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Nicknames & meanings elsewhere


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This morning I found out that I had gotten my account disabled on another forum. When I got to someone who could tell me why, they said I was kicked off because my nickname was offending to many others in the forum. I was using the nickname I also use here, (a1bummer). Come to find out that in some other parts of the world, not sure exactly which, the term "bummer" is a derogatory term for a gay person.


Who would've thunk?:think:

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Did you explain how badly that bummed you out? And the question arises that if it's a derogatory term would it not be a complimentory with the prefix "a1"?


I got a 15 minute routine on people that whine about being insulted by words in our language but I'm not going to go there today. :ignore:


George Carlin would have fun with this one.


I'm bummed for ya dude. :Cool_cool36:



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Huh, wierd... I've been told that mine is not necessarily appropriate in all places, but I still don't understand that one; its a friggen animal.


For a while my hair was real short, soft and about the same color as just about every single beaver picture I had seen. In one of my classes, a long while ago, we were supposed to come up with an animal that described us so my friends started calling me that and it sort of stuck... The 'little' part was added on because I power lifted for a while; I'm short, but was (at one point) reasonably built... So it was one of those 'ironic' or w.e. ones...





Edited by LilBeaver
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my mom always called me Butch when I was a kid .... dunno how that'd go over today... guess it's a matter of interpretation. And that applies to numerous words and statements... the folks who have a problem with such things are the ones with the problem... up to them to deal with it.

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Yeah mine now means (COUGAR) (older woman looking for a young guy) *oops*


I have had that handle for 15 years . Now that show on TV comes out! *lol*


So even my trike plates say Cougar on them , So I tell people they have it backward

I am and older guy looking for younger women! my wife rides with me 99% of the time

and she is 12 years younger them me! :happy65:


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Yeah mine now means (COUGAR) (older woman looking for a young guy) *oops*


I have had that handle for 15 years . Now that show on TV comes out! *lol*


So even my trike plates say Cougar on them , So I tell people they have it backward

I am and older guy looking for younger women! my wife rides with me 99% of the time

and she is 12 years younger them me! :happy65:



That's a "Cruiser" Had you known that 15 yrs ago.... :rotf:

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There is no hidden meaning in my handel!!!!:no-no-no::no-no-no::no-no-no:


What you see is what you get, & the gettin's GOOD :rotf::rotf::rotf::canada::canada::canada::rotf::rotf::rotf:


ha!... I wondered about that... and then I met you...:rasberry: :rasberry: :witch_brew: :witch_brew:


(jus ribbin an I gotta be nice coz you live too close LOL)

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They have a new word for it now. They're called a "Manther". That way us guys have a cat name too....sorta.



uhhhhhhhhh... so are you tellin me that when I was "Cruisin" ... I was actually "Mantherin"? ????????????? watch out girlz... I'm on the prowl! errr the Manther err..... oh :think: ..eh?

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Well I got the nickname almost 35 years ago shortly after I learned to walk. When my parents would ask, where's Bill?, some one would say he's bumming around again. I was usually found either at my Uncle's about 1/2 mile away or a couple miles across the wood at my cousin's house. When I learned how to ride a bicycle, I was usually found miles away. Everybody within an 8 mile radius knew who I was and where I was supposed to be. Plus I was always getting into trouble. Nowadays when people ask where I got the name, I say, that's what the Dr. said when I was born.

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When you get "misconscrued " does it hurt?


As far as names in other parts of the world "tuff nubbies"! I ain't in another part of the world and neither is the forums I go to.


So tell them to go lay down by your bowl.

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