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Interesting call to Yamaha


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A couple of weeks ago I called yamaha usa and asked the person that answered the phone when the 2010 models would be out. He said in november. I replied, why so late? He said, well october or november but don't hold me to it. I realized he didn't have a clue so I thanked him and hung up the phone. This afternoon I decided to call and see if I got a different rep. The guy that answered the phone answered, this is Al Harper can I help you. I was surprised and kind of stunned. Why? When I was having trouble with the rear diff on my bike Al Harper was the factory rep yamaha sent from Florida to look at my bike. The last time yamaha sent a factory rep it was Al and he was the guy that recommended honda moly 60 grease for the rear end. I also met Al one year at the star motorcycle exhibit in Daytona. So you can see why I was surprised. Al said he was on the road for 8 years with yamaha as a factory rep but was now in the office because yamaha wanted someone that had technical experience to talk to customers and he enjoyed being home every night. We had a good conversation and then he asked why I called. I asked him if he knew when the 2010's would be out. He asked why I asked that. I lied, forgive me, and told him I was interested in trading my 05 for a 2010 and that there was a lot of speculation there wouldn't be a venture in 2010. He said the 2010's would be introduced at the dealer meeting which is usually in september or october. He didn't know the exact date. He however thinks there will be a venture in 2010. He also said yamaha corporate employees are hoping for a re-designed venture with the new vmax engine, detuned of course, but he doubted that would happen this year. I mentioned the outdated cassette player and he said you don't know how many times we hear that and it has gotten to be a joke. He also said we tell yamaha about the cassette player every chance we get. I mentioned our web site and told him he needs to visit and he would get a lot of good feedback. I told him I personally doubted there would be a re-designed venture this year because of the expense to re-tool and sales are down. He said if yamaha is thinking about a new venture you can bet that yamaha has been working on it 3 or 4 years. He said it takes 3 or 4 years to design and test a new bike before bringing it to market. He said yamaha worked on the straoliner 4 years before it was introduced and they worked on the raider 3 years before it was introduced. Finally I told him when going on this site it was amazing to see the different responses people get from dealers regarding warranty and repairs. He said he had seen this over the years. He said some dealers are more knowledgeable than others but since the dealers are independent businesses yamaha can't do much. Well, this has been more useless info for you.

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Well it is sort of interesting. They evidently don't tell their people any more that they tell the public.

The thing that sort of struck me funny was the length of time it takes to develop a bike.

Wonder how bad the whine was in the first prototype??? LOL


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Yo Ediddy what was Yamaha's telephone number?


I to am not interested in trading in my venture any time soon. BUT I also have the dreaded chirp and want to be prepared to give Yamaha a call.



A few back I had an occasion to have a pissing contest with a Honda dealer and pretty much got the same answer as the dealers are independent. The bottom line is when I called the dealer back and he agreed to look at the bike I told him to go pound sand and if that he treats his customers like I got treated then he gets everthing he deserves. I also told him that I was going to tell everyone I know and ran into about his "independence" .

When I bought my bike I went right passed his door and to his competitor. This guy took two bikes in on trade and since it was winter here in Minnesota he drove the trailered bike over and pick up the trades (over 50 miles away). Haven't ever bought anything from Mr. Indepent either. I go over or around them now, screw e'm. :yikes:


Thank much!


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Hey Bubber,

I called the customer relations number that is on the yamaha web site. 800-962-7926. You don't know who you will get when you call this number. I wonder if the people answering the phones are working out of their home. The reason I say this is the last time I called with a complaint I got someone in some state, I don't remember which state, but when I called back a few minutes later I got someone in another state.

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One would think that if a product is worked on for 3 or 4 years before coming to market that some info about it would leak out to somebody...now if we could only find that "somebody" LOL


If they told you it would be in Japanese. Then we would be excited, but not know why.



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新しいYamahaの高貴な星の投機のスパイの写真にYamahaのライダーが興奮とぶんぶんうなることをある。 現在のモデル投機の古典的なスタイルを作ることを保っている間、新しいモデルは多分どんな一見を同じV4発電所のわずかに修正バージョンであることは VMAXの地上のポンドで最近解放したか組み込んでいる間現在のモデルよりより少しをわずかに重くするバイクに終って多くの軽量の合金フレームの部品を利 用するようである。 少し多くは現時点で知っているあるが、第一印象から、Yamahaがずっと顧客を全く聞いているようである。

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Well it is sort of interesting. They evidently don't tell their people any more that they tell the public.


The thing that sort of struck me funny was the length of time it takes to develop a bike.

Wonder how bad the whine was in the first prototype??? LOL




Aint that the truth:clap2::clap2: Craig

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新しいYamahaの高貴な星の投機のスパイの写真にYamahaのライダーが興奮とぶんぶんうなることをある。 現在のモデル投機の古典的なスタイルを作ることを保っている間、新しいモデルは多分どんな一見を同じV4発電所のわずかに修正バージョンであることは VMAXの地上のポンドで最近解放したか組み込んでいる間現在のモデルよりより少しをわずかに重くするバイクに終って多くの軽量の合金フレームの部品を利 用するようである。 少し多くは現時点で知っているあるが、第一印象から、Yamahaがずっと顧客を全く聞いているようである。

Now thats neat Don. So you speaka Jappaneese, MMMMMM. V4 - Vmax ?????

You the sly fox.......

