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Doc said today I could park crutches as I could handle it. Shaking up all the hardware that was already there is causing me more pain now than anything. About like starting over with it. Everything has to grow into place. Asked him about work. Told him I needed to be able to take off and run to help other officers when I got there if necessary. He said never. More paperwork.


What I ment to say was orginal hardware had over a year to attach itself to the bone and flesh in my leg and last accident loosened everything up again. feels real good. Swelling not as bad as it was Mini but longer I stay on it more it swells. It will get there.


Well if you cant catch a little bitty bear then you aint gonna catch no bad guys either! Relax and shovel your papers!...lol. Glad things are getting better Dan.


Good to hear progress is being made, it's always painfull when you start using it fully again. Sounds like the paperwork is going to be harder than getting back to your regular job! Got a very good friend of mine who does the same thing for a local county jail. He's had guys (cons AND jailers) work against him before, just 'cause he follows the rules! I know your job isn't easy and a lot of thankless days. But just keep thinkin' each day there puts you one more closer to walkin' out that door forever!


Hang in there Friend :thumbsup2: But be prepared for the swelling to never go away :doh: If the trauma to the leg/ankle was severe, then it may always swell - and be worse at the end of each day!! (ask me how I know)


Shuffling paper's is better than sitting at home doing nothin' :whistling:


Annie..... who know's how ya feels.....................



Sorry that the Doc won't let you go out and chase bears for a while:confused24::whistling: but take it one step a day! Don't stand for long lenghts at a time, give it a rest every now and then! It all will work out if you give it time to heal!

Just remember....your not as young as you used to be, and don't heal a quick!:bighug:

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