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Quike Looks Pretty Now....

Aussie Annie

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Had some paint chips on the outrider guards (from stones etc.) and budget doesn't allow a re-paint right now, sooooo I bought some butterfly auto stickers and put them over the chips. :thumbsup2: There were all different sizes in the packet, and next thing I know I've gone a little crazy with 'em :crackup::crackup::crackup:Check this out :cool10:

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Very nice looking, Annie! Good job girlfriend. At first I thought you did a makeover on Quickstep.

Yama Mama:ice_awesome-vi46644



Nah, that would take too long and use up too much spakfilla :sign20:

He still rides it to work :yikes::yikes: just waiting for him to tell me he punched someone's lights out because they said the wrong thing to him :sign just kidding: :crackup::crackup::crackup:

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Good Lordy, what in the heck is the butterfly effect theory?:think:

(should I really ask)

Maybe you don't want to know................. But, since you asked and I'm wide awake and bored I'll try to explain..............


The Butterfly Effect Theory is basically about cause and effect...... meaning every thing that happens causes something else to happen which causes something else to happen which causes something else to happen and so on, and so on, and so on, and so on.................................


Hence forth.... a Butterfly flapping it's wings in let's say Australia... in doing so, moves a small puff of air into another puff of air, and so on, and so on, and so on.........untill before you know it on the other side of the planet... in let's say.......... Clarkston, Georgia U. S. of A..................... there is a massive tornado with 100+ MPH winds blowing down and destroying everything in it's path ...........................all started by the tiny puff caused by a butterfly's wings thousands of miles away. That theory is known as the Butterfly effect.


Not to be confused with Einstein's theory of Relativity which pretty much states that every action will be met with a opposite and equal reaction.

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Love the butterfly's. I don't think they are too girlie. Mostly because there aren't that many of them. Now if you really wanted to go crazy you could make the whole bike look like a butterfly hmmm what do they call a whole bunch of butterfly's anyway? A flock? A gaggle? Ok I'll stop before I get carried away.



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Bob, not to be the rain on parade day, but:


Einstein's Theory of Relativity relates to mass-energy equivalence (E=mc2).


The statement "For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction" is Sir Isaac Newton's 3rd Law of Motion.



Don't worry about it my parade has turned into a turned into a canoe race without paddles a long time ago. I'll bow to the better informed. I stand corrected.
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