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My apologies up front if this is an incorrect post....My First.


I have a 1983 Venture Royale 1200 that just now started this prob. the neutral light comes on whenever you even slightly pull in the lever - in every gear. It stays on when the lever is pulled and during shifting. the only thing I have noticed is that finding neutral seems to be harder (more touchy) than before. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance



The neutral indicator light comes on as soon as I begin to engage the clutch lever. It remains on in every gear whenever I pull in the clutch lever and stays on until the clutch lever is fully released.


No, I have not had or done any work on the bike that would explain this phenom. Shop bled the brakes last week, but this is new.


This only happens while the bike is running. When the key is on, the engine is not running, the indicator light works as it should (Light is off when shifted into any gear and "On" only when in neutral)



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