Yama Mama Posted September 14, 2009 Author Posted September 14, 2009 The VR Riders were not only thrilled to find out that Elvis was still alive, but for them to be the first people to actually get to talk to him after all this time. His jumpsuit had gotten a bit worn it seemed, but the wiggle was still there. Elvis wanted to know where the VR riders were heading and he asked if he could ride along with someone. Beer 30 said sure, you can ride with me. Do you like Barbecue? Elvis says, Man I am from Memphis the home of the best barbecue. Beer 30 said, Well we are headed for Nashville and the place we are meeting at is called Hog Heaven. Have you ever eaten there Elvis? Elvis says, Man I been so many places, I do not recall for sure. But I will be glad to go with you, just tell people I am an Elvis Impersonator or something. I do not want to cause a big seen or any thing. So now the VR Riders are heading for Nashville, with Elvis riding on Beer 30's bike. They are probably 40 miles away from Nashville now. Beer 30 is asking about the rock stars that Elvis knew when R & R was just starting when suddenly....................................
1BigDog Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 Hey Elvis......Florida is the other way....and riding with Beer 30 is real bad for your image.....click on your website three times and say I wish I was in Florida..there is no place like home http://jaxelvis.com/
footsie Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 where was I going and why, and Elvis lives in key west saw him in K-mart. I think I will stop and meet and eat by myself and follow the next RSV that comes by>>>>>and 30 mins later a red one passes........................
Yama Mama Posted September 14, 2009 Author Posted September 14, 2009 Yep there is some one on a red Venture riding the opposite direction, well it looks like Dano, but where is he going and why did he ride right by all the VR riders and Elvis in his jumpsuit? Elvis says, You know I do not have that much time left here, especially since I am supposed to be dead, so you all think we might get this show on the road? I need me some barbecue, and I needs it now. So we climb back on our rides and ride. Oh no what is that up the road? It looks like a detour sign, it looks like there was a landslide on I-40. Now we have to ride through......................
Dragonslayer Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 (edited) Yep there is some one on a red Venture riding the opposite direction, well it looks like Dano, but where is he going and why did he ride right by all the VR riders and Elvis in his jumpsuit? Elvis says, You know I do not have that much time left here, especially since I am supposed to be dead, so you all think we might get this show on the road? I need me some barbecue, and I needs it now. So we climb back on our rides and ride. Oh no what is that up the road? It looks like a detour sign, it looks like there was a landslide on I-40. Now we have to ride through...................... Buffalo Valley, which is located in Dekalb County, according to the road sign that says "ENTERING DEKALB COUNTY" Then all of a sudden Dragonslayer looked up and saw the sign then FREAKED. :scared:Having not been paying close attention since 86er and Bubba showed up Dragonslayer did not know how we got from Deal's Gap all the way back to Dekalb County, Georgia ................which was where he lived. :confused24:Not realizing that we were in Dekalb County, Tennessee. DragonSlayer was unconsoulable, Dazzed, Frazzled, lost and confused. :bang head:He did not understand why Elvis was here or, how or why Beer 30 was now wearing Muffinman's Pink chaps that he had been wearing earlier. In his mind he could not imagine any scenario that would result in a clothing exchange with Beer 30, being terrified he feared the worst. :Bunny2:Which caused him to go deeper into this disshoveled version of himself. He then reached into his saddle bag and pulled out the metal sauce pan and metal spoon and began banging them together wildly, while, screaming at the top of his lungs, repeating over and over.......... "there's no place like home, there's no place like like home", ........................as if chasing off marauding pic-a-nik basket stealing bears, in the dark. All of a sudden there stood in the place where Elvis had been standing was Dorothy and Toto her obnoxiouse yapping lap dog, (reading a road map which showed a very long Yellow brick road leading from the Land of OZ to where we were at.) Dragonslayer could only assume that Dorothy and Toto were lost having missed their home bound destination, Kansas, by several hundred miles. Evidently, Elvis had returned to Jacksonville, Key West, Memphis, Nashville, Tupelo, Mississippi or wherever the H*ll else it was that he had come from. Upon having gotten a good look at the map Dragonslayer then realized that we were actually in Dekalb County, Tennessee, not Dekalb County , Georgia. :doh:Realizing his mistake (which was only the second one he had ever made, the first being deciding to go on this ride) then...Seeing Dorothy holding Toto, and realizing Elvis had truely passed on, Things suddenly now made much more sense. :thumbsup2:Which seldom happened on any VR M&E's unless Ice Cream was involved. Being much calmer now Dragonslayer walked over to the side of the road, sat down and quickly went to sleep. It was not long before he was in a dreamlike state and was dreaming of long gone times and rides of the past. (see pics below) Edited September 14, 2009 by Dragonslayer Geographical Clarification
Dragonslayer Posted September 14, 2009 Posted September 14, 2009 as often happens when a dream is about get to the really, really good part, Dragonslayer startled from his sleep, falling out of the chair hitting his head on the table beside him. As he picked himself up off the ground he said "what's next". He then reached up to feel the top of his head where his Tiara had been and felt a very large..........BUMP
Yama Mama Posted September 15, 2009 Author Posted September 15, 2009 Yes another bump in our road to Nashville. We have to be there soon, or we won't meet everybody else who is coming to Hog Heaven. So we try to find a larger helmet for Atlantadragonslayer, to try to cover his new bump. Oh did I mention he has amnesia. He does even remember what club he belongs too. I am sure he will be better when we get on the road. Oh I forgot about the detour, yeah I-40 has a landslide. Well, we can follow those detour signs and I am sure we will be ok. Oh there is a sign up a head. Yeah I can see it now. It says ...............................
