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Does anyone belong to the AMA? i was looking at the member benefits & was wondering what experiences our members here have had with them.

comments would be appreciated from current, ex members or hearsay of said experiences.

It all sounds good, before i plunk down any dues, real world information is nice.


thanks, dale in La


I belong, and with their new program that includes roadside assistance all it would take is one need for service........plus its pease of mind


Also they are there looking out for us riders


I belong to support the riders rights. Haven't even paid any attention to the assistance or much else. I know they have it but my intent is to give them money to help me and all my fellow riders.


Member here too. I second the road side assistance and the fact they are a voice for us. They do offer some discount benefits also. I have used the 15% discount at Choice hotels a lot. personally i think it is a decent deal that is good for our lifestyle. btw you also get a monthly magazine and a cool sticker.




I joined primarily because I get a discount on my insurance that is greater than my dues. I also like that they are fighting for my rider rights. I have a lot of roadside assistance (insurance, AAA, and now AMA), but I do appreciate that too.


The magazine is informational, especially since it covers stuff I don't follow in any other way (off road? races?). The article this month on noise testing was particularly interesting.




well, i have not read any negative feedback, plus it's a voice for we riders. i do like that. i shall join shortly.


thanks for the comments. i appreciate that.


dale in La


We have belonged to the AMA for several years for the same reasons already stated above. The representation and fights for biker's rights are enough reason alone, but the Roadside Assistance, discounts, and magazine are icing on the cake. It is amazing the number of challenges that are raised each year to our rights to ride, or rights as riders. It is great to have a united organization that fights these challenges.


I've been a member for years. Roadside assistance is good and there are some discounts that you get including Bike Bandit and Garmin. The main reason I joined was to support the legislative portion. They fight for our rights across the country. It's something you don't see but it's pretty important to me.


I've been a member for many years, way back to my dirt racing days. The magazine is OK, the hotel and car rental discounts are sometimes usable, and the $39 a year I spend is more than off set by the discount in my motorcycle insurance rate.


If everyone that rode joined, we would have a ton of clout in Washington. There are over 4 million registered motorcycles in the US, yet the AMA only has 165,000 members. Only 4% of motorcycle owners belong to the AMA.


28% of all motorcycles are Harleys, That is 1.1 million, and HOG has around 500,000 members, about 40% of the owners.


think how much power the AMA would have if even 20% of all motorcycle owners joined.


I'm an AMA Charter Life Member, having joined in 1974. Proud to be a member.


I don't care about any of the benefits of AMA membership. It's important to me that as many motorcyclists as possible join the AMA and support its efforts. AMA is, after all, the de facto, default representative of motorcyclists before government and industry.


I encourage all to join.


Nick Diaz

Middletown, MD


You also get a discount from GARMIN.

We are in due to you had to show your card to race motocross at some events.

They have some good benifits...but on the racing side of things...

WAY WAY to political. :doh:

Racing bikes are for racing not riding everyday on the highway...when they go to testing the exhaust sound, lead in the fuel and oxygenates in the fuel that regular pump gas will not even pass...they are crossing the line. We would not burn a gallon of gas in a race. 5 gallons would last a 3 day weekend. You don't see NHRA testing fuel or exhaust sound levels.

I always want them to stay in the riders rights...rider safety and track safety...that is my 2 cents. Seems they never want to deal with track safety...:confused24:


I think a bike is already a Green Machine compaired to the truck I used to pull the camper 300 miles to the race track or the generator that ran 24/7 for the entire time we were there in the 100 degree heat.


You Have sparked my interest, could someone post a link to the AMA so us non members could check it out?

Thanks for your comments and bringing this to our attention.:thumbsup2:



I am a AMA member, like the rag and discounts too. Heck, each year on the hotel discounts end up paying for my membership. If you sign up for automatic renewal, the roadside assistance is "free". :)



I have been a member for 27 years, and they are one of the really effective organizations in intervening in local law issues, as well as overseeing what is being proposed on a national level. They have a lot of activities as well. Well worth the small investment to have them represent and support you.



Yup. Been a member for a couple of weeks now. I'm still waiting on my "New Member Packet". Its a Good cause and if nothing else the hotel discounts will pay for the membership by itself.:thumbsup2:

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