well all kidding aside ...you guys have a great time visiting....too bad your on the other side of the state or we could get together for ice cream :fnd_(16):.....well maybe next time...

Ok I'm back home. I even got a pic of Riderduke with the folks. They liked him Dad even asked when he'd be coming back. Here's the proof too.





Wanted To make sure he wasn't going to be Home!!:whistling:





Be carefull out there.

Ok I'm back home. I even got a pic of Riderduke with the folks. They liked him Dad even asked when he'd be coming back. Here's the proof too.





Glad to hear you three made it home. Enjoy your holidays early....:thumbsup2:

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