kantornado Posted September 25, 2007 #1 Posted September 25, 2007 A drunk driver killed a friend of mine last night while he was out running errands on his bike. Mike was good people,someone you could always count on and the type of guy you just wanted to ride with. Squidly reminds me of Mike and I liked Squidly from the time I met him. When I got the news I was P.O. I have spent the day thinking of all the neat rides we shared.As well as a wedding dance. The last time I saw him was at a Funeral of a friends Dad before moving out here to Vegas and I gave him a big bear hug and said I"m not going to say goodbye just till I see you again and we both got a little misty. Writing this is helping me grieve and it hurts allot because I was wanting to call Mike and tell him what a good friend he is,but put it off cause I will be in Minnesota in a couple weeks and figured I would see him then. So now it looks like I will say till we meet again when I go to his burial site. He loved to ride and loved family and friends and I know there will be allot of both at his funeral. I hate the fact another drunk has taken such a good friend away. So far to date this makes My Dad and 2 good friends someone driving while under the influence has killed. Thanks for listening..............................................Ron
Redneck Posted September 25, 2007 #2 Posted September 25, 2007 I'm so sorry to hear the bad news its hard to believe so many people drive drunk I hope they bury the drunk under the jail.
sarges46 Posted September 25, 2007 #3 Posted September 25, 2007 That is bad news. The drunks keep winning these battles and all they get is jail time. Our hearts go out to you friend.
Dano Posted September 25, 2007 #4 Posted September 25, 2007 Same goes from us, so sorry to hear that you had not had the time to speak. All too often we say that we will get to it soon, then time has passed and an unfortunate incident like this happens. Our family will grieve with you and his family. Sincerely, Dan
Princess M Posted September 25, 2007 #5 Posted September 25, 2007 Sorry for your loss. I just don't understand...it's so senseless. My ex-husband,Mike, was on the Nevada Highway Patrol when we were married. He arrested a guy for his third DUI (can you believe that? His third) Well the guy spit on Mike and told him he was on his way to work in the mines. He said he was taking food from his kids mouths. Mike told him that he didn't put the bottle to his mouth. The drunk stated he worked at this "level" all the time and he had no problem functioning. Well, Mike called the courts the day before his hearing to make sure the guy didn't plead out. Mike found out that the guy made bail and went back to work. The guy must have been drunk again (you know, functioning like always). He decided to take a nap in one of the tunnels and got ran over by a tracked vehicle and killed. Maybe I shouldn't say this, but I am.........It couldn't have happened to a better guy. I always have the hope that whatever goes around comes around (good or bad).
mini-muffin Posted September 25, 2007 #6 Posted September 25, 2007 I totally agree with you "M". It's been 23 years since my cousin was killed by a drunk driver. She was pregnant at the time so we lost both of them. She left behind a 4 yr old daughter. It was devastating to me, we had grown up together she was just 11 months younger then me. She had moved to Florida with her mom and step dad to get a new life and instead it ended. Unfortunately there are way too many that think it's ok to get behind the wheel of a car or any other motorized vehicle and drive. Unfortunately they take away our loved ones instead of just taking themselves out. Margaret
Lone Eagle Posted September 25, 2007 #7 Posted September 25, 2007 Ron, I am so sorry to read of your loss. Our prayers are including you - and your friend and family. I am generally not good with words - but my heart is feeling for you at this time. Take care and stay strong.
cowpuc Posted September 25, 2007 #8 Posted September 25, 2007 Ron, I am so sorry to hear about your great loss.. Those words seems so menial considering the length of time that we as a society have had to put up with such immoral, uncivilized acts of destruction.. Please do not let the sincerity of my condolances be clouded by the decisions of our lawmakers... Not only am I an avid biker, I am also an avid Michigan snowmobiler and have been for over 40 years.. Our state has suffered great losses like you have experience MANY times in the sledding industry.. Unlike bikes, snowmobiles take NO skill to ride - literally a drunken person can climb on, pull the trigger and kill someone in a matter of seconds.. I was instrumental in helping to establish a "Zero Tolerance" policy for Michigan Snowmobile Association.. The public outcry against people like myself for supporting zero toleance was AMAZING!! It seems that the overwhelming majority of people in our society want their cake and eat it too.. They want to be able to drink "socialably" and be able to legally drive after doing so.. So many people misunderstand the effects of booze on a persons judgement.. Asking a person who has been drinking to decide whether they have drank enough to give up their car keys is like asking a child to decide when they have had to many cookies - the idea is proposterous!! Unfortunatly, your friend is one of many innocent souls who have paid the ultimate price for our societial selfishness.. I for one appologize for it.. Sincerley 'Puc
Eck Posted September 25, 2007 #10 Posted September 25, 2007 So sorry for your loss. My heart is with you my friend.
royalstarjac Posted September 25, 2007 #11 Posted September 25, 2007 I'm sorry for your loss. These incidents should be treated as the crimes they are, homicides. -Jack
Guest KitCarson Posted September 25, 2007 #12 Posted September 25, 2007 How do you do that? I have tried to walk on water and I always have to wear a life jacket! Yea I know I am full of it! I am sorry about your friend and the idiot driver. These things tend to make me stop and think and be more careful. I saw something like this happen right in front of my eyes in Fort Myers Florida. A couple were on a Gold Wing at the stop light and this old woman rammed them from behind at the light, 4 lane traffic, no where to go, happens so fast, it is a terrible thing. So again next time you think of your pal......tell him Hi. Kit
Sweetnothing Posted September 25, 2007 #13 Posted September 25, 2007 Ron, I am sorry to hear about Mike! Good friends are hard to come by, but you have many of them here, so if you need to talk to someone, we are here for you! And we are only a phone call away! I also don't say "goodbye"....it is usually "see you later." We will keep you and Mike's family in our thaughts and prayers, and if there is anything we can do, please let us know!
