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The muffinman is moving to new base


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ok I got the muffinman's new address. They are suppose to be flying out on tuesday. Might be a few more days then that, but we thought it would be longer till they went at the rate they were going. He'll be at Tarin Kot still in Kandahar Province. So if you'd like his new address just ask and I can send it to you.

Seems some big wig showed up last week and put in the order for pilots and had the pallets brought in for their stuff. Actually would be better for them to be there since the planes are there and have to fly down to them now. He probably won't have internet where he's going not sure when they'll have that. I'm just hoping he gets his last package I sent to him. It's a coat, that sand out there gets in everything so they need a canvas type material so they can blow the sand out of them.



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If you have a chance, please drop me Jeff's new address in wherever the heck it is!!

I would like to drop him a line and see if there is anything he needs that I can help with from here.









Yeah what he said. Let me know what his addy is and if you know of anything he needs or just wants and Laura and I will see what we can do.



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Well I won't know for sure what he needs till he gets to TK. He said the PX is only a conex box so they don't have much evidently. So he actually might start needing stuff. The base he's at now is a NATO base so they have most everything you'd want.


I'll let you all know.


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I just got a call from muffinman. They are waiting to fly out to the new base. So in about an hour and a half I think he'll be off. It's about 8am there. They are 9.5 hrs ahead of us now that we've gone through the time change.


I'll let those who sent me pm's and emails know what all he needs when I find out. I should know by the end of this week.



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Ok he still hasn't left yet. Here I thought he'd be calling from the new base, but no. Not sure what the hold up is.


Found out why they didn't leave. The plane that was coming to get them broke down. So now they have to wait for it to get fixed then they can leave. Hopefully they'll be their by the weekend. Gotta be tough with all your stuff packed. They have to be ready in 15 mins to leave on the plane. 5 mins to get their stuff and 10 on the truck to the plane.

Just glad the plane broke down before it got them. Of course their would have been plenty of mechanics to fix it.



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