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Eileen and I are going out of town for the weekend. I will be taking my computer but don't know if there is WIFI there so if you don't get a response to a post/pm/email....please be patient. Will respond Sunday night or Monday morning.


Everything will be fine here don't worry about this place. You and Eileen go and have some fun for a while. You need a break. You have moderators to handle most stuff that would happen.




don, leave the durned computer at home, and enjoy the WHOLE weekend!

whatever problems that come up will still be there on Monday!

just jt


p.s.i found my password!lol

just jt


Well don't that beat all......Just up and haul a$$ outta town to go party with your wife. You got some nerve there Don...........:stickpoke: :moon:


Boomer......who would crash the party if he knew where the hell it was......:think: :p


PS: Have yerself a great time :guitarist 2: and leave the computer at home!

pssssstttttttt.... guyz ... the "cat" will be away... lets go crazy with those political threads!!!




ROFL!!!! The Mods won't get much rest this weekend!!:innocent:



Boomer......who voted for the other guy.(This is a test.):rotf:

Well don't that beat all......Just up and haul a$$ outta town to go party with your wife. You got some nerve there Don...........:stickpoke: :moon:


Boomer......who would crash the party if he knew where the hell it was......:think: :p


PS: Have yerself a great time :guitarist 2: and leave the computer at home!

Party at Freebirds house...Bet there's a key hidden somewhere outside !!!!!...TOGA ....TOGA.... TOGA...:fnd_(16):


Party at Freebirds house...Bet there's a key hidden somewhere outside !!!!!...TOGA ....TOGA.... TOGA...:fnd_(16):


Hot tub time at Don's & who is bringing Mini over to there..........:canada:


Party at Freebirds house...Bet there's a key hidden somewhere outside !!!!!...TOGA ....TOGA.... TOGA...:fnd_(16):


Hey we can go pond monster hunting too!!!!!!!!!!!:cool10:

Hey now I'm trying to be good. :whistling: But I'll help clean up like last time Don went way. Who is gonna bring the ammo to get the pond monsters?





Ammo hell.....I have a few hand grenades that will shake those suckers up but good.:banana:


Boomer........who has to warm up his pitching arm.:pushups:


Well, we are back and had a nice time. Weather wasn't too good but we went in the car so it wasn't a big deal. Spent the weekend at Cook Forest in PA at MacBeth's Cabins. Great area if you have never been there. We have been there before on the bike and there is some fantastic riding. Would be a great place for a rally sometime in the future.


I took the computer but there was no service. Heck...there wasn't even any cellular service so we were really disconnected. :) So...I got home and made my way through more than 700 emails. Now back on the road tomorrow. :(


You won't find anything out of place we did a good job cleaning up. :Laugh: Glad you were completely disconnected gave you some time to recharge. Need that sort of vacation every so often.



Not yet...but I'm still looking. :)


See....I told you guys he would miss the obvious.:rotf:


Boomer......who's not saying anything more without an Attorney present.:rasberry:

See....I told you guys he would miss the obvious.:rotf:


Boomer......who's not saying anything more without an Attorney present.:rasberry:

You were right...that crazy glue really does work good........errr...on err....my aaa..stuff ..yea my stuff ..at my home... yea my home...:fnd_(16):



You were right...that crazy glue really does work good........errr...on err....my aaa..stuff ..yea my stuff ..at my home... yea my home...:fnd_(16):



But what is going to happen when somebody rides it?? :confused24: :innocent:


Should hold up as long as nobody puts it in the pond. Might not hold together when getting pulled out of that. :whistling: Now mind you I'm not gonna mention that other thing either.:innocent: I really don't think he'd ever notice that.





You were right...that crazy glue really does work good........errr...on err....my aaa..stuff ..yea my stuff ..at my home... yea my home...:fnd_(16):

Errrr Ahhh Tom was you aware that the crazy glue you used on YYOOOUURR stuff at YYOOOUUUR house has one draw back. It breaks down in sunlight. So Hopefully you wont be using YYOOOUURRR stuff in too much direct sunlight :think: :doh::bang head::bang head:
Now mind you I'm not gonna mention that other thing either.:innocent: I really don't think he'd ever notice that.




SHHHHH!!! yeah, maybe that unexploded ordinance thingy :eek:will be alright 'til they leave again and we can disarm it...:whistling:

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