Dragonslayer Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 Yes another bump in our road to Nashville. We have to be there soon, or we won't meet everybody else who is coming to Hog Heaven. So we try to find a larger helmet for Atlantadragonslayer, to try to cover his new bump. Oh did I mention he has amnesia. He does even remember what club he belongs too. I am sure he will be better when we get on the road. Oh I forgot about the detour, yeah I-40 has a landslide. Well, we can follow those detour signs and I am sure we will be ok. Oh there is a sign up a head. Yeah I can see it now. It says ............................... Nashville 28 13/64's miles. We now knew we would make it safely because Dragonslayer had a brand new much better fitting helmet
Yama Mama Posted September 15, 2009 Author Posted September 15, 2009 We do not have far to go now. Atlantadragonslayer how is your bump doing? Are you ok, we are going to a M & E. He will be fine, I am sure. Ok we can get there in time I am sure of it. Wow there sure a lot of semi's on this detour. Oh no do not tell me. I think there is a semi blocking the road up ahead. Yeah it is, jack knifed on that bend. The traffic is getting worse. How are we going to get to the Hog Heaven in time now? We need a miracle and fast. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
massey130 Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 out of the forest steps a gnome holding a fuel filter for an RSV. while i hold the clutch, aussie annie reaches down and takes the filter the gnome is offering her. he said he heard the white horn get blown & knew we needed help. with all the trucks & motorcycle air horns goin off, who the heck could tell that from the mystical white horn of help. the gnome looked at aussie annie, i can get you and your band of merry motorcycle men and maidens around this wreck. just pour 2 drops of this potion into each gas tank and they will be nimble to follow the path of osloh to take us around the bend & back on the road. all the riders knew this was our ticket. as we put the potion into our tanks, the world seemed to go into slow motion as our scooters began moving almost by themselves. up a berm and over the ridge we moved effortlessly with a low rumble through trees that seemed to rise forever up into a canopy of mist and yellowish light. we passed a waterfall where the water was unlike anything to be found in the RSV picture galleries. the gnome stopped the rider in pink chaps & was told to lead the way down into the ravine and go left looking for the light of our world. we broke through the light and landed on the other side of the wreck just in time to see . . . . . .
Aussie Annie Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 Dolly Parton getting out of her tour bus, which had been stuck on the other side of the landslide. She asks where we are going, and on finding out we are all headed for Nashville, asks if she can come along for the ride as she is singing there that night. WEEEELLLLLL!!! The total scramble as the VR guys try to be the one to pillion Dolly!! Finally it is decided that she will ride with "Eck" and is he a happy boy:sign woo hoo: All bikes take off again, but the traffic is making things difficult, and there is a lot of stop-start riding for a while. At the next fuel stop Aussie Annie notices that Eck has this silly grin on his face:big-grin-emoticon: and seems to be in a stunned frame of mind. "Eck, what the 'eck is wrong" she asks. NO RESPONSE. Bubba walks up and slaps him upside the head, and finally Eck is able to talk. "WOW" he stutters, that was amazing. "What??" we all ask. Eck looks around with a silly grin and says, "back there with all that stop-start riding the weirdest thing kept happening - every time I had to brake I got hit in the back of the head -- with a set of Dolly Partons!! Now all the other guys' are arguing over who is going to take the singer the rest of the way to Nashville when Aussie Annie looks up the road and yells, "look, what's that headin' this way?"...................
bongobobny Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 It was Johnny Blaze, on his blue chopper with the orange flames, and the bike looked like it had smoke rising from it as if it had been on fire or something. He stops, looks at the rag tag envoy, points to Beer30 with the pink chaps and says...
massey130 Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 Do ya'll have anything to drink? i am soooo thirsty. i sure hope you and all the riders in this band have the titles for your bike! i am on a mission to hide an important document. i have a contract for those who have a different arrangement to get their bike. there must be a thousand titles wrappedup here. i have to get to the blue ridge parkway before sundown. my riding partner, carter, is already there on an early one horsehorsepower ride. If you get to Nashville, stay off of Broadway Avenue, that place is a wreck. If you want to arrive safely, i would advise you to . . . .
