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We finally made it !


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Little Chilly here this morning in WEST VIRGINIA the state that is Bigger than texas if you shake the wrinkles out...:rotfl::rotfl: Can't talk about the 2nd Gen Now!!!!


GOOD LUCK BRAD & LONNA. Hope great things come your way down there.


Be seeing you down the road!




Or on the phone with a 1st gen question.

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Glad you made it okay. Man, that was quick! First you said it, then you did it.:thumbsup2:


If you're not doing anything on the 29th, of this month, Leland and I are coming down to V7Gooses' place for our own little Carb maintenance day. At least that's what we're planning right now. :whistling: :thumbsup2:

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Squid, Glad ya"ll are here in TEXAS now!!!!!! Give us a call sometime, Maybe we could meet up for a ride.!!!!!!Hope everyone made it home safely. Dad & I rolled in about 6pm last night after visiting with my son & family in Howe OK.Tired to say the least, but We had a great time at the Rally. Again I want to thank all of you for supporting DIAMOND R . Allen & I appreciate it more than you could ever know. Thanks for being our friends as well as THE BEST CUSTOMERS EVER.And A GREAT BIG THANK YOU for everyone who helped us load and unload all the safety chrome I brought to the Rally. Next year I won"t bring the store.!!!!!!LOL

Ride Safe & ENJOY THE RIDE:Venture:

Allen & Patti

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Glad you made it, but your sure picked a nasty place! I have always called the Dallas/Fort Worth area the armpit of Texas, but by comparison, Houston has to be the groin! Just as hot and about 1,200% humidity!!! There is a big reason why they spent so much money putting in enclosed walkways over the streets between most of the buildings down-town.


Best of luck finding work. If you want to come up here to the armpit to check anything out, you have a place to stay as long as we are here. Just give me a call.


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Good to hear you guys got down there safely Brad.

As to folks moving to Texas my brother did it twice. Stayed for 10 years the first time in Houston, then came back to Michigan for about 12 years, then back to Lubbock for 4 more.

He's now in Tennessee and loving it a whole lot better. So who knows maybe you'll eventually end up there anyhow.

Note: this is a shameless plug hoping you guys aren't so far away that we can still see ya several times a year as opposed to maybe once in a blue moon if ya all are rooted in Texas.:whistling:

Anyhow don't rule out Tn entirely. Check on jobs there as well.


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Well, I've been out of the loop for a couple of weeks. Have you moved already or just on a re-con mission? I guess dinner at the golf course this week is out.




Where have you been:stirthepot::confused24: We are just on a re-con mission....Brad is looking to find a job, before we move any place! And it still depends on where we will live, as to where his job ends up to be! We expect to be here the rest of the week, so I guess dinner this week will be out of the question....maybe later after we get back. We will let you know!

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