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Both having surgery this week

Venturous Randy

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Well, I survived mine, but it did not go as smooth as last time.

A couple of weeks ago when I went thru my pre-op, a problem came up on my EKG. I had my pre-op on a Wednesday and was called Friday advising of the problem and I would need a Dr consult. Well, that gave me something to think about over the weekend. Anyway, I had another EKG and everything turned out fine.

So, I show up at the VA yesterday morning at 6:30am and found out I was not on the list and my surgery had been canceled because of the EKG thing, but someone failed to notify me. I was a bit PO'ed to say the least. So, I went home, ate me a bowl of cereal and went to work. Just as I was walking from the car into work, I got a call. If I could come back, they could still do my surgery. They asked me if I had eaten and I said I had a bowl of cereal and they said they would call me back. Then I get a call back and was told to be there by 9am. I get there and get the process started with the half nekid gown, the IV and waiting to go in. Then I was advised that since I had eaten the cereal, they could only do a local and I would be awake thru the whole thing. That is when I should have said, "No, schedule me some other time"!!! But, I just laid there and said ok.

That was a big mistake. That is one of, if not the most miserable experience I have ever been through in my life. They did give me a Valium, but it did not seem to make any difference.

I went back this morning for my follow-up and got a bunch of apologies, even from the surgeon, but I am still a bit frustrated. This morning the surgeon had to drain my eye some as the pressure was so high. The surgeon also said she almost stopped the surgery because my blood pressure went so high. I guess getting eye surgery while are wide awake tends to make my blood pressure go up...duh!! I am also frustrated because I have not had the clarity in this eye as I did in the last one. I just hope it improves as it heals.

As far as Laura and her heart cath, we are to be at the hospital at 6am and she seems to be on good spirits. I think she is looking forward to being put under anesthesia so she doesn't have to listen to my whining. She says I am beginning to sound like a 2nd gen.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers.

Randy & Laura

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