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What is the farthest distance you have ridden in one day?

Yama Mama

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I don't remember the exact from and to places but the longest for me solo was about 1020 miles in about 17 hours from I think somewhere in Tennessee to somewhere in PA. The longest two up was coming home from Alberta, Canada a few years ago with Eileen. We did just over 700 miles one day. Don't remember how long that one was but probably about 12 hours or so. Both of these were on the '99 RSV.



Thats better than the Iron Butt . The average ride for 1000 miles is 18 hours

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Before moving to Charlotte, NC area, I lived in Wilmington, NC and would ride to Dallas, TX on my Ultra Classic to see my mother at a nursing home. According to Mapquest it is 1200 miles +/-. I would leave Wilmington on Thursday evening and ride straight thru stopping only for gas. I would arrive on friday evening but I never kept time. After moving to the Charlotte area I have made the ride six or seven more times, again I did not keep time, but it is around 1000 miles. Mother has passed now and I won't be making these trips anymore, since I am retired and take my time now.



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742 Miles round trip one day solo, spent time visiting & eating with the International Committee in Springfield Mo. on my Gold Wing. Then hauled butt home. that was a long and busy day.

Close to 650 miles from St. Charles Meat to home in one day, Peg was with me on that day. She said never again, yeah right.

We did close to 500mi? yesterday with Colesgrandpa (Ray & Joan) round trip from their house to S.T. Jude's run both girls did real good yesterday. :happy34:

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I rode from Mena Arkansas to Turbeville SC in 19 hours, 1,070 miles. I took a six hour break and then rode 225 more miles home. I rode the first 200 miles in the rain and had one 30 minute delay for an accident.

I was riding the 86 VR.



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We rode from Western Australia, across the Nullabor, to get to Melbourne to catch the ferry to Tasmania. We left late because Quickstep arrived home late from his trip in the truck - and we rode for days to make it!! 1563.5 miles was the longest stretch in that time


NEVER want to do that again:crying:

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I don't know the milage but I rode from just outside Baton Rouge, La. to Orlando in January 1987 on a Maxim 650. I had started out from Phoenix the previous Friday hoping to make it to Orlando in three days. Went down to Tucson to catch I-10 and head east. Before I got to Tucson I ran into snow. The snow was melting and I was soaked to the skin through Levi's, two pair of thermals, a leather bomber jacket and a full face helmet.


The first motel I found in Tucson was where I spent the night. Next morning I wanted to get an early start to make up for short distance rode the first day. Got on the interstate and just outside of town the Highway Patrol was flagging everyone off the road. It seems I-10 was closed through Texas due to ice on the roadway. I finally got started about noon.


That set the tone for the first few days of the trip. About one tank of gas was all I could get before being frozen stiff.


I thought I was going to be in Texas forever. When I arrived in Orlando I had to pry my right hand off the throttle. The forks started leaking about halfway through Texas. The right side (facing the son and warming up just slightly) sealed again but the left side continued leaking. I changed the seals after arriving in Orlando.


I made a vow that neither nor that bike would leave Florida in the winter time again. That was a long time ago and I am much better off now with the Venture and I now have a set of chaps and hopefully more brains.

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