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more grief from my ex


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hey every one,

i dont normaly like to air my own dirty laundry but i need some advice from friends ( you all) my diviorce became finial 2 yrs ago and since i have found a wounderful understanding lady to share my life with. Now here is my problem... she owes me alot of money from the diviorce 14,000 plus but here is the bigger issue taxes!!! while i was deployed to iraq she filed our returns (married filling seprate) she got a refund for 2 years and i got a tax bill for 3600 one year and 6500 for the second. now the judge has ordered a amended return to be filled for both years which would clear all that debt for the most part and im only responcable for 1/2 of any debt now for the real kicker she tried to do the amended taxes herself and fordged my signature on those returns.. the courts now know of this and have kinda left it up to me about sending her to jail.. im tired of her making excusses about not payiong me and i need to get out of dutch with the irs.. any and all advice will be taken under consideration.. thanks in advance. Ron

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Get a lawyer and send her away. She is ruining your credit and causing trouble with the IRS and you are going to find yourself between the dog and the fire hydrant.

Yep, let somebody else do the work for you. It's only going to be a bigger fight with more underhanding if you try to do this yourself. Life is more important than money, although I'm not discounting the importance of the funds, but you have some living to do, and that's not going to happen if you are constantly fighting with your x, but it will be hard to grow your present relationship with a battle going on.

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Get a lawyer and send her away. She is ruining your credit and causing trouble with the IRS and you are going to find yourself between the dog and the fire hydrant.


:sign yeah that: Get a lawyer pronto!

Or start saying :sign brain fart::sign02::rippedhand:


It's not about getting even or revenge, it's about getting you out of trouble.

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Yep, let somebody else do the work for you. It's only going to be a bigger fight with more underhanding if you try to do this yourself. Life is more important than money, although I'm not discounting the importance of the funds, but you have some living to do, and that's not going to happen if you are constantly fighting with your x, but it will be hard to grow your present relationship with a battle going on.



Marcal is right. I tried to do this by myself...and it took 5 years! Finally coughed up the money and got a lawyer. It really affected my current relationship and caused a few arguements between myself and the new lady in my life. You are handicapped as well if your in the military. Uncle Sam just LOVES to garnish your paycheck and they don't care how tough it is on you. Hopefully if you are in the military you won't be affected by the Former Spouse Protection Act. I now get to give up 1/2 of my retirement check to my ex for the rest of my natural life.



Don't worry about the money at this point...do what needs to be done NOW...The rest will fall into place.

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Quit playing with this girl who has devastated your life. That money she owes you will gain interest while she is incarcerated if the judge sets it up that way. She needs to learn to grow up and face what she herself has created. You have taken the high ground with this, and will, I'm sure, continue this way.

You now need to concentrate on the new lady in your life and treat this past one only as business.


Good luck and God speed,



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I knew i could count on you guys for love and suport.. the new lady in my life is GREAT and is so so suportive of me through this i dont know who gets more upset about it her or me.. but when she see's me starting to stress she tosses a RSV at me and say's "lets ride" can i ask for any better of a lady? oh and she cooks too :)

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I hate to admit it, but I am one of those lawyers, just not licensed in OH. I'm assuming that you didn't have a lawyer during the initial proceedings. I'm also assuming that the amended returns were inaccurate. If you haven't already done so, you need to contact the irs to inform them of the incorrect returns and prepare your own amended returns. They have an internal investigation system that deals with these sorts of problems that arise quite frequently from domestic relations cases. Usually it stems from who gets to claim a child. It may not be an issue of a jailable offense depending on how the returns are inaccurate, but you will definitely want to let them know of the descrepancy. If you wait, it could be construed that you acquiesce to the forgery and you could be on the hook as well.

Like everyone else said, though, you need to speak with a local attorney who practices family law.

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yes let the courts put her away i went thru the same thing with my x she raped my credit after we were divorced she got credit cards in my name maxed them out as soon as she got them,she had a total of six before getting caught (people calling me for money)took it all to the court she only got 28 days I got three years of screwed up credit ! after she got out she tryed to put a gas bill in my name but i already had gas with the company and they called me asking if i wanted my service changed..she got 15 more days for that..theres a reason shes your x dont let her do any thing more to you.changing your ss might help:Bunny2:

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Stop being a nice guy and Nail her butt to the wall!!! Soldier, you are at WAR here (forget about previous feellings of "love" between you two, at this point you are in a war,) and unless you use ALL the weapons available, you WILL lose.....don't let it happen. Take the offensive and nail her hard, now, BEFORE the situation gets worse (and it WILL get worse if you don't act!!!!)


It WILL take a long time to get your credit back, but it can be done. Start, TODAY, making sure ALL your bills are paid on time, everytime. Note that date and in the future when you apply for credit you can note that you and "it" went your own way and from X date you've been paying YOUR bills...Also, you'll need to keep getting current credit reports for a long time to come to guarantee that your old sweetheart isn't sticking it to you again!!! Fight hard and fight to win!! No more Mister Nice Guy!!

Good luck and God Bless. Thank you for your service to our country...

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I,m guessing this is a TAX issue and if a lawyer is needed maybe a TAX LAWYER. Heck prisons are so over filled and the streets are full of Violent Criminals, rapist, child molesters, drug dealers, auto homicide, repeat drunk drivers, Ect...... And she forged a tax form and will go to prison at your whim? Confused Here???


I hope the 14k you say is owed is in the judgment by the court???


I did not sleep at Holiday Inn and have NO LAW education...


Either way wish you luck my fellow Brother In Arms.

Edited by frogmaster
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I hate to admit it, but I am one of those lawyers, just not licensed in OH. I'm assuming that you didn't have a lawyer during the initial proceedings. I'm also assuming that the amended returns were inaccurate. If you haven't already done so, you need to contact the irs to inform them of the incorrect returns and prepare your own amended returns. They have an internal investigation system that deals with these sorts of problems that arise quite frequently from domestic relations cases. Usually it stems from who gets to claim a child. It may not be an issue of a jailable offense depending on how the returns are inaccurate, but you will definitely want to let them know of the descrepancy. If you wait, it could be construed that you acquiesce to the forgery and you could be on the hook as well.

Like everyone else said, though, you need to speak with a local attorney who practices family law.

:goodpost:/Good advice.


Getting with someone that knows the law inside and out ought to be able to answer your questions here. About the money, putting a leash on her, etc.


Gdspeed and good luck friend

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My first inclination would be jail her, however, would that just cause more trouble and drag things on longer. Since you would like to just get on with your wife the best course of action might be to just let it go. Believe me I am speaking from experience!! Honestly did you really ever expect to see any of the money? I know I never expected it and never did see it. For me it was just easier to forget about it and move on. Took me 10 years to finally clear the debt and credit issues, but in my mind it was worth it to be FREE of her crap.

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Not sure if you are still active duty or a reservist, but I would go to the JAG's office and talk with them. They can possibly help or atleast provide you some guidance in handling this as I am sure this has unfortunately happened to others in your situation. Legally, is the best way to ensure your protection.

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