Yama Mama Posted September 15, 2009 Author Posted September 15, 2009 Do ya'll have anything to drink? i am soooo thirsty. i sure hope you and all the riders in this band have the titles for your bike! i am on a mission to hide an important document. i have a contract for those who have a different arrangement to get their bike. there must be a thousand titles wrappedup here. i have to get to the blue ridge parkway before sundown. my riding partner, carter, is already there on an early one horsehorsepower ride. If you get to Nashville, stay off of Broadway Avenue, that place is a wreck. If you want to arrive safely, i would advise you to . . . . Of course, Beer 30 had his beercart with him, so help your self. Why do you have all these titles? And what is wrong with Broadway in Nashville. We have to get to Hog Heaven, or we will miss the M & E. Hey I just had a thought, who has anybody's cell phone number that was supposed to be there. Who would be coming from the west? I know Cinderella. Let's call her and see if she is there at Hog Heaven. Aussie Annie called Cindy, we thought Cindy would be excited about that. The phone goes to voice mail, It is Cindy's voice, but she says this is Cinderella and I am not available to talk now, leave a message. Just them Beer 30's phone rings, and it is E fishin C from Canada and he says...................................
massey130 Posted September 15, 2009 Posted September 15, 2009 The phone goes to voice mail, It is Cindy's voice, but she says this is Cinderella and I am not available to talk now, leave a message. Just them Beer 30's phone rings, and it is E fishin C from Canada and he says................................... What in the tarmac nation is going on down there??? I am watchin CNN & they are reporting a motorcycle tearring up part of Nashville last night and a band of motorcycles heading in to Nashville for who knows what. the law can't catch up to ya'll as ya'll disappeared into the forest leaving a cold trail. I was afearin' you dropped like a bike off Deal's Gap down the canyon never to be seen from again. I don't know what beer30 put in the lager, but get me some. Now take Hwy 70 into nashville because I-40 is . . . . . .
Yama Mama Posted September 15, 2009 Author Posted September 15, 2009 highway 70 it is. So the whole band of riders get on highway 70 because I-40 had another landslide. Well actually it was do to a semi plowing into a hillside which disturbed a huge nest of killer bees which are now buzzing around the area near where our group of hapless wanders have wound up. Is this a mess or what. Just then they hear what sounds like a siren in the distance. Dolly says 'Ya'll are not playin with a full deck" My Daddy always said, When the goin gets tough you better get you a fast pony and ride. So let's ride VR Riders. We need to get to Nashville and I mean pronto. The siren is closer now, it is almost upon them when they realize.........................................
massey130 Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Just then they hear what sounds like a siren in the distance. Dolly says 'Ya'll are not playin with a full deck" My Daddy always said, When the goin gets tough you better get you a fast pony and ride. So let's ride VR Riders. We need to get to Nashville and I mean pronto. The siren is closer now, it is almost upon them when they realize......................................... that ambah-lances are heading for the landslide area with the FBI. it's agents Scully & Mulder going to check out the killer bees. seems there have been some paranormal activity reported in the area by some enquiring minds. Elvis was seen riding 2 up with a motorcylce gang where the men wear pink chaps that disappeared into thin air. truckers said that it was as if there was a curtain only the motorcyclists could see and passed into another dimension. they believed it was the 5th dimension cause RandyR was singing "this is the dawning of the age of Aquarius . . age of aquarius" etc etc. and poof we were gone. the law was looking us over good cause Dolly Parton had been reportedly kidnapped by a rouge band of motorcyclist. Dolly had figured this may happen and having such a good time, she tucked her hair up under her hat so no one would ask her why and put her arm in her jacket soze her "Dollies" were not so conspikuous. she looked away as the fuzz looked us over. the pink chaps were muddy by now so we just pressed on as unmarked white 18 wheel rigs with drivers dressed in white decontamination suites and solid black eyes were not far behind Mulder and Scully. Bejeezers, what a day. the lights of the city put settling down for lunch in our brains. Ahh Nashville here we come. seems like just as you think you have it licked, along comes . . . . .
