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Quasi-Scientific Iridium Plug Test (AKA "Magic" plugs)


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You're quasi-science was pretty much bang on. I am a certified Six Sigma Blackbelt, so experimental design and statistics to test/explain it all are in my background... and you guys did good.


Any outside variables/influences (weather, handling, roadhardness, weight fluctuation of the riders, etc), were all kept even between the two. One possibility (although it is extremely remote) is that one bike could have lost some tire pressure along the way, and therefore decreased mileage... but seriously, it's negligible. Well done ! There are all kinds of statistical tests to calculate confidence level, etc... but you proved the point.


After having my '83 eat plugs on a regular basis, I thought I would do an experiment of my own and throw 1 test set of Iridiums in. I could not discern a difference at all, and mileage remained the same. I also had been told that it should start better... and it MIGHT do that, but the old girl didn't have that much of a "hot start" problem to begin with, even with the original battery cables (new set going on this winter when she's stripped to get painted). So my conclusion : was worth the money once to me to prove it wasn't worth the money to ever repeat. Now, that being said, I am hoping these last for quite a while. I should mention that I have eased up on the Seafoam usage-ratio that I had been using...


And, for what it is worth, a good Canadian rye or single malt Highland Scotch (12 yrs or above) has been statistically proven to help in experiments such as the one you guys completed.:thumbsup2:

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After reading about them I tried the Iridium plugs in my '86 VR. Got them through Amsoil at a bit of a discount (I am a dealer). The old plugs were standard NGK's with about 15,000 miles at least on them. They all looked exactly the same, with a medium brown light coating, and some electrode wear. All good news. The engine is healthy and the fuel mixture isn't too far off.


MPG has not changed any that I can see in comparing my last couple dozen fills with next dozen or so after the change. Very consistent right at 40 mpg.


the bike DOES start easier and pull away sooner without as much warm up. Seemed to run a bit stronger/smoother, but that would be a close call.


Can't see any reason not to use them, especially if they last longer.

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