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This is all new to me,I just bought my 85 three months ago.I really like riding it but now have a problem with one of the clips that holds the head light fuse.It has broken! Iam not to sure what to do with this problem.I have just started to read post from other members about a fuse box up grade.Maybe this is what I should be doing?Were should I look for this ,is there a member that has done this that maybe can help me with some writen directions?............Thanks..........Stan


Check with skydoc 17, he has a kit that he sells for around $40 that has the instructions, new fuse panel, fuses, clips, wire and the whole nine yards needed to upgrade your bike.

And he is a walking 1st gen dictionary.

Posted (edited)

I picked up a new fuse panel at CarQuest. It's just a matter of interchanding the clips. You do need to solder the wires on, but the clips fit in the present holder. I'll see if I can find a part # for you.

Couldn't find a part number, but I got some picture instead.

The holder on the left is what I use. It is pop riveted on so you'll need to drill it off. Hope this helps.

Edited by Marcarl

See the Maintenance Library on this web site, for the Mod. Replace the entire Fuse holder assembly, with ATM type fuse's !! Much better!! Well worth the effort.

Posted (edited)

Hi and welcome neighbour!


I am just down the road from you in Uxbridge.


Here is a photo of my upgraded fuse box. Hope it helps.




The OEM one is a piece of CR4P and needs to be replaced ASAP regardless of whether you think its causing you problems or not. It certainly wasn't Yama's best work.


ATM, blade style fuses are the way to go. The glass cartridge ones are not so readily available and are much more delicate.


I have done two bikes like this now and one has about 30,000 miles on it since I did it, with no problems at all. I use a pair of Littelfuse part #03500417BP's ganged together. That gives me space for 10 fuses so I can fuse accessories like heated clothing, trailers, air horns etc seperately with no knots of inline fuses hanging about.


What I do is get the new fuseblock ready and then put the old and new side by side. Then I cut one wire at a time from the old and connect it to the new one. That way I don't have a bunch of wires all loose at the same time to confuse me. Works for me.


Oh, and also I have recently modified my set up by including a strip of multiple ground terminals connected to the ground wire which originally went to the OEM fuse box accessories terminal. This gives me access to multiple grounding points which always seemed to be scarce before. I cut a piece of 1/8" plastic the same size as the aft face of the battery and tucked it down into the battery compartment behind the battery. At the top edge of the plastic piece, just level with the seam on the battery, I mounted my ground strip to the plastic. It looks as if the ground strip is part of the battery. I'll try to get a pic posted of this soon.


Hope this is helpful.




Brian H.

Edited by 6m459
error in url

Hey Brian, does that setup fit under the tank cover OK?


Is it mounted down, or is it just floating loose?


Anxious to see pics of the ground strap setup.....

Hey Brian, does that setup fit under the tank cover OK?


Is it mounted down, or is it just floating loose?


Anxious to see pics of the ground strap setup.....


Yup, it fits under the tank cover OK but only just. The corners of the clear fusebox covers just touch the inside surface of the tank cover and that is what keeps it in place on my blue bike which has all the miles on.


On the other bike, which is still in the project stage, I have done the same mod but I have put some holes in the plasic base of the fuse box which I have used to run some cable ties to strap it to the strap over the battery.




Brian H.

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