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There's No Place Like Home...


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Being married to the same wonderful Woman for 20 years PRICELESS!!!!!



:bawling::bawling::bawling:now the rest of the gals in our group will expect us to say nice things about them too..Taters is already giving me the ahh..how sweet thing...your in BIG trouble mister!!!!:rotf::rotf:......CONGRATULATIONS .. you guys deserve it....:clap2::fnd_(16):

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Congrats on 20 years of bliss..........had my 31st last week. Believe me, these women should be massively grateful for having us as their mates. :draming:


Amen to that statement!!! They say it takes 2 to make a marriage work but the percentage is normally 80% effort from the man and 20% effort from the woman.....after she gets done shopping of course.:rotfl:


Boomer........who knows the truth when he reads it.....and knows most wimmen will never admit to the stats posted.:Avatars_Gee_George:

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Hey Bob congratulations,. on twenty great years, Becky and you both are pretty luck.


And Tom, I ALWAYS say nice things about Joanna!!!



Phil: Who will going to Boomers funeral after his old lady reads his last post here:big-grin-emoticon:

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