Yama Mama Posted September 16, 2009 Author Posted September 16, 2009 George Jones, he was heading for Nashville, to do a recording and thought he would stop to see if we needed some help. We saw who it was and all yelled, the Possum! He laughed, he introduced himself to everyone. George thought Annie might not be from Tennessee. The he spotted this petite woman in a helmet who he thought he recognized. No one said anything, then of course Dolly could not keep her laugh or her "Dollies" hidden too much longer. So:crackup: she said, He He, Hiyah George. They hugged, and Dolly told him how she wound up riding with the VR riders and about all the things that happened on our trip to Nashville. George thought it was hysterical. He invited us to come to the recording studio with him. We told him we actually needed to be at Hog Heaven in the next hour to our Meet & Eat. He said for us to follow him and he would drive us right by there. Wow this is exciting now, we have two country legends riding with us, four if you count Dolly's Dollies. We know we are going to get there now. Nothing could go wrong now or could it........................................
Dragonslayer Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 George Jones, he was heading for Nashville, to do a recording and thought he would stop to see if we needed some help. We saw who it was and all yelled, the Possum! He laughed, he introduced himself to everyone. George thought Annie might not be from Tennessee. The he spotted this petite woman in a helmet who he thought he recognized. No one said anything, then of course Dolly could not keep her laugh or her "Dollies" hidden too much longer. So:crackup: she said, He He, Hiyah George. They hugged, and Dolly told him how she wound up riding with the VR riders and about all the things that happened on our trip to Nashville. George thought it was hysterical. He invited us to come to the recording studio with him. We told him we actually needed to be at Hog Heaven in the next hour to our Meet & Eat. He said for us to follow him and he would drive us right by there. Wow this is exciting now, we have two country legends riding with us, four if you count Dolly's Dollies. We know we are going to get there now. Nothing could go wrong now or could it........................................ Dragon Slayer feeling much better and thinking more clearly now having gotten used to the much better fitting helmet. Began anaylising the current circumstances and what could be done to expedite the logistics of getting the pack to our final destination in time to make the Country Music concert and Hog heaven Bar-B-Que M&E which was now the plan as much as any of us understood it. He quickly whipped his lap top out of his trunk and booted it up. Their on his desk top was the VR Member Help and Assistance file which he quickly landed the cursor on and double Clicked. Community...Click,Click...T for Tennessee Click, Click.... scroll down citys to Nashville there it was R.gaylord, Nashville, Tennesse willing to give Local Information and his cell phone number. Dragonslayer then whipped out his cell phone and entered the correct digits. Getting Rgaylord on the phone Rgaylord says that he has been trying to get in touch with the Dragonslayer to get some of those F.O.E. Bike raffle tickets and to see if he was gonna be at the M &E so that they could hook up. What a syncronistic event since the Dragonslayer does not believe in coincedence But instead knows, as all DragonSlayer's do, that all things are interconnected and all events happen for a reason. And that we are only able to see the reasons when looking at a series of events in retrospect. Therefore the DragonSlayer immediatley knew why all of the events of this ride happened bringing all of them to this exact place and time, the way they did. Since Rgaylord said that he would lead us on in to the Hog heaven restuarant and Amphiteather were the M&E and Charity country music concert was planned to happen. We then realized that the pack was actually in Rgaylord's driveway when he came out to get on his bike ready to lead us to the venue since he was a local and knew all of the fastest and safest shortcuts. Getting Willie Nelson and Elvis on the phone, Dolly and her Dollies, George Jones and the Johnny Cash singing Big Tom all decided to make the concert a charity event designed for the purpose of promoting the DragonSlayer's Fraternal Order of Eagles Bike Raffle Tickets, which were being sold for a good cause the Cancer relief fund to assist individuals and families going the catostrophic illness of Cancer.(INFORMATION ABOUT WHICH CAN BE VIEWED ON THE "PAYING IT FORWARD" FORUM ON THE VENTURERIDER.ORG WEB SITE) Dragonslayer now knew that he was meant to join this internet based motorcycle interest web site and meet all of the good people that he had met on all of the M&E's he had attended. and that it was his destiny to go on this ride and being fortunate to be able to experience all of the events that he had experienced on this ride. And that it was no coincedence that we met all these famous country music stars who had voluntered to perform in this concert to promote the F.O.E. Bike raffle ticket sales and why he at this exacrt moment in time had in excess of 500 raffle tickets in his pocket. And as the single tear ran down his cheek he now knew and it all made sense. He knew that all tickets would be sold and he would truely be able to leave a positive footprint on the universe for eternity of time through all of the people and families that would be helped by the sale of these Raffle tickets. And he also knew that all was the way it should be.
