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Just a gentle reminder

Black Owl

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I have not read anything that violates a PG rateing as the movie industry states PG is, you can google the rating system. PG allows, some profanity, brief nudity, and some violence, but it should not be intence in the plot.


So do we mean PG or G, I guess the question is do you mean no profanity at all.



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PG is, you can google the rating system. PG allows, some profanity, brief nudity, and some violence, but it should not be intence in the plot.


So do we mean PG or G, I guess the question is do you mean no profanity at all.




I have personally met a lot of these guys and we REALLY do not want "Brief Nudity" either. :think:

The Swamp monsters is more than enough.





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I have not read anything that violates a PG rateing as the movie industry states PG is, you can google the rating system. PG allows, some profanity, brief nudity, and some violence, but it should not be intence in the plot.


So do we mean PG or G, I guess the question is do you mean no profanity at all.





Easy way to think about it is what would you want your 6 year old daughter or grand daughter seeing or reading if they came up behind you when you were on the site unannounced.


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Easy way to think about it is what would you want your 6 year old daughter or grand daughter seeing or reading if they came up behind you when you were on the site unannounced.





In that case YOU mean G rated, not PG.

No problem I just think we saying PG meaning G, and everyone needs to be on the same page.

But in my opinion a 6 year old has no business on a site, primarily visited by 40 to 80 year old men, even this one. Without proper adult supervision, of course that goes for the internet period, I still monitor my 16 year to a certain level.



Edited by footsie
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OK here folks....

It seems that, lately here we are having some growing pains with what is "The Rating" of the site. Some folks are going the PC route and going by the movie guidelines, others push it a bit. If we say PG some will push that envelope and test the waters a bit further.

This is a "FAMILY FRIENDLY" site, yes we are bikers and if you get around me at a M&E you WILL hear some colorful language out of me from time to time. If I am around younguns I will refrain my lanuguage out of respect to the parents. I do not bring it here on the site because of our family friendly guidelines. I'm not perfect and I dont expect anyone else to be, but 99% of the jokes that you recieve in your email inbox does not belong here. Perhaps it is a good idea to keep it at a "G" rating so that the most that is pushed is "PG" :2cents:

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That was to the point, and I think was correctly stated, certainly most of the jokes I receive, should not and I do not post them here. I don't think I have ever posted a joke.

The point, you are correct, G rated, and keep the pushing to a minimum.


I'll shut up now.



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It seems that this discussion comes up about twice a year. :) Then we move ahead and things go OK for a while until somebody feels the need to see how far they can push it again. To be honest, we have NOT had a LOT of problems with people exceeding the ever so elusive rating. While I admit that it is somewhat of a gray area, most people do seem to have a good sense of what should and should not be posted. I know that from time to time, something gets posted and then not deleted that somewhat confuses the issue. I sometimes see a joke or other post that I feel probably exceeds the rating but I resist the urge to delete it for fear of coming across "heavy handed". That is NOT my intention nor the intention of any of our moderators. Sooner or later though, they usually end up getting deleted because they spur comments and/or other jokes that are worse than the original joke.


My general rule of thumb is that I ask myself "is this a joke that I would tell at the family dinner table with a son or daughter sitting there". If I have to honestly answer NO...then I don't post it. Now the question will probably be "how old are the son and/or daughter"...to me, that really doesn't matter too much. Whether they be 8 years old or 18 years old there are just some jokes that I wouldn't tell them. It's a matter of trying to set a good example.


The bottom line is that nobody has ever been banned from this site for posting a joke that crosses the limit. The joke will get deleted and they may or may not receive a friendly email telling them that it was deleted. If they become a chronic poster of such things then they could eventually get a stronger email but I don't remember that ever happening. Most folks are more careful after doing it once or twice.


I think that some folks are trying to make this much more complicated than it needs to be. I happen to believe that we have a fairly intelligent group here and I think that most of this discussion about what the ratings really mean are folks playing devil's advocate. :)

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Easy way to think about it is what would you want your 6 year old daughter or grand daughter seeing or reading if they came up behind you when you were on the site unannounced.





Not so easy as you think. I have heard many parents talk and use language around there six year olds that even make me shudder, and I work with truckers, mechanics and contractors all day long.

Edited by saddlebum
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Easy way to think about it is what would you want your 6 year old daughter or grand daughter seeing or reading if they came up behind you when you were on the site unannounced.




with what some folks allow their children to see/hear, maybe a better question to ask is whether the joke/photo/comment/discussion is something you would be comfortable saying or showing to your grandmother.

But, like Don, I personally think that everyone knows the ground rules and some folks just like to push the envelope to see just how much they can get away with.

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OK theres no kids in my house, grandparents are passed away and I have still never had a thread deleted to my knowledge because of crossing a line. Now I can undertand what everone is saying on both sides of this argument. Ones saying pg rating is not necesary and the ones that say it is. The ones that say its not necesary are the same ones who want talk like that around kids. And the ones who say they are necesary are the same ones who will let there kids watch wwe wrestleing. Watch it once and you will hear words that are stared out on this site and see worse than any pic you have ever seen on this site.



Grow up and get over it. The site is clear on the rules.Either agree with me or dont , but lets get on with the whole idea of the club anyways.





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I had this happen once and it got me to thinking, if you post a link to a slightly off color video or joke with the warning it might not be suitable for young viewers should that post fall under the scrutiny of the moderators, since it doesnt show up on your screen in VR......you would have to go to another site to see or read it..............


I was warned that the pictures on another site werent suitable for younger viewers..........even though you had to go to that site to see it, it was up to the member to go look or not to look. And there was nothing in the link that wasnt suitable for younger readers...............just looking for a little clairification.:think:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just out of curiosity... has anyone seen a PG movie lately? I have! And I haven't seen anything worse here than anything I've seen in a PG movie. Yet I still keep seeing people whining about others not following the PG rating rule, but won't provide any info on just exactly what the offense was to back up their arguments. In the real world, if you don't have any evidence to back up your claim, you don't have a case.

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This is not a court of law. It is a private club that tries to enforce a few basic rules while at the same time not trying to come across as being heavy handed. I'm sorry but I don't see a need to post an extensive list of words that should not be used or jokes that should not be posted. This topic has been beat to death. All we ask is that folks try to exercise some discretion in what they post.

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