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Auestion for the Truck Drivers Out There (about passing)


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I used to drive trucks (you call 'em tractors) interstate with my husband, Alan year's ago. He is still driving the dang things after more than 40 years!! I agree with the helpful things said here -- but if you are over here PASS ON THE RIGHT SIDE.

Alan drives a road train, which is tractor and three long trailers -- now they are fun to pass (not)

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I used to drive trucks (you call 'em tractors) interstate with my husband, Alan year's ago. He is still driving the dang things after more than 40 years!! I agree with the helpful things said here -- but if you are over here PASS ON THE RIGHT SIDE.

Alan drives a road train, which is tractor and three long trailers -- now they are fun to pass (not)

I was waiting for you to chip in on this one Annie.

Not only do we pass (overtake) on the right side but when we do it's usually a trucker who is sitting on or below the speed limit. Damn, it's hard to get around some of them when you're in the back blocks. Good way to save on fuel though. Get in the slipstream, put her into neutral, turn the motor off and get sucked along!! (Joke Jan!)

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I was waiting for you to chip in on this one Annie.

Not only do we pass (overtake) on the right side but when we do it's usually a trucker who is sitting on or below the speed limit. Damn, it's hard to get around some of them when you're in the back blocks. Good way to save on fuel though. Get in the slipstream, put her into neutral, turn the motor off and get sucked along!! (Joke Jan!)


Yeah, and passing them cattle trucks just as one decides to go to the toilet :doh::doh: Go on - ask me how I know :bang head: EL PONG-O just ask me :bang head::bang head:

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trucker,are trying to make a living[paying my S.S] i'm having fun,that means they have priorty over me,try to ride so they can see me,if they turn on a signel lite,i will slow down,they need that mo,also they have slowed down to let me in when two lane dropes to one,in all my riding i have not been p----.off at a big truck driver,those smaller bob tail driver,i can not say the same,i'm a line rider,when in traffic,never behind a vehical



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