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Update on my accident


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Hi all,


I would appreciate some prayers.


I posted a week or two ago about the accident I had the Friday before Labor Day. I went down on the intersate in rush hour traffic. My helmet hit the pavem,ent so hard I more than likely would have been braian dead if I hadn't had it on. Aftyer reading the accident report this past weeken I also found out that a semi truck barely missed me as I was passed out in the middle lane of the freeway. Thankfully the driver was able to brake a swerve enough to get around me. God was with me and I didn't even get a broken bone. Only some road rash, very sore muscles, etc. from which I am recovering quickly.


I also mentioned they found I had some enlarged lymph nodes in my chest area when they did the CAT scan in the emergency department. I followed uip with the doctor and found out on that visit that I also have a "nodule" in my left lung. Talk about a punch in the gut. I was never a smoker. They won't say anything else until they know for sure. They have already got me into a pulmonologist tomorrow and he will be scheduling a bronchoscopy for me so they can get a biopsy of the thing to see what we are dealing with.


As for the bike, I got a call last night telling me they are going to total it. I am calling the adjuster back in a few minutes to get the details. So I will be Ventureless but will still hang around if you don't mind. My wife wants an end to the biking and I am just dealing with the health issues right now. So we'll give it some time to see how we feel in the Spring.


I am feeling like maybe the accident happened so I would find whatever it is that is taking up residence in my lung. I am normally not good about going to the doctor and really haven't had any clue that there


I appreciate you all.


Ride safe.

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Well I believe everything happens for a reason and in your case it seems so. Just deal with the health stuff and the bike part will happen when it happens. We'll be here for you and whether you have a bike or not your family. Don't hesitate to come on and let us know what's going on, or to vent if need be. We all understand that. You just hang in there. Your wife might need a little time to get over the fact that you had the accident. Plus I'm sure she's worried about this health issue that you now know about.



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Gary, I'm not a "religious" man so I don't do prayers BUT, I do wish all the best for you. Something I believe in very "religiously" (kindof a pun) is "All things happen for reason's" and it would certainly seem that in this case. Thankfully you weren't hurt badly. The bike is replacable... you aren't. Such things are certainly a "wake up call" for a person like me to get regular checkups...especially at my age.


Hang in there!

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