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Poker Run with Patriots M/C in Oz........

Aussie Annie

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Quickstep and I had a great day (Sunday) doing the annual Patriots M/C poker run for prostate cancer research. Left at 8am, and got home at 7pm :thumbsup2: Great to catch up with a lot of people I hadn't seen since the accident (2 1/2 yrs) and to make new friends also. :clap2:A lot of the members are Vietnam Vets, as well as some still serving in the forces. I live in a navy town and have always supported their fund raiser's etc. Great bunch of folk's and they were interested in my "quike" and loved the fact I was still riding.

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Looks like a great day for a ride down under, no matter where you go, bikers are all the same. Good people who love to ride and fellowship and support good causes.............


Good to see you on your bike again, I know it was tough there for a while, take care and enjoy your ride.

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Nice ride and glad to see you on the bike with all the goodies working the way you want. As I havent been on the site long I am unaware of the crash you spoke of. Not meaning to pry but it does kinda put an answer to the question of what hapened to you. Again not meanig to pry and if I am offending or overstepping my bounderies then I apologies.



Glad to see you have gotten over all as well as you have. I personally am fighting deamons every day myself. But with every trip in the saddle the deamons seem to get further away.





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hi painterman 67

hope all is well in your neck of the woods. glad your here, yes saddle time is very good. i have a co-worker who i've been trying to talk in the big bend np ride next month. he owns a '06 goldwing, but never rides out of houston. he says why do you want to go out there again for, haven't you been out there 4 or 5 times already? i tell him you will know why when you go one time. david as you have said "deamons" saddle time is the best treatment.

best reguards

don c. :thumbsup2:

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Nice ride and glad to see you on the bike with all the goodies working the way you want. As I havent been on the site long I am unaware of the crash you spoke of. Not meaning to pry but it does kinda put an answer to the question of what hapened to you. Again not meanig to pry and if I am offending or overstepping my bounderies then I apologies.



Glad to see you have gotten over all as well as you have. I personally am fighting deamons every day myself. But with every trip in the saddle the deamons seem to get further away.






No problemo's David - ask anytime. Bad road conditions caused my accident back in Dec. '07 and it damaged both my legs (right one now stiff)

But you are right, riding helps get rid of the demon's. Being able to again is wonderful. The folk on here will always lift your spirit too.

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