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新しいYamahaの高貴な星の投機のスパイの写真にYamahaのライダーが興奮とぶんぶんうなることをある。 現在のモデル投機の古典的なスタイルを作ることを保っている間、新しいモデルは多分どんな一見を同じV4発電所のわずかに修正バージョンであることは VMAXの地上のポンドで最近解放したか組み込んでいる間現在のモデルよりより少しをわずかに重くするバイクに終って多くの軽量の合金フレームの部品を利 用するようである。 少し多くは現時点で知っているあるが、第一印象から、Yamahaがずっと顧客を全く聞いているようである。


2 more Canadian beers and I'll be able to read that!!! :hihi:

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It's a shame Al Harper is not a regional rep anymore. He knows Ventures inside and out. I hope his replacement is half as competent as he is. He worked with me to get the dealer to put in the I-basket. He will be missed in the southeast....My hats off to him....

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Guest tx2sturgis
新しいYamahaの高貴な星の投機のスパイの写真にYamahaのライダーが興奮とぶんぶんうなることをある。 現在のモデル投機の古典的なスタイルを作ることを保っている間、新しいモデルは多分どんな一見を同じV4発電所のわずかに修正バージョンであることは VMAXの地上のポンドで最近解放したか組み込んでいる間現在のモデルよりより少しをわずかに重くするバイクに終って多くの軽量の合金フレームの部品を利 用するようである。 少し多くは現時点で知っているあるが、第一印象から、Yamahaがずっと顧客を全く聞いているようである。


Are you SURE about that part, Don? I was thinking that mod was a done deal!!


Edited by tx2sturgis
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新しいYamahaの高貴な星の投機のスパイの写真にYamahaのライダーが興奮とぶんぶんうなることをある。 現在のモデル投機の古典的なスタイルを作ることを保っている間、新しいモデルは多分どんな一見を同じV4発電所のわずかに修正バージョンであることは VMAXの地上のポンドで最近解放したか組み込んでいる間現在のモデルよりより少しをわずかに重くするバイクに終って多くの軽量の合金フレームの部品を利 用するようである。 少し多くは現時点で知っているあるが、第一印象から、Yamahaがずっと顧客を全く聞いているようである。


I'd like to see the spy photo's they are talking about. :scratchchin:

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It's a shame Al Harper is not a regional rep anymore. He knows Ventures inside and out. I hope his replacement is half as competent as he is. He worked with me to get the dealer to put in the I-basket. He will be missed in the southeast....My hats off to him....


I agree. I had a final drive go out on a 08 RSV at 1800 miles and the dealer didn't want to do anything about it. I had to go to Yamaha to get it replaced and Al was the guy I worked with. He postphoned a trip for several hours to squeeze in enough time to come up and ride my bike. He made the dealer replace the final drive. He will indeed be missed.

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新しいYamahaの高貴な星の投機のスパイの写真にYamahaのライダーが興奮とぶんぶんうなることをある。 現在のモデル投機の古典的なスタイルを作ることを保っている間、新しいモデルは多分どんな一見を同じV4発電所のわずかに修正バージョンであることは VMAXの地上のポンドで最近解放したか組み込んでいる間現在のモデルよりより少しをわずかに重くするバイクに終って多くの軽量の合金フレームの部品を利 用するようである。 少し多くは現時点で知っているあるが、第一印象から、Yamahaがずっと顧客を全く聞いているようである。


Yeah they heard us completely. They got rid of the whine but now we we will have to put up with a groan!!!

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新しいYamahaの高貴な星の投機のスパイの写真にYamahaのライダーが興奮とぶんぶんうなることをある。 現在のモデル投機の古典的なスタイルを作ることを保っている間、新しいモデルは多分どんな一見を同じV4発電所のわずかに修正バージョンであることは VMAXの地上のポンドで最近解放したか組み込んでいる間現在のモデルよりより少しをわずかに重くするバイクに終って多くの軽量の合金フレームの部品を利 用するようである。 少し多くは現時点で知っているあるが、第一印象から、Yamahaがずっと顧客を全く聞いているようである。



Same to you buddy. And just so you know, my wife is not that overweight.

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Why would you want to put a diamond in a turd?:stirthepot::Bunny:

some one trying to mask the smell:stirthepot:




新しいYamahaの高貴な星の投機のスパイの写真にYamahaのライダーが興奮とぶんぶんうなることをある。 現在のモデル投機の古典的なスタイルを作ることを保っている間、新しいモデルは多分どんな一見を同じV4発電所のわずかに修正バージョンであることは VMAXの地上のポンドで最近解放したか組み込んでいる間現在のモデルよりより少しをわずかに重くするバイクに終って多くの軽量の合金フレームの部品を利 用するようである。 少し多くは現時点で知っているあるが、第一印象から、Yamahaがずっと顧客を全く聞いているようである。

There is it in a rider of Yamaha growling at the photograph of the spy of the speculation of a noble star of new Yamaha with excitement buzzingly. While I keep that I make the classic style of the current model speculation, the new model is over on the motorcycle which slightly does a little heavily more than a model as of the interval that probably it is ground pound of VMAX to be a revision version and freed you recently, or incorporates what kind of seeing in the few of the same V4 power station and seems to use the part of the alloy frame of much light weight. A lot of little knows it at present; there is it, but, from the first impression, Yamaha seems to hear a customer at all all the time. _


even in english i have a bit of trouble with it LOL

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