Dragonslayer Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 And then as if by magic, we were there at the Hog Heaven Bar-b-que amphitheater venue. And all of the VR members were there. In the parking lot there were all of the tour buses belonging to our star cast of characters. On the other side of the parking lot there was about a million Yamaha 1st gens, 2nd gens, VR, V-star's, RSV, trikes, hacks and bikes of all descriptions. And riding past were the Harley riding Del Fuego's being chased by cops. and, and, .....................................................
massey130 Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 And all of the VR members were there. In the parking lot there were all of the tour buses belonging to our star cast of characters. On the other side of the parking lot there was about a million Yamaha 1st gens, 2nd gens, VR, V-star's, RSV, trikes, hacks and bikes of all descriptions. And riding past were the Harley riding Del Fuego's being chased by cops. and, and, .................................................. ... all the riders exchanged looks with one another. that look of knowing the Del Fuego's were on one heck of a ride. a ride that the VRiders were glad to have gotten off of. it was memorable by all means, but every ride has a destination. every destination is the beginning of another ride. we all wiped our brows & thanked the power that is that we had made it to nashville safe & sound by the wits all of us have developed since our first brush with a cager gone wild. It's a good thing we did not run into Jerry Springer. Cagers gone wild would have surey gotten this thread deleted. we barely got through editing with the slayers dream pics and the mention of "Dollies". What a ride. Yama Mama was looking through her camera to find pictures of the waterfall in the forest only to fnd all the forest pictures were nothing more than small beams of light with a black background. everyone looked aroound after the cops had gone and decided we better . . . . . .
Yama Mama Posted September 17, 2009 Author Posted September 17, 2009 heading for home since it was getting late. So those going east divided up, those going north divided up, those going south divided up and also those going west did the same. Everyone started discussing which routes would be the quickest way home. There was not much time left now, either way. Everyone knew this trip was a life time experience that would never be forgotten. Who would think that just a simple Meet and Eat could have gotten so crazy. So Beer 30 decides he will put back on his pink chaps. He figured he was safe now from "the Donald". Eck, Dragonslayer and Massey figure they would ride together. Yelling something to the effect,"the South will rise again!" Yama Mama was heading north although she insists she is from the South-west part of Ohio . Just as everyone was giving their hugs & kisses goodbye ..........................................
Dragonslayer Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 heading for home since it was getting late. So those going east divided up, those going north divided up, those going south divided up and also those going west did the same. Everyone started discussing which routes would be the quickest way home. There was not much time left now, either way. Everyone knew this trip was a life time experience that would never be forgotten. Who would think that just a simple Meet and Eat could have gotten so crazy. So Beer 30 decides he will put back on his pink chaps. He figured he was safe now from "the Donald". Eck, Dragonslayer and Massey figure they would ride together. Yelling something to the effect,"the South will rise again!" Yama Mama was heading north although she insists she is from the South-west part of Ohio . Just as everyone was giving their hugs & kisses goodbye .......................................... DragonSlayer jumped up and said...................Hey Where are ya'll going....This story isn't over yet.... I didn't come all the way up here to not eat Bar-B-Que .................... Or to not go to the Charity Country Music concert. .................. Ya'll can go home if you want But I'm going inside to get's me some Bar-B-que.................Elvis said "I will too..................Hey wait up"...
massey130 Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 DragonSlayer jumped up and said...................Hey Where are ya'll going....This story isn't over yet.... I didn't come all the way up here to not eat Bar-B-Que .................... Or to not go to the Charity Country Music concert. .................. Ya'll can go home if you want But I'm going inside to get's me some Bar-B-que.................Elvis said "I will too..................Hey wait up"... Aussie Annie slapped Massey's helmet & said " And you were gonna take off without going inside for BBQ and music! Look aound and see what we came for. The Dragon Slayer is leading us inside - turn about & follow." so before everyone headed out, we all bought a raffle ticket, ate BBQ, admired the scenery and enjoyed the music. Elvis headed for one last visit to Graceland before going to Fla.. this gave a chance for a 2nd round of farewells as Yama Mama was clicking away with her camera . . . .
BoomerCPO Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Within minutes the Raffle Drawing was held....Lo and behold Boomer held the winning ticket.....and the 1st Prize was a Dinner/Evening with Dolly. Having claimed his prize Boomer told Elvis to take a hike; bought a round of drinks for all; loaded Dolly on the back of his Venture and rode off into the sunset.....singing "Mamma Don't Let Your Babies Be Cowboys"...........
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