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See Neurosurgern Tomorrow


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All the tests are done (I hope) and should find out tomorrow if I need more surgery. Spine shaped like an S, hips not inline, and where back was fused is at a angle to the left, gained 80 lbs. Hope they have a plan because quite frankly just cannot take this pain anymore. And tired of setting on my butt all the time. Just glad I can still ride, it's about the only thing I can do anymore.

Venting done, wish me luck.

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More tests, an iv-sedated MRI and more x-rays. Will need surgery but they need more information he said. Last time I was supposed to be in surgery for 3 hours and it ended up taking 7 hours. Says I have Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease which I knew and Lumbar Stenosis, I haven't looked to see what that means. He says they have to find out why my hips shifted which is causing spine to S to try and stay straight coming into my neck. So more waiting.

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Not just for the soul, It's my transportation, can't hardly drive the van and can't get in or out of a car. House is so dirty I can't believe it. Pushing a mop got to hard so I get on my hands and knees to clean floor then it takes me an hour to get back up. If it was not for the bike I'd have no life at all. That's why I have to get to warm weather soon, winters kill me, and thank God I've raised a very good 11 year old Daughter that's not afraid to help out. Hard not to give up isn't it. Sorry to rant on I guess I should be happy for what I can do and not dwell on what I can't do. Thanks to all for the good words.

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Not just for the soul, It's my transportation, can't hardly drive the van and can't get in or out of a car. House is so dirty I can't believe it. Pushing a mop got to hard so I get on my hands and knees to clean floor then it takes me an hour to get back up. If it was not for the bike I'd have no life at all. That's why I have to get to warm weather soon, winters kill me, and thank God I've raised a very good 11 year old Daughter that's not afraid to help out. Hard not to give up isn't it. Sorry to rant on I guess I should be happy for what I can do and not dwell on what I can't do. Thanks to all for the good words.



You hang in there mate -- and God Bless your daughter:happy34: Give her a big hug from me will ya :bighug:My husband, Alan comes home from work and does the housework now. I'm going to buy a steam mop and see if I can do more to help. Luckily I have a four wheel drive Ford, which has the seats higher and I can get in and out carefully - and it's auto too.

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We are keeping you in our thoughts and prayers, for the doctors to find something that will work, and be easy on you! Like Brad said...if we can do anything, please let us know, while we are right here!

You take care, and give that little one of your a:bighug:for me!

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Prayers are sent your way. I too have back problems, not as bad, but I know somewhat of the problems of getting back up from being down on the floor. Sometimes you don't know if your going to make it. I hope the doctors find some relief for you soon.

As for the warm weather, I know that it helps me during the winter time. But I sure can tell when the wheather is going to change.

Keep doing the things that you are doing. Don't give up! It seems to me that when I quit doing something, then after a time I try to do it, it becomes twice as hard to do, and hurts twice as bad.

Go ahead and vent to us as it has been said. We can't do anything to help you, but it sure helps to let some steam out!!


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Karl, the wife and I are praying for you.........sure hope the Dr's can get you some relief.


My wife suffers from the same thing as you, but she cant get on a bike at all, she cant stand for more than 5 minutes at a time. The Dr's just keep trying new things and say she isnt bad enough to go on disability....what a crock. Nothing works, and they dont want to try surgery till she looses more weight.


Good luck and keep us posted.


All the tests are done (I hope) and should find out tomorrow if I need more surgery. Spine shaped like an S, hips not inline, and where back was fused is at a angle to the left, gained 80 lbs. Hope they have a plan because quite frankly just cannot take this pain anymore. And tired of setting on my butt all the time. Just glad I can still ride, it's about the only thing I can do anymore.

Venting done, wish me luck.

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Went for the MRI today and didn't go very well. They wouldn't do the IV because thats for people thats claustrophobic and I'm not. So I took 2 Vicodin ES 750's a half hour before the test. I was fling high by the time I got on that table and thought this should work out fine. I was half asleep when the pain hit. I hung on as long as I could but finally had to get out of that thing. I lasted 45 minutes but had 30-40 minutes to go. I don't even sleep laying down and laying on that hard plastic just got the spasms going strong. Funny thing is with the pain it felt like the Vicodin had worn off BUT after about a half hour and while I was driving home the Vicodin kicked in again and it was like driving drunk. I had to pull over for awhile. Got to the neurosurgen to let them know what happened and they are going to call me with a new Idea to keep me in that thing for 2 hours. I know whatever pill they want me to take next time I'm NOT driving myself.

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Well made it through the rest of the MRI Friday (that Valium is good stuff) so next week a couple of simple x-rays. Then wait for the call from the surgeon to find out what they want to do.

Thanks to all for the kind words.

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