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Appreciation for a special Veteran


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I have stated elsewhere on this site, my affection and appreciation for all the Veterans out there. This post is special appreciation for another Veteran I know very well. She’s not a combat vet, but she did serve during the Viet Nam conflict for 4 years as a USAF medic. She worked in the Emergency Room. She worked Sick Call. She worked General Medicine Clinic. She was NCO in Charge of the Pediatric Clinic and later, the OB/GYN Clinic as well.

She was and is the kind of person you always think of when you think about true heroes. I don’t mean the combat hardened, 3 tours under fire, Purple Heart, obvious “I was in war” kind of person. She was and is quiet & unassuming, genuinely humble and doesn’t think that doing the jobs she did, holding the positions she did was a particularly big deal….even if she was only 19-20 years old at the time.

If you didn’t already know, you wouldn’t suspect that she had even been in the service. She has never been one to say much about it……Actually, if you were observant, you might pick up a distinct no-nonsense, get it done attitude, reminiscent of the type person you would expect to find in a position of authority in the military and elsewhere. She has always had the attitude “do the job, do it well!” The funny part of that is she was always driven by her work ethic and never really gave much thought to whether “rewards” would be greater or not. Of course they usually were because of that very attitude, but she didn’t hunt for them. She still has that same ethic, 40 odd years later.

So, I would like to make this a special statement of appreciation for a fellow Veteran, whom I admire for those very qualities that make ordinary men and women into heroes. I truly believe that if the situation demanded it, she would be a fearsome opponent.........One like you usually think of when someone uses the term Veteran or Hero

This one is both!


This one happens to be my wife!

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A heartful thank you to your wife and you for your service.


I guess Veterans Day in the U.S is the Day of Remembrance or Armistice Day that many of our Allies still celebrate. It is dedicated to all Veterans, so a heartful thank you to all who have served their country in the interest of a free world.


I get a chance to talk to some of the servicemen and women who are either on the way to, or coming back from, Iraq and Afghanistan and I thank them for their service and call them veterans. Quite a few tell me that they aren't Veterans yet, not knowing that they already are.


God bless our servicemen, servicewomen, veterans and their families and keep them safe.

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I too was a Viet Nam era vet and never went but my work here in the states was very important and helped in the cause over there. I was in Military inteligence in the Army Security Agency. The information we gathered was vital to the military.

Thank you to your wife and yourself and any and all the vets and servicemen. You all signed on the dotted line and were willing to put your life on the line in the defence of our great country.

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