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Well, I swapped the order of the pickups and now I do have spart; at all 4 cylinders. The motor pops loudly but doesn't seem to be firing so the timing is way off.

The software in the TCI is the one Brian sent me. I put it into the TCI earlier this morning.




glad we have spark, indication ingitek box works, but I am concerned timing may be way off BECAUSE of the pick up swap we just done, may have to swap it back and think of something else. Gonna look at your harness picks again


Gary, double check me and dnparkers pics

looks to me like 20 connector pins 1&2 are swapped as well as pins10&11


If I am correct this is swapping coils 1&3 and coils 2&4


Then need to set software switch to off for the 9-20input swap.




Think you are right, the pickup coils are reversed on TCI end.


Attached are a couople of pictures I have from a V80 harness, wire color is different in my picture, it has a green one in it.


Also has 3 extra wires for MAP.


Good news is the 90-93 unit you were helping me & Mike with is running.





Think you are right, the pickup coils are reversed on TCI end


Not the pickup coils, the actual ingition coils are swapped



Good news is the 90-93 unit you were helping me & Mike with is running.

Great, what was it?



at the 8 pin connector, you will need to pull pins y/blk & org and swap them, also wht & red below the wht and swap them.

It will take some finagaling with a stiff wire to release the pin catch and pull this pins, will never get them released at the 20pin connector.

Then set software option back to unswap 9&20 before you attempt start again.



just thought of something else, you could try the swap at the actual coils if plastic is off and you have access.

swap 2 pin connectors on the coils swap coils 1&3 or org and yellow, and swap coils 2&4 or grey and white.


If you do swap here, do not forget for future troubleshooting.

Would recommend correcting the actual ingitech harness, them swap coils back to stock, in the event you ever needed to install OE ignition.



I prefer to swap the TCI wiring so I'll give it a try tomorrow. I'm glad we found something wrong that can be corrected. It's no fun to have something not work and not be able to find anything wrong with it.

Thank you all for the help. I'll get the wires swapped and try it again and let you know.



Posted (edited)

Just made up this harness wiring diagram, verify yours is wrong as it look like in your pic, and use it to correct yours

Edited by bkuhr

Attached is also wiring diagram I have for the TCI's that I send along.


Same pin outs as Brian showed above. All these are represented looking into the wire side of the plug.


You need the bottom set, top is for single pickup coil bikes.





your diagram and mine do not match

look at pins 1&10, and 2&11, release tab is reversed between ours


Now I need to get up and really go look at my bike


Attached are pictures I just took of my harness.


I know this one is correct. Bike is running on all cylinders.



Posted (edited)


Well my diagram a little wrong as matched to my bike, but my corrected diagram still does not match your pdf.


I corrected my previous diagram, relocating the release tab on the 8 pin connector. Still does not match your pdf, but does appear to match pics of your harness, now not sure dans is backwards

Edited by bkuhr

Hi again, Well, this is disappointing. I've checked my Ignitech unit against Brian's wiring diagram and it's fine. I just now tested both the TCI and the 6 pin plug on the bike wiring that goes into the TCI and they all check out fine. I don't find any of the 4 pickup leads to be shorted to ground and they all have pretty much the same resistance to the black lead. They also have the same res to each other. So, I am left with two TCI units that are not firing the bike properly and none of the tests that have been suggested show any problems.

Could the #3 pickup coil be bad without showing in these tests?




We have progress. I programed Brian's latest file into the Ignitech TCI and the motor actually started. It's running. Not great but I don't know how long it's been since it last ran at all and that wasn't great, even then. The carbs need cleaning, at least they need to have gas run through them for a while.

The bike needs other things; I'd like to replace the fuse box for instance, but at last, it runs.



  • 3 weeks later...

well i just ordered tcip-4-full. i have a 83 1200 venture royal. had the carbs rebuilt and found out number 3 was not firing. every thing checked out but the ignition box. if I read this post right your using a map sensor off of a Chevy. down loaded the software from ignitech. the price i payed was 225.74 will probably need help when it gets here.

thanks rod


well unit came today the eight plug terminal is full. all the ones i see on this forum have two empty sockets. they sent me a email telling me you cannot use tps if you use iap. well what is iap??

well unit came today the eight plug terminal is full. all the ones i see on this forum have two empty sockets. they sent me a email telling me you cannot use tps if you use iap. well what is iap??


