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I bought an old mercury style carb stick from someone and when I used it today (1st time) it darn near sucked mercury into the manifold! I yanked the first and second tubes off just in time I think!

I think I followed SOP?

I warmed the bike, shut down, attached the hoses, started engine, and began to adjust 1and 2. I had bliped the throttle a couple times no problem and was teeking when 1and 2 started to continually rise. no change in engine noise though. Before I pulled the plug I noticed the Mercury had seaperated with air bubbles.

Any clues?

I'm baffled and I dont want to suck mercury in the engine! :think:


I'm not familiar with Mercury Sticks, but the ones I have seen are very long and perhaps that is something that it needs to be

:confused24: I have a Carbtune (I know not for everyone) and that works fine for me. I have heard of folks sucking the mercury into their engines and thats not good :no-no-no:


If you are sucking mercury out of the tubes, as you know you have too much vacuum or you have too little mercury and it sounds like with the air you area seeing, you are out of mercury. I am sending you a PM.



Do mercury sticks have restricters? If they are supposed to maybe a couple of these are missing?


Sorry, I have a carb tune (it has restricters) and know nothing of mercury.

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