Marcarl Posted September 25, 2007 #14 Posted September 25, 2007 I'm sitting greaving for you as well, a senseless and totally unnecessary thing to be drunk and driving. A reminder for all of us though, got a friend? need to call them? don't delay, call today, for tomorrow may never come.
Eddie Fulmer Posted September 25, 2007 #15 Posted September 25, 2007 No problem has ever been solved with alcohol as a beverage, however many have been caused. I've never seen anything good come from alcohol. I'm a non-drinker. I go to bike night here almost every week and am amazed at the amount of alcohol consumed by bikers. We ride home then, impaired, on a machine that takes more dexterity to ride than anything on the road. I work in the local fire dept here and I'd say at least 60-70% of wrecks we go to are alcohol related. Why are we still drinking? I'll put you and your friends family on my prayer list. I know it's a difficult time.
Snarley Bill Posted September 25, 2007 #16 Posted September 25, 2007 really sad news.hate to here stories like this.i see many drunks on the road when going to work late at night.i travel two highways and get pasted most every night by people who have had to much.so sorry about your friend.bill
EasyRider Posted September 25, 2007 #17 Posted September 25, 2007 till tomorrow, it may be one day late. Ron on so many levels I can relate. The days get brighter, the pain fades away.... til a posting or event brings it all back. Remember the sharing, and don't forget the regrets as they help you to avoid them with others. May the Lord give you and his family peace and compassion.
brscooter Posted September 25, 2007 #18 Posted September 25, 2007 As a police officer I have personally arrested around 700 DWIs in my carreer. I worked on a DWI Task Force for 3 years and in the 2nd year alone I made 300 DWI arrests. I arrested one guy for 6th offense and he refused all tests but he was convicted in trial on my testimony and got 23 years. The prosecutors final statement to the jury was, "If you let this guy go, the next headlights you see coming at you may be his". I also arrested a man and a woman for their 10th offenses. The guy was also in possession of crack cocaine. Do not know what happened to them, they were probably allowed to plead to lesser sentences since I didnt get subpoened to court. Louisiana has resisted changing DWI laws for many years but in the last couple have increased the sentences and lowered the BAC to .08g% which for us is a major step. Drinking here is part of our culture that goes along with our great food. It is hard to change but it slowly is. I am sorry for your loss. Lyle
James Ardrey Posted September 25, 2007 #19 Posted September 25, 2007 Ron, I'm really sorry about your loss. It must be really hard for you. It is a senseless death. Talking about it to friends and family and gaining their support is the best thing you can do at this time to grieve naturally. I can't possibly know how you feel even though I have had similar losses, but I know you are really going to miss him and that is where grief lives.
Squidley Posted September 25, 2007 #20 Posted September 25, 2007 Ron...My Friend, Words are never easy to put together when we hear of a sensless loss like this one. It always bring ones emotions to a breaking point and we ask God why? He is there for us, nurturing us, even though we believe we are being punished as he has take one of his children home. I too met you, and instantly liked you, you have a good old soul and I appreciate who you are. There are many folks here on this site that I feel this way about. So to you and all of my "Family" here I love you folks, and if I dont see you again....you have made my life better because I know you. If you need to talk Bro, I'm here for you...here is something I like folks to have in times like these. God Bless you my friend Irish Tombstone Prayer Death is nothing at all, I have only slipped away into the next room. Whatever we were to eachother, that we are still Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me in the easy way which you always used to. Laugh as we always laughed together. Play, Smile, Think of me, Pray for me. Let my name be the household word that it always was, let it be spoken without effort. Life means all that it ever meant, it is the same as it ever was, there is absolutely unbroken continuity. Why should I be out of your mind because I am out of your sight? I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just around the corner. All is well, nothing is past, nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before...Only better, infinitely happier and forever we will all be one together with Christ
Black Ice Posted September 25, 2007 #21 Posted September 25, 2007 Ron, we are terribly sorry to hear of the loss of your friend in this way. Its a tradgedy in any light but drunk driving has to be stopped. The penalties are just too lite to get the message across. Hang on to the memories and cherish them.
Blackjack Posted September 25, 2007 #22 Posted September 25, 2007 Ron, As family-in-kind, please know that we all, in some small way, share in your grief. This senseless loss of life is both incomprehensible and unacceptable! There are, essentially, two kinds of people in the world: those who consider life precious and those who just don't consider! How sad and tragic that the first group can be so easily compromised by the second. Our regards and best wishes to all directly affected by this tragedy... Terry
helomech Posted September 26, 2007 #23 Posted September 26, 2007 That's terrible news. I wish we didn't have so many posts like this, it seems that there are more and more of them every day. What a great thing it is to be able to be alone physicaly, while knowing there is a whole community of friends we may not even have met that genuinely share your pain. I wish there was a way to wrap a shield around everyone on this site to keep us all from having this kind of thing happen, but that isn't possible. God has his reasons for everything even though we cannot understand.
VTirelli Posted September 26, 2007 #24 Posted September 26, 2007 Sorry to hear of your loss Ron. I've locked up my share of drunk drivers, a few had multiple convictions and had never seen a day in jail other than the night they spent with us. It's frustrating to say the least.. Many years ago, my grandfather was killed by a drunk driver......himself....he was an alcoholic who always got away with it back then because it wasn't considered a problem. I was always glad that he didn't take anyone with him, but was too young to try to contact the family of the people he hit to say I was sorry. .. .. .. As Brad has said...to all of you on here that I have met...and to those I have yet to meet...I consider all of you my friends and all you need to do is ask for anything.
Mean Dog Posted September 26, 2007 #25 Posted September 26, 2007 Sorry to hear about your friend Ron. This is happening way too often! Dog
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