Everyones harness from ingitech had 2 empty pins. These 2 wires are where the OE pressure sensor wires are located on the bike side OE plug.


The pressure sensor is a Manifold Air Pressure sensor(MAP). The third wire to the OE sensor is hard wired in the bike to 12vdc. This is the reason it was determined early on NOT to use the OE MAP sensor, a failure could put 12vdc directly on the ingitech input that is only rated for 5vdc.


Verify the wiring of your harness. They have been know to be wrong from ingitech. pic attached. A new GM MAP sensor would be wired to 20pin connector on pins 6,7,17 as indicated, and a new vacum tube attached to the lower plugged port on the manifold. You will not use the port that has the current vac tube.


send email for copy of v80 .ing map to load


well what do ya know #4 is in #19 will have to fix this. will have to pull 5,1 off bike harness plug and wire map in add #17 for 5v ref thanks


Ive been gone for a while due to family, so I have a question, as there is now several versions of the TCI and they are all incompatible, how do I use a v88 file in my older v75? do I open the program write everything down and then enter everything back in the older version?


Has anyone seen any advantages to a newer unit compared to older? Should I buy a v88 and sell my old v75 version to someone else?

Ive been gone for a while due to family, so I have a question, as there is now several versions of the TCI and they are all incompatible, how do I use a v88 file in my older v75? do I open the program write everything down and then enter everything back in the older version?


Continue to use the v75 tcip4a software'driver' to load the, or any, .ing map.


Has anyone seen any advantages to a newer unit compared to older? Should I buy a v88 and sell my old v75 version to someone else?


v88 tcip4a software includes setting for IAP,TPS, or NONE as apposed to v75 and v80 was just TPS or NONE.

IAP is Indicated Air Pressure or MAP sensor, used on same pins as orginal TPS(only use one or other)

any .ing map, including v88 can be loaded on v88, v80, and I assume v75, but specific data such as IAP would just be lost as it is not used in the tcip4 version software.


No real need to buy v88 unless you want to play with the IAP vs TPS settings. Actually something not quite right with v88 .ing IAP files, and directing folks to load v80 .ing files on their v88 hardware and select TPS (using MAP sensor) to correct cutout problems.

Actually something not quite right with v88 .ing IAP files, and directing folks to load v80 .ing files on their v88 hardware and select TPS (using MAP sensor) to correct cutout problems.


Bob (Atlantadragonslayer) told me last night he is still having issues with his using the V80 ING file.


He is coming to Oberlin next week, but he's not sure which bike he is bringing. RSV or 1st gen. I will work with him on his, he is going to bring TCI if he rides RSV.


I have had Mike Mercury's in mine for a few hundred miles now without a hiccup.


I do have it running on TPS, and I also replaced the pickup coil connection to main harness.




This won't be of interest to hardly anyone on this site, but one of the VMax guys from Australia hooked his V88 unit up to the VBoost servo motor and has it working with the programmable settings in the TCI.


I copied what he did last week and when the VBoost auto kicks in at 5500 RPM it does give it a very obvious surge in power. Before I had it working on a toggle switch. The auto setting is way more fun.


I actually had one tank of gas I hit 40mpg on. most are in 33~35 range, which I am fine with.



Bob (Atlantadragonslayer) told me last night he is still having issues with his using the V80 ING file.


Wonder if he selected TPS, or still selected IAP?

Wonder if he selected TPS, or still selected IAP?


I just opened a V80 file with the v88 software, which was set to IAP (V88) and it swapped it to TPS upon load.


Tried it several times, and it was consistent.




Hey Gary,


Really appreciate the efforts in trying to find a solution for my Ignitech TCI on my 91 VR.


Just so you know, I have been in a 3000km ride this long week-end, riding fully laden 2 up with trailer, the bike was great with no problems pulling this load at 3500-4000 RPM in fifth gear.


I am still trying to find riders in this neck of the woods but I will be coming at Free bird's MD next Thursday and will meet you there, maybee answers will come.



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