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Spent yesterday in the emergency room


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I think it's time that we all start looking after Mini. Don't know how to plan this one out yet, but me thinks that somehow we could have someone watching her, day and night. There's just no need for one of our members to be in such dire straights as that and nobody close at hand to bail her out.

Maybe we could post some ideas and then have a poll to see what to do about this dilemma.

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Anyway I'm terrified of what next weeks gonna bring. I don't want to imagine what can happen "because it seems if it's unusual and strange it's gonna happen to me."




What a strange way to refer to your husband!!:crackup::crackup::crackup::sign20:

Seriously, had the bug in the ear thing - very yucky! All the best for the removal of the bug caboose. :thumbsup2:

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I think it's time that we all start looking after Mini. Don't know how to plan this one out yet, but me thinks that somehow we could have someone watching her, day and night. There's just no need for one of our members to be in such dire straights as that and nobody close at hand to bail her out.

Maybe we could post some ideas and then have a poll to see what to do about this dilemma.

Thanks that gave me a really good laugh. Jeff use to say he needed to wrap me in bubble wrap due to my klutzy side. Don't think that would have helped me in the last two events. I'm not sure how you'd manage to get someone watching me at all times either.

Oh tomorrow I'm gonna try the flushing the ear thing on my own. Not sure I should do it myself with the luck I've been having but what they heck might as well live dangerously.



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Margaret, you are coming to GA, and that's that! Do whatever you have to, as quickly as you need to, just get it done! I still look forward to seeing you Friday afternoon...





I'm still planning on it. I think it's the only way I'll get to meet your wife. You never take her anywhere. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:


Oh Charlie thanks for the compliment. I think it was a compliment, hmmmm not sure now.



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I'm still planning on it. I think it's the only way I'll get to meet your wife. You never take her anywhere. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:




I was pretty sure that you had already met the ever-delightful Janis (my better two-thirds!). Somewhere down the line the Muffinman certainly has!!! At any rate, once you meet her you will quickly realize that she goes wherever she wants to, whenever she wants to, in the manner that she chooses to. Which is as it should be...




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Well I've been flushing my ear and nothing but the liquid I put in comes out. So I'm gonna have to either find a doc that will give me an appointment or it's back to the emergency room. So this means no going to the meet this weekend. I would have to leave today to meet Riderduke at Sledgehammers house today.


The saga continues. BLAH!



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Hi Margret

I'm sorry to hear about your invasion. Thought of speak. I can not imagine what you must be feeling. I do however, now all about going to the emergency room. There has to be a better way. If you had been in Germany, those doctors would have not let you leave untill the bug would be totally removed. You know I love this country but when it comes to the medical field, it needs improvement. Anyway, I hope you are feeling better real soon.


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So, what kind of bug was it was it? Was it one of those Earwig bug things that crawls into your ear and bores through your eardrum and into your brain making you go mad or crazy or something. Then you go on a murdurous rampage until you brain final explodes and liquidfies and runs out your nostrils onto your shirt. It couldn't have been just a fly or it would have just flown out of your ear when the doctor started messing with it.

Don't worry you'll probably be alright. I just saw that on a horror movie one time.


Or a STAR Trek movie with Ricardo Montalban. Remember Wrath of Khan?


Kinda graphic but just found the reference:

The Ceti Eel appears in the film [ame=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek_II:_The_Wrath_of_Khan]Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan[/ame]....The slime-covered larva will seek out a larger animal, enter its skull through the ear and wrap itself around the cerebral cortex. This causes the subject intense pain and makes them very susceptible to suggestion. As the larva grows, the host suffers from insanity and eventually, death


Make you feel better Mini?

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