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Posted (edited)

this has nothing to do with nothing, but when was the last time you southern folks, maybe even northern folks or anyone for that matter. had a good old cold glass of milk and a slice of cornbread cooked in saved bacon grease. and you dunked that slice of cornbread in that glass of milk. or just had it with some real old fashion butter. well if you can't remember well that's too long. hot d--- momma i'am back home.

peace & love to all

best reguards

don c. :witch_brew:

Edited by gunboat
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hi double d

never used buttermilk, i've heard the old timers talk about it. but we always used sweet milk. by the way, made a pan of cornbread at 9:00 pm tonight.

don c.


I was raised on that stuff.. MM MM And I had some last week too. Hot cornbread in cold milk OH YES. And butter oh baby just give me the butter and cornbread and I am just fine:)... Or beans and cornbread with butter and pepper juice.


hay rick

what about the (rum, ribs & bbq) i read in your interest section? :rotfl::rotfl::cool10::cool10: but brother i'am right there along side of ya.

don c.

Good gritty Cornbread cooked in a cast iron skillet goes great with Deer meat chili. :thumbsup2:



OK Tracy now your making me Hungry.. Still have any Deer meat left in the freezer? I'll come by and get some. :whistling:

hay rick

what about the (rum, ribs & bbq) i read in your interest section? :rotfl::rotfl::cool10::cool10: but brother i'am right there along side of ya.

don c.



OMG!!! talk about being CAUGHT IN THE ACT huh? :rotf: :rotf: :rotf:


Well, to be honest, your "recipe" does sound yummy... years ago I always saved the bacon grease... then when it was cold I'd smear in on a slice of thick buttered bread...add some salt & pepper.... ooohhhhhhhhhhhh man that was sooooooo good.


These days I tend to stay away from as much of that kinda stuff as I can.... allows me to CONSUME MORE RUM & RIBS! :rasberry:


As a child, growing up in Virginia my mom made the best cornbread on the planet. For a special treat, she would make her cornbread and put it in those old tin muffin pans with the muffin papers. My brothers and I thought that was sooo cool because each cornbread muffin was made for a special person, all wrapped up.

We were on our way to North Carolina to visit my dad's sister and brother-in-law, Aunt Erma and Uncle Roy. Well let me tell you mom had outdone herself for this trip baking over 4 dozen cornbread muffins and I had the honor of holding the basket in the back of the car all the way to North Carolina. That night, at the dinner table, Aunt Erma had laid out a feast and Uncle Roy had mentioned many times how he was looking forward to havin' a few of mom's cornbread muffins! Well about half way thru dinner, I started looking around at everyone eating and noticed the big pile of muffin papers in front of everyone's plate, everyone except Uncle Roy! Well being the delightful, curious child that I was (pesky, pain in the A$$) I yelled across the table, "Uncle Roy, where's all your muffin papers?" well needless to say, everyone at the table turned their gaze toward Uncle Roy and in a sheepish voice he said, "I thought those muffins were a mite chewy!"

He must have eaten at least a dozen, paper and all!

We laughed until we cried.:Laugh:

When was the last time you laughed till you cried?

Thanks for reminding me about cornbread,


Posted (edited)

hi kross k

yep i have to second motion that, let me know when the deer chili done. i still have my momma's cast iron skillet (bless her soul) but didn't use it tonight. used one of them new non-slick 9" pie pan. dog gone bacon grease would hardly stick to the sides of that pie pan. never had that problem with the old cast iron.

don c.

Edited by gunboat
Posted (edited)

rick every now and then my mom would add a can of green giant "mexican corn" you know the whole kernnal corn with the red & green choped up bell peppers in it. now that was a little different.

don c.

Edited by gunboat

My Momma used the cast iron corn stick type pan, looked like corn on the cobb, I still have that ole pan, I think it's time to use it.....



amen to what you said brother. matter of fact i'am going to dig out my momma's old skillet and cook some bacon & eggs in it for breakfast. it's time to " season up that old skillet".

don c.


Just so happens I had corn bread gravy bacon fat and grits 3 times in the past seven days while visiting my inlaws in IL down near st louis.

at home bacon fat never gets saved because i fry/toast my bread in it, mmmmmm


hi saddlebum

now what is cornbread gravy? the bacon fat i have used to make rergular gravy and rues to make gumbo. but i'am always ready to try someting new.

don c.

hi saddlebum

now what is cornbread gravy? the bacon fat i have used to make rergular gravy and rues to make gumbo. but i'am always ready to try someting new.

don c.

oops that was supposed to be corn bread and gravy


thanks my step grandmaw would use the bacon fat & flour to make a gravy, but she used to add coffee to it. that would turn the gravy a darker color. man now i have not had that kind of gravy in over 50 years.

don c.



Of all of the topics on a MOTORCYCLE Board - Cornbread?

I think it is great that this topic has gotten soooo much attention.

I like the mention of deer chili & corn bread. I think I will casually mention it to my wife and hopefully she will make it for me.

Keep it up folks, this is great.



hi craigr

thanks for adding your thoughts, you are a lucky man to have your wife make you deer chili. hopefully this year my son in law will have some deer meat, he owes me big time for marring my oldest daughter.

don c.

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