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Because I wasn't riding a Harley.


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For that very reason a guy got smart with me at a light in Bay City Mi. My wife on the back of my bike "04 Venture" and our friend on his Harley got in the wrong lane at a stop light. We needed to get over in another lane if we could. A small pick-up was setting next to us with his window down. My friend was next to the truck. I asked him if we could get over in front of him when the light changed. He just starred at me. Then he said," he can" but you can't. I just looked at him thinking he was kidding and would smile:) but oh no, not him. He started talking with my friend and said because you ride a Harley you can go ahead, but not him, meaning me. I was instantly angry and wanted to say something because this guy was serious and just kept giving me the eye. I looked ahead and told my friend we can go straight through the light and then make a turn and we did. Go figure:doh:. I was still angry at times to day but was reminded of a Proverb "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes" and "Leave the presence of a fool, Or you will not discern words of knowledge". I felt better after that reminder.


All is good.:cool10:

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we have a poster here that reads "He who angers you, controls you!"

i try my best not to let others anger me, but sometimes it happens.

even then, i don't let them know it.

i try not to plot a get even scheme, but i am not always successful.

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Well obviously the guy in the truck had no manners. How rude he was not to mention just a plain a$$. Glad he was just rude and didn't do anything else.




I am glad I didn't say or do anything else.

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For that very reason a guy got smart with me at a light in Bay City Mi. My wife on the back of my bike "04 Venture" and our friend on his Harley got in the wrong lane at a stop light. We needed to get over in another lane if we could. A small pick-up was setting next to us with his window down. My friend was next to the truck. I asked him if we could get over in front of him when the light changed. He just starred at me. Then he said," he can" but you can't. I just looked at him thinking he was kidding and would smile:) but oh no, not him. He started talking with my friend and said because you ride a Harley you can go ahead, but not him, meaning me. I was instantly angry and wanted to say something because this guy was serious and just kept giving me the eye. I looked ahead and told my friend we can go straight through the light and then make a turn and we did. Go figure:doh:. I was still angry at times to day but was reminded of a Proverb "The way of a fool is right in his own eyes" and "Leave the presence of a fool, Or you will not discern words of knowledge". I felt better after that reminder.


All is good.:cool10:


heck your lucky it wasnt me i would have had to push ya over anyways for not letting me know you were so close to me and not calling as i live in BayCity LOL


I know what you mean though as there are a lot of people here that would be happy to run any bike over just because there bigger in a car or truck and the cops around here are a joke as to do anything as far as traffic as im sure you seen you coulld run 50 to 60 MPH in any of our 25MPH zones and never get pulled over


next time give me a call we will have coffee



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That's the reason the wife and I aren't going on a charity ride for the local Community Health program this weekend. They are even touting it as a "Harley" ride. I'm just not sure what makes them think that they are better than the rest of us that choose to ride something different. It's the snobbery that really turns me off from most of these guys. The ones that are regular folk (and I know plenty of them) and ride HD can't even figure it out.


Just my :2cents: worth

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I agree with footsiebiker. Let the Hardley get over and slow down traffic then go as you wish.

Those hard-core folks don't bother me because I don't need their approval or admiration. My first experience with them was when I needed a tire mounted and the guy was a real jerk, telling me that they worked on harley's only. I had real, American money...But, alas, as I have now learned harley owners are used to over-paying for any repairs unlike most of us so I guess it makes us less desireable. Plus, I guess I would be pretty pi**y myself if I had overpaid for a basically inferior machine. It's a good thing they have the monogramed drawers to keep them happy (distracted) or we'd probably see them on "America's Most Wanted" every episode... They have a "lifestyle" I just don't need.

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That's the reason the wife and I aren't going on a charity ride for the local Community Health program this weekend. They are even touting it as a "Harley" ride. I'm just not sure what makes them think that they are better than the rest of us that choose to ride something different. It's the snobbery that really turns me off from most of these guys. The ones that are regular folk (and I know plenty of them) and ride HD can't even figure it out.


Just my :2cents: worth


Yep, We got "Dipsticks" like that over here. :bang head::bang head:

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I'd have simply called ACLU ....


They would have Fun dealing with this Guys Attitude ...







This is a Thing they would really need to go after. And kept them away from other "important" Things they think they have to solve. :whistling::whistling::whistling:

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The guy in the truck is probably hung up on the american made fallacy. A few years ago I read an article in Time Magazine that listed the american vehicles that had the most parts made overseas. Guess which vehicle was number 1? The ford f150 pickup. 65% of parts on it are made overseas. I wish I had kept that article. Also, the harley riders that thumb their noses at metric bikes need to read the book "Harley-Davidson, The Ultimate Machine." My daughters boyfriend gave me a copy a few years ago. It gives the history of Harely Davidson. Guess what? In 1980 the harley executives asked Honda if they could come and look at their factory to see how they made bikes. Harley was almost broke. Honda said sure. If it wasn't for the research and development of the metrics harely might not be here today. One other thing. The guy in the pick up probably buys everything he can at Wal Mart but doesn't look at the made in china label.

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I would like to suggest that what everyone might be perceiving as arrogance is actually nothing more than the behavior and mentality of those who, for any great variety of reasons, dwell in the "lowest common denominator". As the old song goes, "be kind to your web-footed friends, 'cause a duck may be somebody's Mother..."





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Just one more reason why I don't ride a Harley.....Can't stand the "attitude" (and yeah, I know some really great people who ride 'em and I ride with them, BUT there are a huge number of just plain Jerks out there.


Remember too, that if HD took the Venture and put a bar and shield on it the RSV would instantly become a FatWideSuperDynaClassicElectroVentureGlide (Model FWSDCEVG) and would sell for about $39K...:hihi:


Oh yeah, they'd also have to drop the warranty to 12 months/12,000 miles:doh:

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I know that this type of person is out there, I'm just glad I have never run across one. The guys I ride with here in GA are pretty evenly split when it comes to rides. There are quite a few HDs but there are also quite a few Hondas, Kaws and Yamahas. There are even a few Victories and BMWs. Everyone always compliments each other on their bikes and other than a few good natured jokes we all respect the fact that we ride. It's kind of like this group. We don't all ride RSVs even though the site is 'Ventureriders'. I've never seen anything but positives from people here regardless of the ride. The people here understand that it's not about what you ride, but that you do. You all 'get it'.


I actually feel sorry for these people because they don't understand what we all take for granted. They have no idea what it means to be a 'biker'. They ride for status and miss the experience. While I love my RSV, I don't think there's a bike out there I wouldn't enjoy riding simply because I would be 'riding'. It's like going to church and not know God. Pretty empty.

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Remember too, that if HD took the Venture and put a bar and shield on it the RSV would instantly become a FatWideSuperDynaClassicElectroVentureGlide (Model FWSDCEVG) and would sell for about $39K...:hihi:


Oh yeah, they'd also have to drop the warranty to 12 months/12,000 miles:doh:

Now that's funny. :rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:
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we have a poster here that reads "He who angers you, controls you!"

i try my best not to let others anger me, but sometimes it happens.

even then, i don't let them know it.

i try not to plot a get even scheme, but i am not always successful.


So, the Judge askes, why did you shoot him, 10 times, (the guy replys), Well, I ran out of Bullets


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